Title: Mike Nolan Post by: Fins4ever on September 18, 2012, 10:00:57 am Did you see the Falcons dominate Manning last night??? HOLY CRAP!!! How about that defense??? 10 people on the line with a blitz on almost every play. WOW!
Peyton is one of the smartest and best QB's to EVER play and he looked like a lost rookie. The disguises were genius....and they were the work of DC Mike Nolan. You know, the guy who was a Dolphin from 2010-2011. Why couldn't he have the Fins looking like that???? Is it solely the lack of talent? The D was aggressive and unpredictable. I am starting to think our problem(s) past and present has not been ALL on the coaches. Title: Re: Mike Nolan Post by: Brian Fein on September 18, 2012, 02:04:30 pm I thought Mike Nolan did a nice job on defense last few seasons. The offense was always the Dolphins' problem.
Title: Re: Mike Nolan Post by: MikeO on September 18, 2012, 05:03:00 pm JT threw Nolan under the bus after last year for dropping Wake in coverage too much. Atlanta was good last night but I wonder how much of that was Peyton's arm not being what it once was