Title: Things you have,keep,but for what ever reason don't use a lot.. Post by: bsfins on June 04, 2012, 04:55:39 pm Friday night, I got food poisoning on top of my bad cold,that keeps lingering on,and on....So Saturday,my"wife" came into town,she had stuff to do,but heard I was sick.She stayed most of the weekend.First thing she wanted to do was clean out my refrigerator,feeling strange/not comfortable about someone else cleaning out my refrigerator.She supervised,as I did it.Noting that I had an Orange juice disaster in there the other day,I had just wiped it out in most nooks and cranny's...
She noted a small abundance of things in my kitchen,that I have but don't really use... 2 1/3 bottles of Ketchup (1 1/3 bottle in the refrigerator )- I rarely use ketchup,If I have a hot dog,I might use some ketchup.Since giving up beef,I mainly eat the johnsonville Turkey,and cheese brats,Not hot dogs,I don't put anything on those...Make Cocktail sauce,If I make something with Shrimp,and someone is over... Coffee Creamer - This one I forgot to tell my mom, I've cut down on my coffee consumption,and It takes about a month for that to soak in.So everytime she goes to Dillions she buy's 2...I have about 20,now sitting on top of my refrigerator. Cornbread, biscuit mix,baking stuff - This one is weather related,I bake alot of bread,cornbread,biscuits when the weather is cool.I kind of stocked up,and it was a really mild winter.It got hot here early,then cool,then hot... Other non kitchen stuff she noted - Pens,and pencils,and note paper -for someone who has horrible handwriting,that only I can read,and does about %75 of my stuff on a computer any more...I have lots of these in every room... She also noted.... I have tons of pencils,pens,and notepads,but use the computer for almost everything.... Receipts -I've become a receipts pack rat I have to find a better way to organize these,I have a bag thing full of them,and a stack next to my wallet on my desk. What do you have? it doesn't have to be food... Title: Re: Things you have,keep,but for what ever reason don't use a lot.. Post by: Buddhagirl on June 04, 2012, 05:00:18 pm Is this really just a humblebrag to let us all know you got some?
Title: Re: Things you have,keep,but for what ever reason don't use a lot.. Post by: bsfins on June 04, 2012, 05:06:07 pm No,It's not like that...No nookie,She's unavailable,She was here for most of Saturday,then went to her parents party (slept there),then came over stayed most of Sunday...Sorry if it sounded that :'(...She just made me realize that I had that stuff....
Title: Re: Things you have,keep,but for what ever reason don't use a lot.. Post by: Buddhagirl on June 05, 2012, 07:29:13 am Ha!
Title: Re: Things you have,keep,but for what ever reason don't use a lot.. Post by: Landshark on June 05, 2012, 07:37:27 am 2 1/3 bottles of Ketchup (1 1/3 bottle in the refrigerator )- I rarely use ketchup,If I have a hot dog,I might use some ketchup.Since giving up beef,I mainly eat the johnsonville Turkey,and cheese brats,Not hot dogs,I don't put anything on those...Make Cocktail sauce,If I make something with Shrimp,and someone is over... I have several ketchup bottles as well for the same thing, as well as several jars of horseradish in my fridge. I make my own cocktail sauce for seafood because it's cheaper to buy the ketchup and horseradish seprarately. Title: Re: Things you have,keep,but for what ever reason don't use a lot.. Post by: Dave Gray on June 05, 2012, 08:50:28 am I have a surfboard. I use it rarely. B Fein had(had?) a working boat that I used it on a few times for skurfing. I also tried to go out surfing a few times last year. But I rarely use it. Very rarely.