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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: CRASSMONSTER on May 18, 2012, 09:10:43 am

Title: Kidney Stones....
Post by: CRASSMONSTER on May 18, 2012, 09:10:43 am
Yeah you guessed it..The farting, eating beer drinking pot smoking motherfucker that's me, has a Kidney stone. The thing is 7mm big. And I just want to know if anyone has had either a stint put in, or has been sent home with meds to pass it. I really don't like the fact that there is something inside of me that at anytime can cripple me with pain. It's not a fun feeling. And I just want to know what the average wait time for this is. Is it a week or a month, or even days. If anyone has had one please share....

Title: Re: Kidney Stones....
Post by: Landshark on May 18, 2012, 09:57:17 am
Raptor, can you help this guy?

Title: Re: Kidney Stones....
Post by: Phishfan on May 18, 2012, 11:08:06 am
I've had them twice. I can't remember their sizes. From my experience, if you already know you have them you have already experienced the most crippling of the pain. Both times I was sent home with pain meds and waited for the stones to pass. They gave me a prescription long enought for me to take one pill every so many hours (they lsted just about as long as the directions indicated) for about a week and a half. The passing of the stones was a non-event. I don't even know when either one happened.

It took close to a week both times and I am positive I couldn't have done it without the meds, especially the first time.

Title: Re: Kidney Stones....
Post by: CRASSMONSTER on May 18, 2012, 11:47:23 am
Thanks..... PS I like the meds....

Title: Re: Kidney Stones....
Post by: Phishfan on May 18, 2012, 12:15:39 pm
The first time they used an IV with a dye to take time lapsed x-rays. I had to lay perfectly still while they did it. I guess the meds they used at first were faily weak as they wore off and I doubled over on the table telling the tech I cannot lie still with the pain any more. He went and got a nurse who came in and gave me a shot of Dilaudid through the IV. I nearly melted into the table after that.

Title: Re: Kidney Stones....
Post by: CRASSMONSTER on May 18, 2012, 02:12:54 pm
The first time they used an IV with a dye to take time lapsed x-rays. I had to lay perfectly still while they did it. I guess the meds they used at first were faily weak as they wore off and I doubled over on the table telling the tech I cannot lie still with the pain any more. He went and got a nurse who came in and gave me a shot of Dilaudid through the IV. I nearly melted into the table after that.

That shit is gooooood!!!!!

Title: Re: Kidney Stones....
Post by: Doc-phin on May 26, 2012, 10:31:53 am
I had kidney stones.  Diameter was around 5mm.  I opted for the surgery with the stint and also has a few that were sitting in my kidneys blasted.

The first day or two post surgery was not fun at all.  After that, I tolerated the stint well but had it in far longer than I thought (about a month).  I had some pain killers but didn't really need them.

I never felt the stones pass.  Stint removal was fast but traumatic for a few seconds.

Getting treatment is a difficult decision but at least you know you are going to get rid of the stones.  Nothing about the process is fun.  The fear of stones returning keeps me drinking a whole lot more water than I ever used to.

Title: Re: Kidney Stones....
Post by: Buddhagirl on May 29, 2012, 09:12:20 am
I have nothing to add except that Dilaudid is the shit and I totally understand how it's addictive.