Title: More Pet Peeves Post by: Dave Gray on March 28, 2012, 06:03:38 pm I have another one:
The Half Favor It's when someone does something nice for you, but doesn't finish it, so it leaves you in a worse spot. My example is this: My wife took my clothes to the dry cleaner....which is great. They needed to go, and that's fine. But she didn't pick them up. So, now, my clothes are clean, but now I have to go get them, so when I go to get a shirt in the morning, half my stuff is missing. Title: Re: More Pet Peeves Post by: bsfins on March 29, 2012, 11:35:43 am - Email accounts asking for my cell number for password recovery....Gmail seems to ask most often,this morning yahoo asked me,when I had to log in after the two week cookie expired...
- Question or accuse,deny (cover up),busted,justify.....I've seen it the most with younger people (clients),but I've busted my Mom quite a bit with it also... Examples.... Question - Mom why aren't you at your Doctor's appointment? Deny - It was canceled Busted - Yeah when I called to see if you still there,they said you called and canceled the appointment.. Justify - We were busy at work,and I didn't want to leave them in a lurch.... Question - Did you take my Chair? Deny - No Busted - Then where did you get yours? Justify - I took yours for the boss.... Title: Re: More Pet Peeves Post by: Pappy13 on March 29, 2012, 11:42:21 am Dishonesty. Watched a great TED Talk on it last night.
How to spot a liar (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_6vDLq64gE) Title: Re: More Pet Peeves Post by: Brian Fein on March 29, 2012, 12:05:42 pm When people lie to me, its the worst. Its a violation of trust, and I can't stand for it.
Title: Re: More Pet Peeves Post by: bsfins on March 29, 2012, 03:22:38 pm Because I'm a just a goofy bastard,I have another 2....I feel they tend to go hand in hand, usually together,but not always...Unfortunately I feel these are part of life...
Momentum killers,and Idea seeders...(I don't know what else to call them,3 quick examples,first two are total fiction,but things that do,or have happened to me) 1.)I plan to build a dog house...I draw up a sketch on how I'm going to do it.Estimate how long it should take me...Check my schedule when I'm going to do it,and the weather is going to coƶperate.. Get up early in the morning go to Lowes to buy everything I need....Come home and start building,About half way in,realize the screws I bought are too short,not strong enough for what I need...Go to Lowes/hardware store to get longer screws (momentum killer),but when I get there the guy says longer screws wont work, I need this bracket... (Idea seeder) I go home,cut the boards to adjust for the new brackets,and continue on with the project...Till I realize that making room for the brackets,now the roof doesn't line up..I either Jerry rig it,Or.(Both momentum killers),Go back to Lowes/Hardware where they tell me I should have bought this bracket instead,or done it this way...(another Idea seeder)...Run out of time,and have to find time to finish the project (momentum killers) 2.) I need to fix something on my truck...Go get the replacement part,start tearing apart my truck to fix the problem,to find out that there is a special wrench,socket,bolt that needs to be taken off..(Momentum killer) Scrounge around,call buddies to see if they have the tool...(Idea seeder) suggests another solution,which is itself a momentum killer.. 2a.) Be tearing into the truck find something else wrong (momentum killer) go to the parts store,and they tell you it's a dealer,or salvage yard part,or has to be ordered...(Horrid Momentum Killers)...Sometimes days stuck with your project torn apart... 3.) My current one,and didn't think people would really be able to relate to this one is why it's last...I started a modeling 3d project in early February,it was a massive pain in the ass to get started,but then I got my modeling mojo going,it started coming along..The first week in March a couple of friends asked me to help them with an animation project (Total and udder momentum killer) I was working with lighting,textures,and key frames in After effects.They idea seeded the hell out of me,and have made it incredibly hard for me to get my modeling mojo back in Cinema4d... (Sorry I got a little wordy there for a simple pet peeve) Modifed to add... - People that turn everything into a point,counter point argument... Title: Re: More Pet Peeves Post by: Pappy13 on March 29, 2012, 03:42:12 pm ^^I just refer to that as the Murphy's law. The worst possible outcome will always be the most likely.
Title: Re: More Pet Peeves Post by: Thundergod on March 29, 2012, 03:57:09 pm Whenever the New York Giants are referred to as the New York football Giants. As Lurch would say: Ohhhhhh...
When you ask someone the score of a game and they reply with the lowest score first. Singularizing team names "I'm a Yankee fan." "Goin to the Dolphin game." (no offense to those who say it) People who reload after every SINGLE shot in FPS's. ...I know I have more but I can't think of 'em right now. ;D EDIT: People who put their kids pics as their default profile pic. Title: Re: More Pet Peeves Post by: Landshark on March 29, 2012, 04:11:03 pm One of my biggest pet peeves is students who expect to be spoon fed with little or no effort or preparation on their part. Also, students who are not turning in their work throughout the semester, then come crying to me towards the end asking me for an exception to my late work policy so they don't fail.
Title: Re: More Pet Peeves Post by: Guru-In-Vegas on March 31, 2012, 03:13:34 pm Laziness. Especially at work. If you expect to get paid why shouldn't it be expected you put forth some kind of effort into whatever it is you're getting compensated for? I laugh when it's the older guys who are staunch *insert party here* who cry about welfare queens and government handouts yet they are the ones who do the least AND feel the most entitled. Speaking of government handouts, they are drawing in retirement checks from the military, social security and now their paychecks which they do the absolute minimum to "earn". The defenition of handout has never had a more accurate picture than these guys.
I guess my pet peeve moved from laziness and more towards grumpy old F**Ks who don't do shit. :D But laziness in general is extremely annoying to me. Work, school, home ... whatever. I can't stand lazy people. Title: Re: More Pet Peeves Post by: Dave Gray on April 03, 2012, 01:58:42 pm Another one:
My wife got a new mailbox. She took it upon herself to put on the new mailbox. She took the old one off the post, realized that the new one didn't fit, and left them both on the ground. Then, I had a mailbox to fix. Title: Re: More Pet Peeves Post by: tubba marxxx on April 06, 2012, 02:06:42 pm Minor one: when somebody says they're "itching" something
Example: "Stop itching your arm" Itch is a feeling, not a verb..you can not itch something, you scratch it. Title: Re: More Pet Peeves Post by: MaineDolFan on April 06, 2012, 02:32:40 pm Dave...are you sure your wife isn't your pet peeve? ;)
Title: Re: More Pet Peeves Post by: Dave Gray on April 06, 2012, 02:57:57 pm ^ Sounds about right. I think that when you spend that much time with each other, you're bound to get bent by some of their quirks.
Title: Re: More Pet Peeves Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on April 06, 2012, 03:11:00 pm Whenever the New York Giants are referred to as the New York football Giants. As Lurch would say: Ohhhhhh... That goes back to before 1957 to differenate them from a baseball team of a similiar name that has since moved to San Fran. Title: Re: More Pet Peeves Post by: Thundergod on April 06, 2012, 06:41:30 pm ^ Yeah I know. And I understand it's a reference to the old NFL films announcer. And it doesn't bother when people like Chris Berman used to mock it during his highlight shows. It's when people use it in daily converstations when talking about the Giants that's so annoying.
Title: Re: More Pet Peeves Post by: bsfins on April 12, 2012, 11:07:04 am (I know I've probably whined about this for long time,and no cheese please)
People who rate bad product reviews... a.) That have very little or nothing to do with the product... Examples- UPS delivered it today,and it was smashed all to hell when I opened the box...1 star rating I owned it for 6 months,I took a day off work to wait for the repair man,he never showed up,blah,blah,blah....Sob story... b.) Bad reviews because they're complete effin morons,and didn't read the product description,size,etc... Examples- I bought this refrigerator,and it's too big..It doesn't fit in the space for my refrigerator...2 star review It doesn't have _________ My old one had ___________ This one should have it! 1 star review While I'm an avid review reader when I buy things,I skip the moron posts for the most part before I buy.When I follow the price after purchase, I tend to go back a read the moron posts to watch out for things that seem to have a pattern of breaking (I've usually taken that into account before purchase,but the bad reviews bother me more after I purchase the product)... Title: Re: More Pet Peeves Post by: tubba marxxx on April 12, 2012, 03:24:25 pm Pajama pants in public. I could understand like, running out to the corner store to get a pack of smokes or a dozen bagels or something, but don't wear them out to an Applebee's..even if you are only there for the half priced appetizers. I'm all about individuality and "not giving a crap," but nothing screams dirtbag more than this
Also, I feel like I've said this before, but can't find it, so: Nobody knowing how to do their job. Let me explain: Small example, you go out to eat and you order a burger, no onions. Sure as shit if comes back to you with onions on it. "No one" The other day I'm driving to work and I see a billboard put up completely upside down. How do you fuck that up? "No one" This is probably the best example that we all might know and love: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4T2GmGSNvaM Title: Re: More Pet Peeves Post by: bsfins on April 15, 2012, 11:51:44 am A full size pick up,slammed to the ground...Low rider.. >:(..I followed like 5 of them down the road a few minutes ago,it was like a traffic jam,as it took them forever going over the railroad tracks..It just offends my redneck sensibilities,and every vibe of my redneckness :D
Same Vein, Classic cars,given the Scion treatment type makeover.... Neither are cool for me.... Title: Re: More Pet Peeves Post by: bsfins on April 19, 2012, 04:38:19 pm Those little banner/toolbar on the bottom of some web pages,Like on C/net,they scroll with the page...Some you have the ability to click and make go away...Others you're stuck with...massive pet peeve...
Title: Re: More Pet Peeves Post by: Brian Fein on April 19, 2012, 05:18:22 pm Those little banner/toolbar on the bottom of some web pages,Like on C/net,they scroll with the page...Some you have the ability to click and make go away...Others you're stuck with...massive pet peeve... I HATE THOSE! Attention all web developers. This sucks, stop doing it. |