Title: Heads Up - Updated Goat Trailer Post by: Dave Gray on September 18, 2012, 11:17:18 am So, the Goat Trailer is updated from week 1.
In an effort to try and get the site back to full strength, I'm updating the Goat Trailer again regularly. With each loss, we'll pick one person (player/coach/front office) to put on the Goat Trailer. There will be a thread for this with each loss. It's important that you only pick one person and not "the whole team", "the defense", "the refs". Choose one person in the Dolphins' employ and the person with the most votes gets it. Title: Re: Heads Up - Updated Goat Trailer Post by: Brian Fein on September 18, 2012, 01:57:02 pm Over/Under on times Jeff Ireland's picture goes on the Goat Trailer: 9 1/2
Title: Re: Heads Up - Updated Goat Trailer Post by: Dave Gray on September 18, 2012, 03:48:16 pm I bet he rarely if ever gets it.