Title: Fourth place Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on September 23, 2012, 06:33:41 pm Even if the Ravens win the Dolphins will be in fourth place in the AFCE, due the the division tie breaker.
Title: Re: Fourth place Post by: Brian Fein on September 23, 2012, 08:16:40 pm So...?
It's week 3 Title: Re: Fourth place Post by: BigDaddyFin on September 23, 2012, 08:18:41 pm I thought it was a surprise if we DIDN'T finish in 4th place...
Title: Re: Fourth place Post by: BigDaddyFin on September 24, 2012, 08:19:16 am actually we're T-3...
(http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4020197226971&set=a.2031798278240.2105076.1342629980&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf) Title: Re: Fourth place Post by: Brian Fein on September 24, 2012, 10:31:36 am No, we're in 4th by half a game in a tiebreaker. Hoodie spoke too soon.
Title: Re: Fourth place Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on September 24, 2012, 12:05:12 pm ^^^ How did I speak too soon? I said the Dolphins would be in 4th regardless of the outcome of the game.
Dolphins are in fourth. Standings are: Jets, Bills, Pats, Fins. Had NE won the standing would have been: Jets, NE, Bills, Fins. Either way once the Fins/Jets game and the Bills game was over the Dolphins were destine for last place. Title: Re: Fourth place Post by: Brian Fein on September 24, 2012, 12:20:04 pm Fine. Not disputing that. But it hurts you more to say Pats are in third behind Jets and Bills than to tell me the Dolphins are in 4th (where we all expected to be).
Title: Re: Fourth place Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on September 30, 2012, 07:48:24 pm Solidifing your hold on 4th.
Title: Re: Fourth place Post by: el diablo on September 30, 2012, 08:32:13 pm 4th, today. Tomorrow we rule the world.
Title: Re: Fourth place Post by: Fins4ever on October 01, 2012, 01:55:00 pm 4th, today. Tomorrow we rule the world. That's ok, better than 5th! :D Title: Re: Fourth place Post by: BigDaddyFin on October 03, 2012, 11:05:19 am Solidifing your hold on 4th. We're supposed to finish 4th. If we don't, ESPN and Sports Illustrated will be sad. Title: Re: Fourth place Post by: el diablo on October 03, 2012, 09:10:36 pm We're supposed to finish 4th. If we don't, ESPN and Sports Illustrated will be sad. Only if the green team finishes 4th with Tebow starting at QB . Of course, the excuse will be that Tebow didn't start the whole year. Title: Re: Fourth place Post by: Pappy13 on October 08, 2012, 11:37:29 pm Don't look now but look who's in 2nd place in the AFC East....everyone except the Patsies.
Title: Re: Fourth place Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on October 09, 2012, 11:28:40 am Jets are in second place on the basis of division record.
Not sure where the tiebreakers land for the Dolphins vs. Bills for 3 and 4. Title: Re: Fourth place Post by: Pappy13 on October 09, 2012, 01:12:43 pm Jets are in second place on the basis of division record. Symantics. If the Patriots had to play a game tomorrow against anyone else in the AFC East for the division crown and you could pick the opponent who would you choose? I'm not sure I wouldn't choose the Jets in their current unhealthy state. You could probably make a case for any of the 3 teams, but it's darn close. Maybe too close to call at this point.Title: Re: Fourth place Post by: BigDaddyFin on October 28, 2012, 10:07:08 pm Now the Dolphins are in second place because well, we just beat the effervescent crap out of the Jest. :p
Title: Re: Fourth place Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on November 16, 2012, 11:19:56 am Now the Dolphins are in second place because well, we just beat the effervescent crap out of the Jest. :p Now 3rd cause the Bills beat'm Title: Re: Fourth place Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on November 19, 2012, 10:21:34 am Back in fourth place. Behind the Jets cause of division record. Behind the Bills b/c of head to head.
Title: Re: Fourth place Post by: Brian Fein on November 19, 2012, 10:23:17 am No one cares but you.
Title: Re: Fourth place Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on November 19, 2012, 10:37:43 am No one cares but you. I am the only one on this board that cares what the standings are for the Dolphins? Odd for a board dedicated to discussing the team. Title: Re: Fourth place Post by: Brian Fein on November 19, 2012, 10:40:48 am No, you're the only one that cares to reiterate to us how terrible the Dolphins are and how we're always in 4th place. The rest of us already know, and don't need reminders from the gloating Patriots' fan.
Title: Re: Fourth place Post by: CF DolFan on November 19, 2012, 03:47:27 pm This just works out that much better for us. If the Patriots win both games against us then they are supposed to. If we win one or even both it makes them look that much worse.