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TDMMC Forums => Around the NFL => Topic started by: Brian Fein on April 23, 2012, 11:20:07 am

Title: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: Brian Fein on April 23, 2012, 11:20:07 am
Why does Tim Tebow have a tracker page on

Where's the Aaron Rodgers tracker?  Or the Tom Brady tracker?  Or the Ray Lewis tracker?

This is why I can't stand Tim Tebow.  Through no fault of his own, the backup QB for the Jets gets a "tracker" page on ESPN.  The media is making me sick of him.  And the guy isn't even in the league's top 50 at his position.

He can be Christian all he wants, and be a great guy, but when it comes to football, he's a complete bum.  I don't understand why the media and the league in general is so ga-ga over this guy.

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: Spider-Dan on April 23, 2012, 11:29:03 am
He's the most popular player in the league.

The media doesn't care about who is the best; they care about who is the most popular.  Normally, the two are the same thing.

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on April 23, 2012, 12:38:27 pm
How far did yoou have to dig for that?  Cause I didn't see it on 

He is a popular player, if you did a little you are going to find news articles on him. 

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: Brian Fein on April 23, 2012, 01:07:17 pm
I didn't have to go far.  I was reading up on stuff for my other post about Tannehill and I found this article on ESPN.  It was the lead headline when I opened the NFL page:

On the right side under the little draft graphic, there's a bunch of links.  Its right there.

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on April 23, 2012, 01:12:36 pm
^^^ not for me.

But then again a lot of pages have cookies and the content is designed around what you search for.  If you frequently search for Tebow stories you get more Tebow stories.  If you mostly look for stuff Peyton Manning you get more stuff on Peyton Manning. 

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: Brian Fein on April 23, 2012, 01:28:36 pm
Trust me, I don't go searching for Tebow articles...


Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: EKnight on April 23, 2012, 03:34:06 pm
Why does Tim Tebow have a tracker page on

Where's the Aaron Rodgers tracker?  Or the Tom Brady tracker?  Or the Ray Lewis tracker?

This is why I can't stand Tim Tebow.  Through no fault of his own, the backup QB for the Jets gets a "tracker" page on ESPN.  The media is making me sick of him.  And the guy isn't even in the league's top 50 at his position.

He can be Christian all he wants, and be a great guy, but when it comes to football, he's a complete bum.  I don't understand why the media and the league in general is so ga-ga over this guy.

Why do people who dislike him so much care? What's the difference to you one way or the other? If you don't like it, no one is forcing you to click on it. I know it comes as a shock to some people, but there are more important things- and some things that get put on "sports" pages- than what happens on the field every week. That's why he gets a tracker.

FWIW, mark this thread, because he may start the season as the back-up QB, but he won't stay there all year. Look at the Jets' schedule- Bills-Steelers-Dolphins-Niners-Texans to start. Combined record last year 47-33. With the way Sanchez finished the year last year, it wouldn't surprise me if Tebow is starting by week 6 against the Colts. -EK

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: CF DolFan on April 23, 2012, 03:45:45 pm
Why does Tim Tebow have a tracker page on 
Pretty simple. Because people care.  I mean ... They care if he does well, they care is he does bad. They even care if he gets booed at a baseball game.  It really isn't about whether you like him or not it's about the name Tebow and that it causes people to react. If people didn't react, even as you did, then things like the tracker and him getting headlines would quickly go away.

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: MikeO on April 23, 2012, 05:39:07 pm
Why does Tim Tebow have a tracker page on

Where's the Aaron Rodgers tracker?  Or the Tom Brady tracker?  Or the Ray Lewis tracker?

This is why I can't stand Tim Tebow.  Through no fault of his own, the backup QB for the Jets gets a "tracker" page on ESPN.  The media is making me sick of him.  And the guy isn't even in the league's top 50 at his position.

He can be Christian all he wants, and be a great guy, but when it comes to football, he's a complete bum.  I don't understand why the media and the league in general is so ga-ga over this guy.

Tebow sucks

Remember the "E" in ESPN stands for ENTERTAINMENT! Nuff said! They are closer to TMZ than CNN these days when it comes to reporting.

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: bsmooth on April 24, 2012, 04:27:06 am
Why do people who dislike him so much care? What's the difference to you one way or the other? If you don't like it, no one is forcing you to click on it. I know it comes as a shock to some people, but there are more important things- and some things that get put on "sports" pages- than what happens on the field every week. That's why he gets a tracker.

FWIW, mark this thread, because he may start the season as the back-up QB, but he won't stay there all year. Look at the Jets' schedule- Bills-Steelers-Dolphins-Niners-Texans to start. Combined record last year 47-33. With the way Sanchez finished the year last year, it wouldn't surprise me if Tebow is starting by week 6 against the Colts. -EK

Yes things that have nothing to do with the sport of football. Here you are psuedo defending Tebow again, when a legitimate complaint is brought up as to why this player is being given a special status over all the other athletes in all sports around the world. Yet you cannot see why people are tired of seeing or hearing about him.

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: Landshark on April 24, 2012, 06:30:48 am
Yes things that have nothing to do with the sport of football. Here you are psuedo defending Tebow again, when a legitimate complaint is brought up as to why this player is being given a special status over all the other athletes in all sports around the world. Yet you cannot see why people are tired of seeing or hearing about him.

None of this is Tebow's fault.   Blame the media that is putting him on the pedestal.

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: MikeO on April 24, 2012, 07:11:30 am
None of this is Tebow's fault.   Blame the media that is putting him on the pedestal.

I half agree with this. Yes the media blows everything he does up and makes it headlines. But some of this Tebow brings on himself. Tebow is allowed to say NO to interviews. He doesn't have to give each and every one that is requested. Nobody forced him to do a 60 Minutes piece (just one example.)  He can demand cameras aren't there when he does charity work. But funny how damn near every one is captured on tape.

While I wont say its all Tebows fault the coverage he gets, he does bring a lot of it on himself and is not some total innocent.

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: Landshark on April 24, 2012, 07:59:36 am
I half agree with this. Yes the media blows everything he does up and makes it headlines. But some of this Tebow brings on himself. Tebow is allowed to say NO to interviews. He doesn't have to give each and every one that is requested. Nobody forced him to do a 60 Minutes piece (just one example.)  He can demand cameras aren't there when he does charity work. But funny how damn near every one is captured on tape.

While I wont say its all Tebows fault the coverage he gets, he does bring a lot of it on himself and is not some total innocent.

So that tells me he's a softie who can't say no.  Nothing wrong with that on his part.  It's the media taking advantage of him

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: CF DolFan on April 24, 2012, 08:08:26 am
I half agree with this. Yes the media blows everything he does up and makes it headlines. But some of this Tebow brings on himself. Tebow is allowed to say NO to interviews. He doesn't have to give each and every one that is requested. Nobody forced him to do a 60 Minutes piece (just one example.)  He can demand cameras aren't there when he does charity work. But funny how damn near every one is captured on tape.

While I wont say its all Tebows fault the coverage he gets, he does bring a lot of it on himself and is not some total innocent.
Tebow's goal in life is that everyone will come to Christ and that he can do whatever to bring Christ into their lives.  He isn't setting his schedule so that he won't upset people who feel they see too much of him. 

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: masterfins on April 24, 2012, 11:30:54 am
I half agree with this. Yes the media blows everything he does up and makes it headlines. But some of this Tebow brings on himself. Tebow is allowed to say NO to interviews. He doesn't have to give each and every one that is requested. Nobody forced him to do a 60 Minutes piece (just one example.)  He can demand cameras aren't there when he does charity work. But funny how damn near every one is captured on tape.

While I wont say its all Tebows fault the coverage he gets, he does bring a lot of it on himself and is not some total innocent.

I'd say about 75% isn't his fault.  There are interviews that the NFL requires players to do.  I'm sure some of the charities want the camera's there, it gives them exposure so that they can raise needed funds.  IF Tebow has done charity work without the cameras, etc, we probably wouldn't know about it right??  OR perhaps that would be a bigger media storm with "news" organizations making a big deal that he didn't want camera's there.  In a sense the guy can't win either way.  BUT, the media hype is good for him, builds exposure, builds his "brand", makes him money. However, I guarantee there are reporters out there looking for some skeleton in the closet that they can crucify him with though.

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: EKnight on April 24, 2012, 11:57:48 am
How does that equal 75%? That seems like none of it is his fault. Regarding the "he can demand cameras aren't there" comment by Mike, actually, no he can't. Freedom of press. -EK

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: Cathal on April 24, 2012, 12:08:14 pm
I'd say about 75% isn't his fault.  There are interviews that the NFL requires players to do.  I'm sure some of the charities want the camera's there, it gives them exposure so that they can raise needed funds.  IF Tebow has done charity work without the cameras, etc, we probably wouldn't know about it right??  OR perhaps that would be a bigger media storm with "news" organizations making a big deal that he didn't want camera's there.  In a sense the guy can't win either way.  BUT, the media hype is good for him, builds exposure, builds his "brand", makes him money. However, I guarantee there are reporters out there looking for some skeleton in the closet that they can crucify him with though.

And how is that any of Tebow's fault?

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: masterfins on April 24, 2012, 02:04:22 pm
^^^ The parts where he does have free will to play along with the media hype, 60 minutes interview for example.

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: MikeO on April 24, 2012, 05:17:19 pm
^^^ The parts where he does have free will to play along with the media hype, 60 minutes interview for example.

And if he doesn't say at which events he will be appearing then the media doesn't know. Hence they can't follow him there or be waiting for him there.

Charity isn't about watching you hand over the check or chat with the kids. It's about just doing it. Many celebrities can do charitable gestures without the attention and cameras. They figure it out and figure out a way to keep the attention away. If Tebow wanted to, he could. He doesn't want too.

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: Spider-Dan on April 24, 2012, 08:14:41 pm
Tebow's goal in life is that everyone will come to Christ and that he can do whatever to bring Christ into their lives.  He isn't setting his schedule so that he won't upset people who feel they see too much of him.
Do you have the same opinion of, say, Tom Cruise?

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: bsmooth on April 25, 2012, 01:54:28 am
Tebow's goal in life is that everyone will come to Christ and that he can do whatever to bring Christ into their lives.  He isn't setting his schedule so that he won't upset people who feel they see too much of him. 

Once again, all I said was people are tired of seeing and hearing him period. It is a legitimate complaint as it borders on insanity. There are many people who are seen or heard too much about besides Tebow, and I am tired of them too.

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: CF DolFan on April 25, 2012, 07:45:25 am
Once again, all I said was people are tired of seeing and hearing him period. It is a legitimate complaint as it borders on insanity. There are many people who are seen or heard too much about besides Tebow, and I am tired of them too.
Not sure why you quoted me but I was referring to MikeO's post "Tebow is allowed to say NO to interviews. He doesn't have to give each and every one that is requested. Nobody forced him to do a 60 Minutes piece (just one example.)  He can demand cameras aren't there when he does charity work. But funny how damn near every one is captured on tape." FWIW ... I would bet Tebow does a  lot of good things off camera too.

I can totally understand why people think he is seen too much. I just don't think that's his goal.

This kind of reminds me of something I heard a long time ago ... no matter how hot a women/girl is, there is probably someone who is tired of her.

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: Fins4ever on April 25, 2012, 11:05:18 am
Why do people who dislike him so much care? What's the difference to you one way or the other? If you don't like it, no one is forcing you to click on it. I know it comes as a shock to some people, but there are more important things- and some things that get put on "sports" pages- than what happens on the field every week. That's why he gets a tracker.

FWIW, mark this thread, because he may start the season as the back-up QB, but he won't stay there all year. Look at the Jets' schedule- Bills-Steelers-Dolphins-Niners-Texans to start. Combined record last year 47-33. With the way Sanchez finished the year last year, it wouldn't surprise me if Tebow is starting by week 6 against the Colts. -EK

I am with you. It is a shame the media turns us off of certain people. Tebow is getting his 15 minutes. All networks do it. My wife watches the reality crap and the cooking shows. There were several months when you could not turn the tv on without seeing Rachael Ray or Kim Kardasian. UGH!

As far as Tebow goes, exploiting him doesn't bother me near as much as seeing Tom Brady on     ES Patriot Network 23 hours a day.   

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: EKnight on April 25, 2012, 11:41:33 am
And if he doesn't say at which events he will be appearing then the media doesn't know. Hence they can't follow him there or be waiting for him there.

Charity isn't about watching you hand over the check or chat with the kids. It's about just doing it. Many celebrities can do charitable gestures without the attention and cameras. They figure it out and figure out a way to keep the attention away. If Tebow wanted to, he could. He doesn't want too.

This is a lame argument. Isn't it more likely than not that he IS doing plenty of work that he doesn't seek coverage for?  If he doesn't say, then the media doesn't know? You can't be that naive about how the media works, can you? There are AP guys whose entire job is to do nothing but look for things like this. Do you really think it was just coincidence some news agencies had stories of Tiger Woods's diddling BEFORE he crashed his car and it made national attention? Major media outlets have entire departments devoted completely to researching celebrities and their good and bad deeds. What are the chances that- realistically- a guy like Tebow, whose first response after a win is to praise his teammates and take the focus away from himself, is out "seeking" press coverage for his charity work? The media covers EVERYTHING he does. That was the entire point of this thread- that Tebow doesn't deserve a "tracker" on ESPN. He is a polarizing figure. Like that or not, it's what he is. To make the claim that he doesn't want to do charity without cameras present is just ridiculous. Do you think when he was at UF, in the week leading up to UF’s spring football game, when he participated in charity events that raised around $300,000 for the children’s hospital at Shands at UF and an orphanage in the Philippines, he was lobbying for press coverage? Did you even know he did that? Yes he gets a ton of coverage, there's no doubt, but to think he seeks it sounds like sour grapes.

Once again, all I said was people are tired of seeing and hearing him period. It is a legitimate complaint as it borders on insanity. There are many people who are seen or heard too much about besides Tebow, and I am tired of them too.

I absolutely agree there are people who are sick of hearing about him. But there are far more who are NOT sick of him. He is still the most popular athlete in America. There's really no debating that. Until that changes, he's going to have trackers, stories, pictorials, and coverage. His actual ability has nothing to do with that, and the "purist" football nerds who don't get that, and don't get that life is bigger than what goes on on the field are just going to have to deal with it in whatever way they choose to. Every time I turn on the news, there's somebody killing their infant, shooting a school up, dying of incurable bone disease, or drowning in debt. Here's a guy who seems pretty squeaky-clean and who gives back- in one way or another- more than most. And people are sick of the coverage? When was the last time someone throwing those stones volunteered at a soup kitchen, worked with the MDA or March of Dimes or any one of a thousand other charities on a regular basis? Before you bag on the guy, try his lifestyle for a little while. You might be surprised and find out it's not really so bad. -EK

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: Fins4ever on April 25, 2012, 12:08:33 pm
And if he doesn't say at which events he will be appearing then the media doesn't know. Hence they can't follow him there or be waiting for him there.

Charity isn't about watching you hand over the check or chat with the kids. It's about just doing it. Many celebrities can do charitable gestures without the attention and cameras. They figure it out and figure out a way to keep the attention away. If Tebow wanted to, he could. He doesn't want too.

I disagree. Tebow has been doing missionary work all his life and he had some privacy until he played with Denver last year. Even winning 2 National Championships at UF did not garner the attention he gets now. I feel for the guy. He can't take a crap without being on camera and being in the Big Apple makes it all the more worse.

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: Brian Fein on April 25, 2012, 03:19:49 pm
I look on ESPN for sports news, not charity news.  A SPORTS site shouldn't be giving Tebow any more coverage then, let's say, John Skelton, Joe Webb, TJ Yates, Brian Hoyer, or any other backup QB in the league.  When they start up a TJ Yates tracker, then I will bow out of my hatred for Tebow.

All of these guys could be just as "good" of people, but you would never know it.  Most of you probably couldn't even tell me what teams these guys play for.

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: CF DolFan on April 25, 2012, 03:35:17 pm
I look on ESPN for sports news, not charity news.  A SPORTS site shouldn't be giving Tebow any more coverage then, let's say, John Skelton, Joe Webb, TJ Yates, Brian Hoyer, or any other backup QB in the league.  When they start up a TJ Yates tracker, then I will bow out of my hatred for Tebow.

All of these guys could be just as "good" of people, but you would never know it.  Most of you probably couldn't even tell me what teams these guys play for.
Isn't your anger misdirected? Shouldn't your anger be with ESPN more so than say Tebow or did he buy the station and is forcing them to show himself?

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: Brian Fein on April 25, 2012, 04:18:39 pm
I'm not mad at Tebow.  I dislike his existence.  I never said it was his fault.  I just want to stop hearing about him.

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on April 25, 2012, 06:55:05 pm
Tebow wouldn't be getting this kinda of coverage if it didn't generate page hits.  By starting this thread and adding the link that we all followed, will result in more news on Tebow, not less. 

If you want less coverage on Tebow stop clicking on every link with his name in it. 

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: Landshark on April 25, 2012, 10:56:33 pm
Tebow wouldn't be getting this kinda of coverage if it didn't generate page hits.  By starting this thread and adding the link that we all followed, will result in more news on Tebow, not less. 

If you want less coverage on Tebow stop clicking on every link with his name in it. 

HAHAHAHA!!!!!!   This post made my day.  Thanks Hoodie

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: NYFin on April 27, 2012, 01:39:18 pm
This is more of an ESPN problem than a Tebow problem, I think.  They're more ad media than they are actual journalism.  They "cover" a product that they also show.  So they're not going to cover according to merit.  So Tebow has a page.

Tebow is kind of an interesting experiment though. 

Low release point.  This means passes get batted down right?  Eh, Tebow throws outside of the pocket on the run a lot, so it doesn't much hurt him. 

Can't hit receivers in their route.  This means he can't run an NFL offense, right?  True, Tebow doesn't run an offense (which is why he's bad in practice) so much as he reacts.  He uses his legs to extend plays until a defender breaks down and then reacts to that with a pass to an easy-to-hit receiver.

This is why Billick's suggestion that Tebow lose some arm/chest size is so off.  Tebow is what he is and will never be a good passer--so there's no point in trying.  His bigger frame is something he needs. He is oddly capable of working around his flaws by using his running ability and elusiveness.  The question is how long he can keep it up.  I'm inclined to think that it's going to stop working and that he'll get solved and won't have the passing ability to stay relevant. 

So he's interesting to watch him play because he's so weird as a QB.  Does ESPN talk about him way too much?  Yeah, yeah they do.  But I'm always interested to see how he does--moreso than I am with some "better" quarterbacks.

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: EKnight on May 17, 2012, 11:43:19 am

FWIW, mark this thread, because he may start the season as the back-up QB, but he won't stay there all year. Look at the Jets' schedule- Bills-Steelers-Dolphins-Niners-Texans to start. Combined record last year 47-33. With the way Sanchez finished the year last year, it wouldn't surprise me if Tebow is starting by week 6 against the Colts. -EK

Interesting piece on First Take this morning regarding Gruden's "obsession" with Tim and the Revis comments about Tebow:
"He's a born leader," Revis said via the New York Daily News. "He really is. Very few athletes have the gift that he has. He tries to lead by example all the time and he tries to be positive, which is awesome. I think that results (in) his success on the field. He came in with Denver and did unbelievable. And now he's with us. We're happy. We're excited for him. We're happy (that) he'll bring his leadership qualities to this team."

Skip, Chris Carter, and Stephen A. Smith pointed out that Pittsburgh allowed 4 plays on defense of 20 yards or more all season, and Tebow had that many in the first half against them. What I found most interesting was that all three seemed to be in agreement that Tebow will be starting at some point this season, with one of them (Smith, I believe) saying that basically Sanchez had "no chance," and bringing in Tebow was a "fix," implying he was meant to be the starter from the time they traded for him. They also pointed out that Jets QB coach Matt Cavanaugh praised his mechanics and arm strength: "“I was pleasantly surprised when I saw him over an extended period of time ... not just watching him play on film. I think he's certainly got the arm strength. He has good mechanics. They're getting better every day."

My only problem with this is that I feel unclean hoping he does- like, I need to go shower and use some disinfectant pulling for a Jet. -EK

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: MikeO on May 21, 2012, 01:51:17 am

Tebow's reps are out of control in recent weeks according to various stories. Suing over T-shirts that don't even mention his name but they feel are about him and now this recent story of having people remove pictures from social media that he actually poses for.

Gotta protect the image and the "brand"

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: CF DolFan on May 22, 2012, 08:20:30 am

Tebow's reps are out of control in recent weeks according to various stories. Suing over T-shirts that don't even mention his name but they feel are about him and now this recent story of having people remove pictures from social media that he actually poses for.

Gotta protect the image and the "brand"
I read Tebows reps had dropped it but the NFL picked it up as it was their brand that was being extorted. The "NY" was repalced by "MY"  and "JETS" was replaced by "Jesus" but it is obviously the Jets logo.

Coming from a Tebow fan I'd have to say that's actually kind of creepy to me.

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: fyo on May 22, 2012, 04:58:01 pm
I read Tebows reps had dropped it but the NFL picked it up as it was their brand that was being extorted. The "NY" was repalced by "MY"  and "JETS" was replaced by "Jesus" but it is obviously the Jets logo.

Those shirts are way out there. On what planet did the folks behind them think the NFL would let that pass? They're virtually identical to NY Jets tees. The NFL are obligated to defend their trademarks in cases like that.

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: Phishfan on May 22, 2012, 05:32:18 pm
People do this all the time. Was it a corporation or just someone who made some t-shirts? I've seen many a t-shirt that took privileges with logos and have even owned a few myself. I understand why they want to protect their brand but these things happen all the time.

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: MikeO on May 22, 2012, 06:42:26 pm
I read Tebows reps had dropped it but the NFL picked it up as it was their brand that was being extorted. The "NY" was repalced by "MY"  and "JETS" was replaced by "Jesus" but it is obviously the Jets logo.

Coming from a Tebow fan I'd have to say that's actually kind of creepy to me.

That wasn't the shirt I was talking about but I saw that one and the NFL was right to step in.

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on May 30, 2012, 01:57:26 pm
Tim Tebow has the second best selling jersey of all NFL players.

It isn't the media thrusting Tebow news on an audience trying to avoid it.  He is a popular player

Title: Re: Tebow: Sickening
Post by: EKnight on August 13, 2012, 10:28:41 am
The sky must be falling....Stephen A. Smith just acknowledged that TEbow gives the Jets the best chance of winning and should start over Sanchez. Shocked! -EK