Title: Avengers. Post by: bsmooth on May 04, 2012, 06:05:02 am Just got back from the midnight premier, and I must say it is utterly beyond belief how good it turned out. I honestly believe this is the best Hulk ever.
Title: Re: Avengers. Post by: Buddhagirl on May 04, 2012, 07:52:28 am I can't wait because I truly am Joss Whedon's bitch.
Title: Re: Avengers. Post by: CF DolFan on May 04, 2012, 07:56:42 am The wife and I were going to watch or rewatch the others before going to see this. I'm not usually excited about action movies but this seems pretty cool both in concept and the movie itself.
Title: Re: Avengers. Post by: Phishfan on May 04, 2012, 09:00:14 am I honestly believe this is the best Hulk ever. That isn't saying much as the others sucked ass from my perspective. Title: Re: Avengers. Post by: Brian Fein on May 04, 2012, 09:29:13 am I haven't seen Thor, Captain America, or any of the previous Hulk movies. I loved both Iron Man movies.
Somehow I can't wait to see this movie. Title: Re: Avengers. Post by: bsfins on May 04, 2012, 09:55:33 am I'm semi curious to see this (not enough to actually go to a theater though),as I actually thought Captain America,and Thor weren't bad at all,I'm not really a comic book guy....
Slightly strange but related hijack...I also want to see Nick Campbells's (GSG) city kit being used in the movie...Every time he sees it used like on 30 rock promo,he tweets about it....End hijack... Title: Re: Avengers. Post by: Spider-Dan on May 04, 2012, 05:06:54 pm I did not have high expectations for the movie, but it freaking rocked. The 3D was awesome and all the characters meshed very well. I really like the actor they got to replace Ed Norton as Banner.
Title: Re: Avengers. Post by: Dave Gray on May 04, 2012, 05:19:49 pm Confirmed. I went to the midnight showing and it was awesome.
Joss Wheadon's writing is great, in terms of character dynamics. Scarlett Johannson (and her character) totally earns her keep, something I was concerned about. They get the Hulk so right. He's the most enjoyable character. My only complaint, and this is pretty minor (possible spoiler): Hulk goes from being a completely out of control beast to a beast that is relatively coherent and in control with no time and no exposition to support it. Who cares, but if you're looking for story things that don't make sense, there's one. Title: Re: Avengers. Post by: Dave Gray on May 04, 2012, 05:51:59 pm I read an interesting review of the Avengers and I think it rings true.
While great, there is no character development. Nobody grows. There are no arcs. Character time is spent bringing the team together. Your connection to the character doesn't come from this film; it comes from the films before. So, if you didn't watch Captain America, don't expect to care about him. If you didn't watch Thor, don't expect his interactions with Loki to be all that meaningful. I seriously recommend watching the other 5 Marvel films (at the very least, the 4 -- not counting Iron Man 2) to at least get acquainted with the characters. Iron Man 2 does introduce some stuff, as well, but it's not completely imperative. Title: Re: Avengers. Post by: Spider-Dan on May 04, 2012, 06:06:15 pm My only complaint, and this is pretty minor (possible spoiler): I was actually typing something to this effect in my post; at precisely the needed time, Hulk instantly goes from raging uncontrollably to targeted violence.Hulk goes from being a completely out of control beast to a beast that is relatively coherent and in control with no time and no exposition to support it. Who cares, but if you're looking for story things that don't make sense, there's one. However, in the 2008 film, when Hulk is fighting against the Abomination at the end, he does the same thing. So I guess, as you said, his previous character development backs that change up. (As a side note, I really liked that they included the line about Banner trying to shoot himself in the mouth, and waking up to find out that the Hulk had simply spit the bullet out. It really works well to establish the idea that no matter what you do to puny Banner, the Hulk will show up and wreak havoc.) Oh, and I loved the actor that played Loki. He did an excellent job being the guy you love to hate. Title: Re: Avengers. Post by: bsmooth on May 05, 2012, 02:57:01 am I think it would be great if they wrote a new Hulk story with Ruffalo. He really captured Banner. This would help explain how he has learned to gain some control over the Hulk.
Title: Re: Avengers. Post by: Dave Gray on May 05, 2012, 11:39:01 am They touched on him being able to control it at the end of the Incredible Hulk, when they show Norton's eyes glow green as he's doing yoga.
SPOILER: They also have a line in Avengers, where Banner says that his secret is "I'm always angry", before turning into the Hulk very quickly. I took that to mean that he's been able to control it for a long time, but in the incident in the airship, he just couldn't hold back any longer. Title: Re: Avengers. Post by: mecadonzilla on May 05, 2012, 12:02:46 pm I truly am Joss Whedon's bitch. Me, too! LOL I just about shat myself when they revealed the villain for the next flick. I stood up clapping my popcorn butter stained paws together like a moron. And the movie was excellent, BTW. I had very high expectations and they were all met or exceeded. I was trying to think about what I'd do to improve on the flick, and I really couldn't come up with anything. As far as no one character getting an arc, it's really more about the team as a character. The team is the thing that grows and develops as the movie progresses. And this was my favorite version of the Hulk. I still prefer Norton as banner, but Ruffalo did a fine job. I was worried about how he'd fit in. The producers better drive a truck full of money to Joss' house to get him to make the next movie. Title: Re: Avengers. Post by: bsmooth on May 05, 2012, 04:55:18 pm They touched on him being able to control it at the end of the Incredible Hulk, when they show Norton's eyes glow green as he's doing yoga. SPOILER: They also have a line in Avengers, where Banner says that his secret is "I'm always angry", before turning into the Hulk very quickly. I took that to mean that he's been able to control it for a long time, but in the incident in the airship, he just couldn't hold back any longer. I think Stark eluded to this many times. He realized that Banner was constantly wrestling with his demons and needed to let them out occasionally to better control them. Title: Re: Avengers. Post by: JVides on May 08, 2012, 01:52:07 pm I watched the movie on Friday and was blown away. Loved it and can't wait to watch it again. I think Hulk was awesome.
His late-film interaction with the antagonist blew the roof off the theater, too. So freakin' cool. Title: Re: Avengers. Post by: Pappy13 on May 08, 2012, 01:59:21 pm I watched over the weekend and it was pretty good. I still like the first Iron Man the best of any of the Marvel comic movies though and it's really not close after that.
Title: Re: Avengers. Post by: Dave Gray on May 08, 2012, 02:10:16 pm How I rank the Marvel films:
1) Avengers 2) Iron Man 3) Captain America: The First Avenger 4) The Incredible Hulk 5) Thor 6) Iron Man 2 Title: Re: Avengers. Post by: Pappy13 on May 08, 2012, 02:22:39 pm ^^The Avengers storyline is just way too weak to put it that high. The first 30 mins of Iron Man you wouldn't even know it was a Marvel comics movie if you didn't know it was. You really get inside Tony Starks character. None of the other movies have anything even remotely close to a great storyline like that. Captain America is probably the next best after that.
The action in Avengers is probably better than most of the others and I would put it above Captain America in that regard, so I guess a little depends on why you go see these movies. If you just like to see Marvel comic book characters, they are all pretty good, but for something more the first Iron Man was way better. I'd rank them this way: Iron Man 1 Avengers Iron Man 2 Captain America Thor Hulk I'm just not a Hulk guy. Title: Re: Avengers. Post by: Dave Gray on May 08, 2012, 03:56:41 pm I don't disagree that the story of the Avengers is all that compelling. But I really get behind the character interaction. I think that the way that all of the characters are framed and how they play off each other is the real strength of the film. It isn't a film that's driven by story, I would argue.
I understand that some feel that Hulk is the weakest of the films, but I like it more than most. I felt Iron Man 2 to be aimless in the 2nd half and resort to silly plot points (like creating an element based off of a world's fair exhibit). I found the villain of Whiplash to have really poor motivation, as well. Title: Re: Avengers. Post by: Pappy13 on May 08, 2012, 05:44:43 pm ^^True but I just love the interaction between Stark, Rhodey and Pepper Potts. Throw in Black Widow and you got a lot of great character interaction going on there. I even liked the weasily Justin Hammer character and the minor character that Gary Shandling plays to perfection Senator Stern, so overall there were some great characters there.
Title: Re: Avengers. Post by: bsmooth on May 08, 2012, 11:02:02 pm The Avengers is not about character development though. The individual movies are to lay the groundwork for each hero, and Avengers is about them overcoming their own egos/demons to work together.
As such it was better than I had hoped. I hope that they redo Hulk with Ruffalo as he nailed Bruce Banner and the anguish he suffers. Title: Re: Avengers. Post by: Sunstroke on June 28, 2013, 02:46:09 pm *** Bumpty-Bump ***
I "finally" saw The Avengers today...waited until it came out on Netflix. Greatest.comic.book.movie.EVE R!! One of the few movies I have ever seen that wildly exceeded my expectations. Joss Whedon has always been an idol for me...and he definitely created a masterpiece with this film. Holy shit... I need to watch it again. Title: Re: Avengers. Post by: CF DolFan on June 28, 2013, 03:02:19 pm ^^^^ That's the reason I haven't seen the last Iron Man. It seems silly to me to go backwards at this point.
Title: Re: Avengers. Post by: bsfins on June 28, 2013, 03:48:32 pm It's free on Amazon Prime right now also...I think I have a movie to watch tonight...Thanks for the bumpty-bump Stroke...
Title: Re: Avengers. Post by: Sunstroke on June 30, 2013, 11:47:01 am Have to admit, I watched The Avengers again...this time after watching Captain America and Thor before it. Basically, the Tesseract saga. A little over 6 hours of complete and total fucking awesomeness. No disrespect to the Iron Man character, which, oddly enough, was my favorite comic book series as a kid, but I'd have to rate the three movies I just watched as my favorite Marvel films. Avenger, then Captain America, then Thor. Title: Re: Avengers. Post by: mecadonzilla on June 30, 2013, 07:12:15 pm I really enjoyed the Thor movie also. Can't wait for the sequel in the fall.
The Avengers is just awesome all the way around. Just watched it again this weekend, and was still blown away. Title: Re: Avengers. Post by: TonyB0D on July 04, 2013, 03:11:02 pm So I haven't seen Captain America or Thor yet, but I've seen Ironman 1 & 2 and the Avengers. Which one do I need to watch first in order to get the most storyline continuity?
Title: Re: Avengers. Post by: Brian Fein on July 04, 2013, 03:32:12 pm Thor, for sure. It has more info about the plot line for Avengers. Captain America was not as integral to the story, but the villain in the Avengers is continued from Thor.
Title: Re: Avengers. Post by: Dave Gray on July 05, 2013, 11:05:39 am The Avengers combines elements from each of the films before it:
Iron Man - Both Stark Tower and SHIELD are integral to the story, both examined in IM1 and IM2. Black Widow is introduced. Hulk - Hulk is the catalyst for conflict. Thor - The villain, Loki, is the puppet-master in the Avengers. Hawkeye is introduced here. Captain America - The technology that gives Loki power is a little cube that comes from CA. Title: Re: Avengers. Post by: bsfins on July 05, 2013, 01:47:40 pm Sad I went to go Watch the Avengers on Amazon prime,and went...Shit I saw this before...I couldn't have thought it was great,if I don't remember if I saw it or not. :-\
I do remember liking Captain America,better than the Iron man series...Thor was...kinda boring for me.. Most special effect movies are,I see them like watching homework..."Ohhh I love how they lit that!" ,"Where is that light coming from to cast that shadow?","I love they way that's textured","That was rendered in Vray.." Etc,etc...So the story has to be REALLY interesting to keep my mind in the movie,superhero movies can't be that interesting,they aren't going to kill them in most movies.Good usually beats the bad guy... |