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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: bsfins on August 23, 2012, 12:49:16 pm

Title: Something that you'd like to accomplish by the end of 2012?
Post by: bsfins on August 23, 2012, 12:49:16 pm
No, not because of the end of the world... :D

 - Finish my current 3d modeling project - 95% confident this will happen in the next couple of weeks...

 - Rebuild the coffers, tighten up the budget a bit - I've had a lot of breakage this year,and some un-foreseen expenses.I still have a few extra things that aren't normal budget items,tags on my truck being due next month..

 - Reconfigure my desk again,rebuild the hutch,better usable space- Accomplished

These things are I'd like to accomplish,but aren't very confident of them happening...

- New Job

- Upgrade in place I live...

Title: Re: Something that you'd like to accomplish by the end of 2012?
Post by: masterfins on August 23, 2012, 01:14:33 pm
Probably most of the things I had on the list last year, plus a few new additions.

Paint some rooms in my house.
Help my brother rebuild a flooded out property.

Title: Re: Something that you'd like to accomplish by the end of 2012?
Post by: Brian Fein on August 23, 2012, 03:00:23 pm
MY goal this year was to buy a house and dump my condo.  So far I have refinanced the condo, but not having much luck finding a house that's affordable and not a complete dump.

Title: Re: Something that you'd like to accomplish by the end of 2012?
Post by: Dave Gray on August 23, 2012, 03:57:30 pm
Finances -- getting back into it.

We had a baby this year.  Not only is that process costly, but more than that, my wife had to miss work, so her summer pay was cut way down.  It ate up my buffer.  And while I can pay and still be comfortable, I am uneasy knowing that I don't have money in case something goes wrong.

So, by the end of the year, with her fully employed again, I'd like to build it back up.

Title: Re: Something that you'd like to accomplish by the end of 2012?
Post by: Buddhagirl on August 24, 2012, 07:58:44 am
I want to find out that I officially punched the abnormal/precancerous cells, tumors, polyps and cysts (we're talking over 13 growths removed) that were found in my body in the fucking face and get on with my life. I get the final results in another week or 2.

I need to get my financial house back in order. The past 3-4 years have been rough. 2 serious illnesses have left me wiped the fuck out and in debt.

I want to run under 1:55 in the half marathon. But, I don't think I'll give it a go until ING Miami which is in January, but all of the training is being done this year.

I want to learn to play Pearl Jam 'Black' on guitar and Super Mario Brothers theme on my flute.

Title: Re: Something that you'd like to accomplish by the end of 2012?
Post by: bsfins on August 24, 2012, 09:49:45 am
Ever read someone's answer and think....I'm being a whiny bitch,my problems are nothing.... :D

I hope Everything comes back clean Buddha  :)

Title: Re: Something that you'd like to accomplish by the end of 2012?
Post by: Buddhagirl on August 24, 2012, 10:37:25 am
Thanks, B!

Title: Re: Something that you'd like to accomplish by the end of 2012?
Post by: Pats2006 on August 26, 2012, 01:28:24 pm
I want to get back in shape. Been out the gym for a few months due to injury.  Want to shred and get ready for 2013. I would also like to get my basement finished..

Title: Re: Something that you'd like to accomplish by the end of 2012?
Post by: BigDaddyFin on August 26, 2012, 08:25:39 pm
I'd like to become at least semi-competant at fly fishing.  Hopefully I'll be able to use it more this fall.

Title: Re: Something that you'd like to accomplish by the end of 2012?
Post by: Buddhagirl on September 13, 2012, 05:19:30 pm
I just wanted to let B know that my tests came back normal. Woot! Woot!

Title: Re: Something that you'd like to accomplish by the end of 2012?
Post by: bsfins on September 13, 2012, 07:54:37 pm
Definitely a WOOT! WOOT Good to hear...

Dancing fat guy worthy...

Woohoo....Glad to hear the good news...

The other one was borderline gross.... :-[

Title: Re: Something that you'd like to accomplish by the end of 2012?
Post by: Dave Gray on September 13, 2012, 08:36:57 pm
I am failing my goal miserably.  Miserably.

My wife sucks with money.  Bad.

So, I'm having to re-evaluate my goals to fix some issues.

Title: Re: Something that you'd like to accomplish by the end of 2012?
Post by: Buddhagirl on September 14, 2012, 07:37:20 am
Thanks, B!

Title: Re: Something that you'd like to accomplish by the end of 2012?
Post by: MaineDolFan on September 14, 2012, 09:09:11 am
I just wanted to let B know that my tests came back normal. Woot! Woot!


Title: Re: Something that you'd like to accomplish by the end of 2012?
Post by: MaineDolFan on September 14, 2012, 09:10:43 am
I really would like to run a 10k (or longer) and average under a 9:30 pace.  I don't know what the heck happens to my splits after 4 miles but I get all over the place.

It ain't gonna happen this weekend, I'll be lucky to finish on Sunday! :-)

Title: Re: Something that you'd like to accomplish by the end of 2012?
Post by: bsfins on September 14, 2012, 12:06:21 pm
My update...

1.)- This is my epic fail whale,it's been ore than two weeks...I'm taking a break this week to practice lighting.Step back,breathe,and come back to it with a little more knowledge. I have part 1 finished,completed,in the can (so to speak)...I like it,don't love it.....Parts 2,3,4 are a 50 on a scale of 1-10 of frustration and pain....

2.)- I did Tag my trucks last week,but still have breakage issues...(IE the Vacuum fire Monday) Which is costing me more money,I do feel I've found a couple of places to tighten up my budget a bit.Though it is too early to see the saving yet...

3.) - I did reconfigure my Desk hutch,not to the extent that I was originally thinking,but much more workable.Monitor is at a better height for working,I built a new slightly fancier support to replace the one that the wood had cracked.I didn't feel I could gain too much more space without a total rebuild..

Title: Re: Something that you'd like to accomplish by the end of 2012?
Post by: BigDaddyFin on September 17, 2012, 07:56:29 am
Also in the somewhat fail column.  The stupid puffy salmon are running in Lake Ontario and I can't catch a thing, mostly because I'm not very good at casting a flyrod yet.  On the upside it turns out it's not entirely my fault because I used the cheapie fly line that came with the rod instead of plunking down $50 for some better line.