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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: Landshark on April 30, 2012, 09:31:59 pm

Title: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: Landshark on April 30, 2012, 09:31:59 pm
Wow.  This brings "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" to a whole new level.

Title: Re: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: dolphins4life on April 30, 2012, 09:45:14 pm
This sounds very fishy.     

Check that, it looks like it is true.

I can't imagine any person doing that.

That's some crazy stuff.     

Title: Re: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: raptorsfan29 on May 01, 2012, 12:33:10 am
i can certainly see why the ex dumped her, She needs to be checked into a mental institution.

Title: Re: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: Brian Fein on May 01, 2012, 09:15:09 am
The first line of the story says it all...
"If you're planning a trip to the dentist, it might not be the wisest decision to make your appointment with the person you just broke up with."


Title: Re: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: Phishfan on May 01, 2012, 10:05:41 am
They are both batshit crazy. Like Brian said, I never would have considered going to my ex for dental work.

Title: Re: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: Buddhagirl on May 01, 2012, 10:09:53 am
They kind of deserve each other. Who the hell goes to their ex for dental work?

Title: Re: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: EKnight on May 01, 2012, 10:18:27 am
Maybe exam time is just getting to me, but was I the only one who laughed when he admitted his new GF left him because he is toothless now?  >:D -EK

Title: Re: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: Frimp on May 01, 2012, 11:23:24 am
I think her penalty should be to pay to give him dental a different dentist. I think that would be a more suitable sentence than prison. I guess its weird. Woman mutilates man, man comes back. John Bobbit tried to reconcile with Lorena. He did get what he deserved by going to her though.

Title: Re: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: Cathal on May 01, 2012, 11:26:56 am
You think she should not have gone to prison? She should go to prison and pay for any dental bills. And why do you think he deserves it? I didn't see in the article, but it's not like he cheated or anything, they just broke up...

Title: Re: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on May 01, 2012, 12:25:30 pm
I think her penalty should be to pay to give him dental a different dentist. I think that would be a more suitable sentence than prison. I guess its weird. Woman mutilates man, man comes back. John Bobbit tried to reconcile with Lorena. He did get what he deserved by going to her though.

I agree with Cathal on this.

Two aspects.  The criminal aspect -- she belongs in jail for committing a crime.

The civil aspect -- she needs to bay for his dental bills plus pain and suffering, lost work time, etc.

Yeah, he was stupid to use his ex.  But visting the same resturant that your ex works at doesn't doesn't justify them poisoning your food.

Title: Re: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: AZ Fins Fan 55 on May 01, 2012, 03:44:02 pm
You think she should not have gone to prison? She should go to prison and pay for any dental bills. And why do you think he deserves it? I didn't see in the article, but it's not like he cheated or anything, they just broke up...

Gotta agree here....while it may not have been the brightest of ideas to use your ex as your dentist.....he didn't deserve what she did to him.

Title: Re: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: Brian Fein on May 01, 2012, 03:52:07 pm
What's worse is that this person will never work as a dentist again, even after she gets out of jail.  Her life is over due to that dumb decision.

Title: Re: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: Landshark on May 01, 2012, 10:26:43 pm
What's worse is that this person will never work as a dentist again, even after she gets out of jail.  Her life is over due to that dumb decision.

Stuff me and my colleagues talk about all the time.  How you can work so hard your whole life to get what you want, then see it all pissed away because of a stupid decision you made.

Title: Re: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: el diablo on May 03, 2012, 07:04:37 pm
Stuff me and my colleagues talk about all the time.  How you can work so hard your whole life to get what you want, then see it all pissed away because of a stupid decision you made.


Title: Re: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: Phishfan on May 09, 2012, 01:45:54 pm
Turn out this was just another example of irresponsible reporting. The Internet has killed any kind of true journalism in this world. They should be ashamed.

Title: Re: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: dolphins4life on May 11, 2012, 10:12:39 pm
Do I get credit for being skeptical at first?     

Title: Re: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: Cathal on May 12, 2012, 08:30:50 pm
Do I get credit for being skeptical at first?     

You said it seemed fishy and then within the hour said it was legit.  ;D So for the first hour, I'll give you some credit.

Title: Re: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: el diablo on May 12, 2012, 08:41:49 pm
Well, I'll be damned.

Title: Re: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: Landshark on May 12, 2012, 09:38:23 pm
You said it seemed fishy and then within the hour said it was legit.  ;D So for the first hour, I'll give you some credit.

One graduate credit hour for Dolphins4life

Title: Re: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: dolphins4life on May 13, 2012, 12:03:54 am
Please don't bring that up.

I actually just destroyed my diploma right before I signed on here.  I took the paper out of the board, ripped it into a bunch of pieces, and put it in the shredder.  Now nobody will know that I ever "graduated" from Northeastern.  I was the biggest failure ever to go to that school.  I hate having my  degree.  I wish there was a way to invalidate it.  Having a degree is hurting, not helping my chances of getting a job. 

Title: Re: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: Landshark on May 13, 2012, 06:57:46 am
Please don't bring that up.

I actually just destroyed my diploma right before I signed on here.  I took the paper out of the board, ripped it into a bunch of pieces, and put it in the shredder.  Now nobody will know that I ever "graduated" from Northeastern.  I was the biggest failure ever to go to that school.  I hate having my  degree.  I wish there was a way to invalidate it.  Having a degree is hurting, not helping my chances of getting a job. 

Son, you do realize that with your college degree, you have a fighting chance in today's job market.  Without one, you'd have almost no chance.  It's an employers market out there.  Try to go to employment agencies if you're having trouble finding work. 

It's sad that you ripped up your degree, but it doesn't invalidate it.  Fact is, you put in all the hard work and you still graduated.  Nothing can take that away from you.  If you change your mind later, I'm sure the school will give you a copy of your degree although there might be a fee for that.

Title: Re: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: dolphins4life on May 13, 2012, 10:03:08 am

No I don't.  If I did not have my degree, I could get a job working behind a cash register, working at a retail store, working at McDonald's, or waiting tables etc.

By having a degree, I hurt my chances of getting those jobs.

Since I don't have any experience, I can't a job in my field. 

Edit:  I also destroyed it because with it, I was living a lie.  The wording on my diploma made it seem like I had actually accomplished something at Northeastern.  In reality, I failed miserably.  I had a co-op at a Pharmaceutical company in the Spring of 2009.  If I had done well at that co-op, they would have kept me on, but they didn't, nor did they offer me a job after graduation.  Therefore, I failed completely.  Not only that, but when it was time for me to do a second co-op, I could not even get a job.  Going to Northeastern was the biggest mistake I ever made in my life.

Title: Re: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: Landshark on May 13, 2012, 10:47:42 am

No I don't.  If I did not have my degree, I could get a job working behind a cash register, working at a retail store, working at McDonald's, or waiting tables etc.

By having a degree, I hurt my chances of getting those jobs.

Since I don't have any experience, I can't a job in my field. 

Son, you are selling yourself way short with those jobs you mentioned.

Title: Re: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: Pappy13 on May 13, 2012, 12:44:18 pm
No I don't.  If I did not have my degree, I could get a job working behind a cash register, working at a retail store, working at McDonald's, or waiting tables etc. By having a degree, I hurt my chances of getting those jobs.
Stop being so negative. A degree is NOT stopping you from getting those jobs. Why would you say that? If you don't think it's to your advantage to state that you have a degree on a resume or job application, then don't.

Since I don't have any experience, I can't a job in my field. 
No one comes out of college with experience. You'll have to find an entry level position in your field or maybe find a job that doesn't directly relate to your field that somehow is indirectly related to your field.

Edit:  I also destroyed it because with it, I was living a lie.  The wording on my diploma made it seem like I had actually accomplished something at Northeastern.  In reality, I failed miserably.  I had a co-op at a Pharmaceutical company in the Spring of 2009.  If I had done well at that co-op, they would have kept me on, but they didn't, nor did they offer me a job after graduation.  Therefore, I failed completely.  Not only that, but when it was time for me to do a second co-op, I could not even get a job.  Going to Northeastern was the biggest mistake I ever made in my life.
I got news for you buddy, none of that was Northeastern's fault, that's all on YOU. As you're finding out a diploma doesn't guarantee you a job and it doesn't help you keep a job, that's all on you. You gotta figure out how to apply what you learned in school. School is only 1 tool to help you in your career, there are many others.

Title: Re: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: dolphins4life on May 13, 2012, 01:18:04 pm

Seriously, where did I ever say it was Northeastern's fault?  It is my own fault for being such an incompetent moron. 

I look at all entry level positions and they all require a significant amount of experience.  I don't have a hope of landing any of them.     

Title: Re: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: Landshark on May 13, 2012, 01:46:20 pm

Seriously, where did I ever say it was Northeastern's fault?  It is my own fault for being such an incompetent moron. 

I look at all entry level positions and they all require a significant amount of experience.  I don't have a hope of landing any of them.     

Any internships you nay have done in college will help.  You can still look for one if you recently graduated

Title: Re: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: bsfins on May 14, 2012, 11:47:59 am
Please don't bring that up.

I actually just destroyed my diploma right before I signed on here.  I took the paper out of the board, ripped it into a bunch of pieces, and put it in the shredder.  Now nobody will know that I ever "graduated" from Northeastern.  I was the biggest failure ever to go to that school.  I hate having my  degree.  I wish there was a way to invalidate it.  Having a degree is hurting, not helping my chances of getting a job. 

I'm sorry if this comes off as mean spirited,prickish,being a dick,It's not meant to be.... As someone that doesn't have a college degree,and scared shitless,to go back to school Blah,Blah,Blah.You've accomplished so much more than I have,or could try to claim to,by putting in the time,the money,graduating,and getting your degree...

I wish you would have made a Youtube video doing this....

Title: Re: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: Phishfan on May 14, 2012, 11:54:21 am
I don't mean  for this to sound mean spirited either, but you seem to go through this quite a bit. I think you need to consider some medication or professional assistance. Sometimes it sounds like it may just be a self esteem thing but there really might be an imbalance that causes this self loathing.

Title: Re: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: dolphins4life on May 14, 2012, 10:31:12 pm
I am on medication for ADHD and I do see a therapist. (thanks to Buddha's suggestion)

Title: Re: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: Phishfan on May 15, 2012, 09:39:09 am
I'm no expert in the area, but I'm not sure the ADHD medication addresses what I am talking about (at least they don't appear to be). Posts like the ones you made in this thread come every so often from you and maybe I am reading too much into it, but they seem quite extreme. I don't want to say manic but your self loathing gets lower than anyone I know in my personal life.

Title: Re: Dentist pulls out all her ex boyfriend's teeth
Post by: Brian Fein on May 15, 2012, 01:31:07 pm
Dude, first things first...

Any position that requires experience is not entry-level.  By definition, entry-level requires no experience.  At my job, we have co-ops come and go all the time without hiring them.  It doesn't mean they sucked.  It means we're not hiring right now.

Secondly, if you want to get a job at a grocery store bagging groceries, you can do that assuming they are hiring.  Their need for people has nothing to do with you having a degree or not.  Its not their decision to determine whether or not you're overqualified.

Lastly, you project negativity, which also could be affecting your job hunting.  You go into a job and say "I want a job but you'll probably not hire me cause I'm a miserable failure and a moron."  Would you hire that guy?  You've made the decision for them before you even handed in your application.

You really need to do something about your self-worth and self-image issues.  Its the same story from the "I can't get any girls to talk to me" threads, its all about how you carry yourself and project yourself. 

Sadly, that diploma is something you'll probably want later in life, and you've already destroyed it.