Title: Fan Friendly move by Ross Post by: MikeO on August 11, 2012, 06:40:43 pm http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/08/10/dolphins-decide-to-take-full-advantage-of-new-blackout-rule/
Taking advantage of the new NFL rule regarding blackouts. While many teams like Buffalo, Jax...etc didn't (and showed their true colors in screwing over their local fans). Ross reduced the seating capacity meaning less tickets need to be sold to avoid blackouts. Keeping the games on TV for the locals. Tough economy people might want to go to games but just can't afford it. Team has sucked recently, some fans are "wait and see" before they buy tickets again. He made the right call here. For all the crap Ross gets thrown his way (some fair, some of it unfair) he has done some very good things and this is at the top of the list in my opinion. Keeping the games on TV for the locals was a must. Title: Re: Fan Friendly move by Ross Post by: miamid45 on August 12, 2012, 07:28:43 pm Love that move also, especially with the tough economy....NFL live is obviously a luxury for most, but they need to keep whatever fanbase they have tuned in and hopefully as potential ticket buyers in the future!
Title: Re: Fan Friendly move by Ross Post by: miamiwestchester on August 21, 2012, 07:29:04 am Well he had to from a TV revenue POV too. The Dolphins have counted on that ad money for years now and it outweighs ticket sales for games. It was a no brainer. I can't imagine why Jax didn't do it.
Title: Re: Fan Friendly move by Ross Post by: Phishfan on August 21, 2012, 09:36:11 am ^^^ I'm not sure it works that way does it. I'm not expert but the Dolphins don't just get the TV ad money from their games. Isn't it an NFL thing distributed through the league? Maybe having local blackouts affects each teams take? I just don't know.
As for why teams didn't choose to take this offer, any games that are sold above the lower threshold would require a larger percentage of their revenue to be shared. According to this article http://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2012/07/23/legislators-to-goodell-new-nfl-blackout-rule-isnt-good-enough/ the Bills would lose $348,387 if they took the new option and their attendance stayed flat from last year. |