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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: bsfins on May 14, 2012, 01:09:46 pm

Title: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: bsfins on May 14, 2012, 01:09:46 pm
Headline stolen from the Gizmodo article,I did see this report on ABC and thought it was a good topic...
 Huffington post article with video (
 Gizmodo read only article (

Your thoughts?

Personally, People not paying attention to where they are going while texting,and talking on the phone are sort of pet peeves for me.Most of my encounters tend to be in stores.So I'm not sure how I feel...

Title: Re: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: Cathal on May 14, 2012, 01:38:56 pm
This, to me, seems like too much government interference. Granted, it's stupid for someone to walk without looking where they're going, but you can't (read: shouldn't) legislate everything that could be labeled as stupid.

Title: Re: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: MaineDolFan on May 14, 2012, 01:40:29 pm
I can't tell you how many times I've been slammed into at Sam's Club or (insert store here) because someone was texting while walking.  I'm assuming this town has experienced someone doing this while walking into traffic.

It's like the line from "I, Robot."  Protecting us from ourselves.

Title: Re: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: Brian Fein on May 14, 2012, 02:16:12 pm
I agree with Cathal.
Texting while driving can kill someone.
Texting while walking can only hurt you.  Unless you're driving a shopping cart.  I think there has become too much involvement.  When will they just make texting illegal completely?

Title: Re: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: Phishfan on May 14, 2012, 02:21:25 pm
They have had three related fatalities this year. I read they have issued 117 tickets so far. While I think the fatality number is high for such a small event (I do consider texting while walking a small event) I really hate legislation against stupidity which is what this is.

Title: Re: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: Dave Gray on May 14, 2012, 02:48:11 pm
Against.  There is a balance.  This is too far.

Title: Re: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: Cathal on May 14, 2012, 02:58:37 pm
So who actually said this was a good idea, based on the poll? I'd really like to hear the argument for this.

Title: Re: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: Sunstroke on May 14, 2012, 03:31:25 pm

I have exceptional peripheral vision and can walk and text at the same time just fine... Bad idea.

Title: Re: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: masterfins on May 14, 2012, 04:06:11 pm
Enforcement of this law is the problem, after some initial tickets the cops won't want to be bothered.  I CONSTANTLY see people driving and talking on the phone (which is illegal here in NYS), and never see or here of anyone getting a ticket unless they are invovled in an accident.

More importantly they should make it illegal for the guy/girl standing in line in front of me to be texting or talking on the phone when someone is waiting on them.  Then they get all uppity when asked to end the call.

Title: Re: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: Brian Fein on May 14, 2012, 04:14:21 pm
Next up: no talking on the phone while checking out at the grocery store.  Arrest them!

Title: Re: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: Dave Gray on May 14, 2012, 04:22:40 pm
This is a good example of something that is annoying, but shouldn't be illegal.  Texting in the movies is annoying and I wish nobody would do it.  But I'm not ready to legislate it.

Title: Re: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: bsfins on May 14, 2012, 07:58:01 pm
From my perspective (as I said previously) I'm torn...

I hate these people that walk around,then bump into you ...then act is If it's my fault.

It's sad that we are too stupid,self absorbed as a society,that it even has to be brought up as an ordinance,law,etc,etc...

I feel this fits like most bad driver's,they don't think they're bad drivers,they think it's always the other guy that's the bad driver...

Every time I think this is stupid, I think about how stupid the people are around here.

I think the idea is probably warranted in some places,but enforcement,and effectiveness make it stupid....

Here where I live having garage sale requires a permit(you supposed to only have so many a year also)
Not allowed to garage sale sign,lost pets,on public utility poles...
Owning a pit bull requires a permit
Having all your dogs shots up to date
Shooting fireworks off in the city limits is illegal (they will only tell you to stop)

None of those things are enforced,unless someone complains,or rats you out...I think it's too hard to enforce,and because of that it's not enough of a deterrent to change the behavior..I think of it like littering,speeding,and jaywalking itself,the chances of getting busted are too low to stop the action..

Title: Re: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on May 14, 2012, 09:07:29 pm
Enforcement is not the only reason for a law.  It also establishes civil liablity and generates awareness.

Awareness:  Before this law was passed I thought doing so was just rude.  I had no idea that 3 people died because of it. 

Laws requiring kids to wear helmets when biking are very effective in my town even though the police NEVER enforce it for the few who do break the law.  Before the law was passed almost nobody wore a helmet.  Now even if the law was repealed I bet almost every parent would continue to require their own kid to wear a helmet.  What changed was awareness of the safety risks. 

Civil Liability
Example:  Person A is texting while walking, bumps into person B.  Person B falls breaking leg, missing 3 days of work and generating $10,000 in medical bills.

No Law:  Person B must prove that person A was acting negligent or person B is responsible for the medical bills not person A.

W/ Law: It is presumed that person A was acting negligent because of the law breaking, making it much easier for person b (victim) to shift the cost of the accident to the responsible party. 

Title: Re: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: TonyB0D on May 14, 2012, 10:46:30 pm
i've NEVER had anyone bump into me while they were texting.

this town is very close to where in live in NJ (it's the NJ side of the GWB).  i'm definitely going there soon and going to walk back and forth in front of the police station while texting and see what they do.

this is a retarded law that just goes to show you how invasive government is becoming

Title: Re: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: Cathal on May 15, 2012, 08:31:52 am
Ok. Now 5 people have said it's a good idea. Who's voting that way?  ;D

Title: Re: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: Brian Fein on May 15, 2012, 09:33:47 am
  i'm definitely going there soon and going to walk back and forth in front of the police station while texting and see what they do.

You MUST have someone video tape you from a hidden location.  I want to see this.

Title: Re: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: masterfins on May 15, 2012, 11:46:05 am
Next up: no talking on the phone while checking out at the grocery store.  Arrest them!

No Soup For You!!   :D

Title: Re: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: suck for luck on May 15, 2012, 01:07:43 pm
I say we train bears to deal with this situation (

But seriously, this is idiotic. And why all the hand wringing over the deaths? That's called thinning out the herd.

Title: Re: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: Phishfan on May 15, 2012, 01:24:28 pm
^^^ What hand wringing? I simply brought it up because it was mentioned as a possible reason by another poster.

Title: Re: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: CF DolFan on May 15, 2012, 02:00:48 pm
Ok. Now 5 people have said it's a good idea. Who's voting that way?  ;D

I did just because it's annoying but I agree with this...

Enforcement is not the only reason for a law.  It also establishes civil liablity and generates awareness.

Awareness:  Before this law was passed I thought doing so was just rude.  I had no idea that 3 people died because of it. 

Laws requiring kids to wear helmets when biking are very effective in my town even though the police NEVER enforce it for the few who do break the law.  Before the law was passed almost nobody wore a helmet.  Now even if the law was repealed I bet almost every parent would continue to require their own kid to wear a helmet.  What changed was awareness of the safety risks. 

Civil Liability
Example:  Person A is texting while walking, bumps into person B.  Person B falls breaking leg, missing 3 days of work and generating $10,000 in medical bills.

No Law:  Person B must prove that person A was acting negligent or person B is responsible for the medical bills not person A.

W/ Law: It is presumed that person A was acting negligent because of the law breaking, making it much easier for person b (victim) to shift the cost of the accident to the responsible party. 

Title: Re: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: Cathal on May 15, 2012, 02:26:45 pm
^^^ So if something is annoying, and you want it banned, where would you stop?

Maybe you shouldn't answer that as that'll probably derail this topic.

Title: Re: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: suck for luck on May 15, 2012, 02:45:08 pm
^^^ What hand wringing? I simply brought it up because it was mentioned as a possible reason by another poster.

Not directed at you. Hoodie maybe? I would imagine there was some hand wringing amongst the brain trust that came up with the law.

Also, creating law for the sake of public awareness is horrifying. That's not the purpose of the judicial system.

Title: Re: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: Phishfan on May 15, 2012, 03:30:03 pm
I'm not sure if public awareness is really the best description of why this law was created. It was made to protect people from self harm and there are many, many laws on the books that fall into that category.

FYI, I voted this laws was a bad idea.

Title: Re: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: Brian Fein on May 15, 2012, 03:38:41 pm
Make sure you wear your seatbelt.  click it or ticket.

Don't do drugs. drugs are bad, mmmkay?

Always wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle.

Don't text while walking

All sound advice, also all laws to protect people from self-harm.

Title: Re: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: BigDaddyFin on May 15, 2012, 05:00:07 pm
Ever since that stupid bitch walked into a fountain while texting and sued the mall for $20 million, I guess these are the kinds of laws we'll have to live with.

Title: Re: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: Cathal on May 15, 2012, 05:06:16 pm
^^^ Seriously? That's why it's a problem? I think I remember something about that but thought it was so stupid and frivolous it would have been thrown out of court. This country can be so stupid with lawsuits.

Title: Re: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: CF DolFan on May 15, 2012, 05:20:46 pm
^^^ So if something is annoying, and you want it banned, where would you stop?

Maybe you shouldn't answer that as that'll probably derail this topic.
Just the mood I was in when I logged on. I really don't care. People can be dumb with or without a law. I am a people.

Title: Re: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on May 15, 2012, 05:23:35 pm
I am not sure which is worse: silly laws or the fact people can't use common sense absent the laws.

There should be no need for seat belt laws or laws requiring helmets.  Because anyone with a half a brain uses them not because of the law but the danger of not using them.

I oppose our drug laws and would oppose a ban on tobbaco.  But anyone who uses such items if a fucking moron.

There should be absolutely no reason for a law banning walking while texting.  It is an utterly stupid thing to do.  

The law is silly.  But the bigger problem is that there is so many morons that can't act reasonably absent a law.  

Title: Re: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: Brian Fein on May 15, 2012, 05:28:38 pm
I wouldn't call it irresponsible to walk and text.

I would call it irresponsible to drive without a seatbelt.

Its about the consequences.  there is little to no damage that can be done by texting while walking.

Title: Re: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on May 15, 2012, 06:04:21 pm
I wouldn't call it irresponsible to walk and text.

I would call it irresponsible to drive without a seatbelt.

Its about the consequences.  there is little to no damage that can be done by texting while walking.

While the damage is less, the difference is that with a seatbelt the only one you harm is yourself, walking and texting you can bump into someone else.  Granted that is not as dangerous as driving while texting.

But still I was limping for a week because an inconsiterate asshole thought she could steer a shopping cart AND read a magazine at the same time. 

There shouldn't need to be a law for people to know that they are responsible to look where they are going. 

Title: Re: City Bans Texting While Walking: Good or Bad Idea?
Post by: BigDaddyFin on May 15, 2012, 06:58:00 pm
I wouldn't call it irresponsible to walk and text.

I would call it irresponsible to drive without a seatbelt.

Its about the consequences.  there is little to no damage that can be done by texting while walking.


Everything you just said was spot on.  There's only one problem with it.  There are people on this earth who are too stupid to understand the very concept of consequences.  Unfortunately, this is who we now consider when we make laws.