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TDMMC Forums => Around the NFL => Topic started by: Brian Fein on June 22, 2012, 02:14:23 pm

Title: Revis holding out...AGAIN?
Post by: Brian Fein on June 22, 2012, 02:14:23 pm

There is speculation that Revis is looking for a new deal again.  What is this guy's problem?  He held out 2 years ago looking for a big pay day, and got it.  Since then, his play has fell off a bit, I think.  Now, with 2 years left on his deal, he's going to pull this shenanigan again?

If you ask me, I'm going to jettison this bum, either by trade or just cut him, just to reclaim the room his enormous head is taking up in my locker room.  He's not interested in anything but his wallet, and that's bad for a team.

But, since its the Jets, I hope they sign him to a 15-year, $200 million guaranteed contract.

Title: Re: Revis holding out...AGAIN?
Post by: Spider-Dan on June 22, 2012, 02:30:51 pm
Even-numbered year, so time for a new Revis contract.  Duh!

Title: Re: Revis holding out...AGAIN?
Post by: MikeO on June 22, 2012, 05:38:44 pm
Revis is the poster boy for "Great player; Greedy unlikable athlete"

Maybe Tebow can "show him the light" and let him see the error of his ways.

Title: Re: Revis holding out...AGAIN?
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on June 22, 2012, 06:25:21 pm
He basically said the day he signed the contract he would be holding out again in two years.  Most of the money in his deal was in the first two years.

Title: Re: Revis holding out...AGAIN?
Post by: el diablo on June 22, 2012, 10:38:03 pm
What do you expect from the best defensive player on a defending Super Bowl championship team?

Title: Re: Revis holding out...AGAIN?
Post by: MikeO on June 24, 2012, 05:02:44 pm
He basically said the day he signed the contract he would be holding out again in two years.  Most of the money in his deal was in the first two years.

That's his side of the story. Tannenbaum and the Jets organization are saying different.

Title: Re: Revis holding out...AGAIN?
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on June 24, 2012, 07:13:49 pm
That's his side of the story. Tannenbaum and the Jets organization are saying different.

I am not going by *his* side of the story.  I am going by my memory of what he said two years ago and was in the newspapers 3 days after he signed the last contract. 

Title: Re: Revis holding out...AGAIN?
Post by: MikeO on June 24, 2012, 07:25:33 pm
either way the Jets are saying different and the total opposite. And I tend to side with the Jets on this one in this contract dispute of what "actually" went down.

Title: Re: Revis holding out...AGAIN?
Post by: Spider-Dan on June 24, 2012, 10:16:05 pm
I am not going by *his* side of the story.  I am going by my memory of what he said two years ago and was in the newspapers 3 days after he signed the last contract.

The idea that Revis would declare that he plans to hold out in 2 years, on the day he signs a 4-year-contract... that would be kind of a big deal.  I don't remember hearing him say anything of the sort.

Title: Re: Revis holding out...AGAIN?
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on June 25, 2012, 01:36:23 pm

A link to my memory from two years ago?  Nope sorry. 

But I do recall, checking out a Jets board only a day or two after he implied this.  They were fuming.  So yes it was big deal.

Title: Re: Revis holding out...AGAIN?
Post by: Brian Fein on June 25, 2012, 01:55:23 pm
If you read the article linked in the OP, it says:

Revis has two years, $13.5 million remaining on his contract. He made $32.5 million over the last two years, and now he's like a long-term deal with a similar average per year. Revis has insisted he's "not unhappy" with his current contract, but he believes the team promised him it would re-visit the deal after two years.

Not specifically saying he would hold out in 2 years, but its the same effective sentiment.

Title: Re: Revis holding out...AGAIN?
Post by: Spider-Dan on June 25, 2012, 02:07:45 pm
A link to my memory from two years ago?  Nope sorry. 

But I do recall, checking out a Jets board only a day or two after he implied this.  They were fuming.  So yes it was big deal.
So wait, this went from "printed in a newspaper" to a "I read it on a Jets message board"?

I am extremely skeptical that he ever said anything publicly to this extent.

Title: Re: Revis holding out...AGAIN?
Post by: Spider-Dan on June 25, 2012, 02:10:13 pm
If you read the article linked in the OP, it says:

Revis has two years, $13.5 million remaining on his contract. He made $32.5 million over the last two years, and now he's like a long-term deal with a similar average per year. Revis has insisted he's "not unhappy" with his current contract, but he believes the team promised him it would re-visit the deal after two years.

Not specifically saying he would hold out in 2 years, but its the same effective sentiment.
Stating (2 years later) that the team privately promised to revisit your deal is not anywhere near the same ballpark as publicly stating that you intend to hold out in the middle of the 4-year contract that you just signed today.

Title: Re: Revis holding out...AGAIN?
Post by: Brian Fein on June 25, 2012, 02:48:46 pm
^^ It speaks to his state of mind that he (presently) believes that he was promised a renegotiation 2 years ago.  Thus, his decision to hold out (presently).

Title: Re: Revis holding out...AGAIN?
Post by: Spider-Dan on June 25, 2012, 02:53:49 pm
Oh, I don't have any issue with that.  The part that I am extremely skeptical of is the claim that he publicly announced that he would be holding out halfway through this contract, immediately after signing it.

Title: Re: Revis holding out...AGAIN?
Post by: Brian Fein on June 25, 2012, 04:13:07 pm
Here, check this out.  I hate PFT, but the article speaks to this conversation.  Dated September, 2010:

Asked by King whether Revis could hold out again after the first two years of the deal, Revis said, “That’s a great question.  If I continue to play ball like I usually do, we’ll probably be back at that same position we were this year.”

Title: Re: Revis holding out...AGAIN?
Post by: Spider-Dan on June 25, 2012, 04:15:14 pm
Fair enough.  Hoodie's recollection is verified and I stand corrected.

Title: Re: Revis holding out...AGAIN?
Post by: Brian Fein on June 25, 2012, 04:17:37 pm
If you ask me it makes him a selfish primadonna, and if he holds out (according to this article) he's locked up with the Jets for 5 more seasons for a measly salary.  So, if he holds out, they could effectively end his career based on his previous contract.

So, if he holds out: he's under contract for 5 more years for 9 million total

If he doesn't hold out: he's a UFA after 2014

Front loaded contracts are bullcrap.

Title: Re: Revis holding out...AGAIN?
Post by: Phishfan on June 25, 2012, 04:38:05 pm
Front loaded contracts are bullcrap.

Can you delve a little deeper into why you feel this way? I would like to understand you position a bit more.

Title: Re: Revis holding out...AGAIN?
Post by: Brian Fein on June 25, 2012, 04:57:59 pm
Because of this exact situation.  They gave him 32 million dollars of a 40 million dollar 4-year deal, and now after he has cashed the checks for 80% of his salary (and working for only 50% of it), he is going to hold out for more money?  He owes the Jets 1 more year MINIMUM (1 year, 3 games and 12 minutes to be exact) based on what they've paid him, and he has no right to ask for more money.

Title: Re: Revis holding out...AGAIN?
Post by: Phishfan on June 25, 2012, 05:15:19 pm
So? Players sign contracts loaded on the back end and lose money all the time. Either way I really don't care what they do as I think there is way too much money in professional sports. I was just curious why you had what seemed like such a strong feeling.

Title: Re: Revis holding out...AGAIN?
Post by: Brian Fein on June 25, 2012, 05:33:23 pm
Its not that strong.  I just think that players have all the power in these situations, and it irritates me to see a guy like Revis try to manipulate the system to turn his $40 million contract that he just signed into a 100 million deal or more, just by holding out.  Personally I'd love it if the Jets said "you're under contract, play or don't" and if he chooses not to, he can't play anywhere else (cause he's under contract).

They will eventually trade his rights cause they're sick of his antics, and Revis will get his money in the end.  And this is why there is way too much money in sports, and why it costs people hundreds of dollars each game.  I'm sick of it.

Title: Re: Revis holding out...AGAIN?
Post by: MikeO on June 25, 2012, 05:34:33 pm
Its not that strong.  I just think that players have all the power in these situations, and it irritates me to see a guy like Revis try to manipulate the system to turn his $40 million contract that he just signed into a 100 million deal or more, just by holding out.  Personally I'd love it if the Jets said "you're under contract, play or don't" and if he chooses not to, he can't play anywhere else (cause he's under contract).

I actually think the Jets are gonna do that to him this time around

Title: Re: Revis holding out...AGAIN?
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on June 25, 2012, 08:12:30 pm
Here, check this out.  I hate PFT, but the article speaks to this conversation.  Dated September, 2010:

Asked by King whether Revis could hold out again after the first two years of the deal, Revis said, “That’s a great question.  If I continue to play ball like I usually do, we’ll probably be back at that same position we were this year.”

Thank you for finding it.  That article or something similiar is what I remember reading. 

Title: Re: Revis holding out...AGAIN?
Post by: Brian Fein on June 26, 2012, 09:53:42 am
I actually think the Jets are gonna do that to him this time around
I hope so!  You have to take the power away from the players at some point.

Title: Re: Revis holding out...AGAIN?
Post by: Spider-Dan on June 26, 2012, 11:25:19 am
Its not that strong.  I just think that players have all the power in these situations, and it irritates me to see a guy like Revis try to manipulate the system to turn his $40 million contract that he just signed into a 100 million deal or more, just by holding out.
But I'm guessing you have no issue with when a team turns a players $40m contract into a $20m contract when they cut him halfway through?

I tire of the continual "you signed the contract!" argument.  Everyone knows that both sides understand that the contract that was signed will probably not be played through to the end if the player does significantly better or worse than expected.

They will eventually trade his rights cause they're sick of his antics, and Revis will get his money in the end.  And this is why there is way too much money in sports, and why it costs people hundreds of dollars each game.
Revis' contract does not affect the salary cap, the players' percentage of revenue (which, it bears mentioning, was just reduced), or the (non-existent) limit on the amount of money that owners are allowed to make.

It costs people hundreds of dollars to attend a game because teams are able to fill stadiums with people who are willing to pay hundreds of dollars to attend a game.  Player contracts have virtually nothing to do with the price of tickets for a sport as popular as the NFL.

Title: Re: Revis holding out...AGAIN?
Post by: masterfins on June 26, 2012, 01:02:41 pm
I'm not sure whether Revis is justified in holding out or not, it depends on what the salaries are for his position.  However, NFL "contracts" are not like real world contracts.  NFL contracts have always been played around with via bonus', etc to meet salary cap limits.  Then the big issue is that teams are allowed to cut players at will and not payoff on the contracts.  If teams had to payoff on contracts even if they cut the players then I would have a problem with players holding out.

Title: Re: Revis holding out...AGAIN?
Post by: Brian Fein on June 26, 2012, 01:31:50 pm
  If teams had to payoff on contracts even if they cut the players then I would have a problem with players holding out.
Sometimes, they do - they're called "guaranteed" contracts.  I don't see how its any different if they structure a deal with 80% up front, or 80% guaranteed.  The difference is that the up front leaves room to re-negotiate after the up-front is paid.

Title: Re: Revis holding out...AGAIN?
Post by: masterfins on June 27, 2012, 03:50:45 pm
^^^ And the team ownership knows this when the contract is signed.  It's not like what Revis is doing is something new.  Thanks for cluing me in on "guaranteed contracts", I never heard of that before.

Title: Re: Revis holding out...AGAIN?
Post by: Spider-Dan on June 27, 2012, 05:33:55 pm
MLB and NBA contracts are all fully guaranteed.  This is why you see a lot less holdout shenanigans in those leagues.

NFL players believe (not unfairly) that since the contract that both parties signed can be terminated if they don't play well enough, if they outplay that contract, it should be renegotiated.  I mean, imagine if players could immediately end their own contracts just like the front office can; a significant number of players would be signing HUGE new contracts every year.