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TDMMC Forums => Dolphins Discussion => Topic started by: Jim Gray on October 01, 2012, 07:45:08 pm

Title: Comparing the Dolphin Stadium Experience to Cowboys Stadium Experience
Post by: Jim Gray on October 01, 2012, 07:45:08 pm
I've heard many of you complain about the experience at Dolphins stadium, and I thought you might be interested in what's going on with the Cowboys.

I live in Austin and most locals are fans of Dallas or Houston.  Two of the local radio guys were talking about the experience at Cowboy's Stadium.  Today I learned that there is a Pink Victory Secrets in the stadium, where I assume you can get underwear with Tony Romo's face on it.  The radio guys were not impressed and complained that Jerry cared far more about selling the brand than putting a winning team on the field.   They compared the stadium to a mall, filled with shoppers instead of fans. 

Oh, and parking is 75 bucks......ouch.

Title: Re: Comparing the Dolphin Stadium Experience to Cowboys Stadium Experience
Post by: MikeO on October 01, 2012, 07:50:06 pm
The smart franchises in sports nowadays (Yankees, Cowboys, etc..) have built shopping malls that have stadiums in it. The games are secondary. Go to the NEW Yankee Stadium. It's everything but a baseball park. Steak Houses, Hard Rock Cafe's, Bar's, store after store after store after store.

Like how Vegas Casnio's years back built mall's in them so there is stuff "other" than gambling to try and attract people and family's. Some teams have built stadiums so you don't have to watch the games and can do other things. Gotta buy a ticket of course to get in.

These teams have come up with a way to print money. Give them credit for doing so. The die-hard sports fan just wants to watch the game. But if you end up going with a wife/girlfriend who could care less you can let her loose with a credit card for 3 hours and she can eat and go christmas shopping and meet you at the gate when the game is over. The teams don't care if you are in the seats for the games, they just want you to buy a ticket to get inside the door. Once inside do what ya want.

Title: Re: Comparing the Dolphin Stadium Experience to Cowboys Stadium Experience
Post by: mecadonzilla on October 01, 2012, 07:52:59 pm
I've heard it's a great place to watch a game...if you can afford it.

However, I've also heard from many, many people it's actually hard to NOT watch the game on the giant TV screen right above the field.

Title: Re: Comparing the Dolphin Stadium Experience to Cowboys Stadium Experience
Post by: TonyB0D on October 01, 2012, 08:25:35 pm
apostrophe's do not plural make.

Title: Re: Comparing the Dolphin Stadium Experience to Cowboys Stadium Experience
Post by: CF DolFan on October 02, 2012, 08:46:03 am
$75 for parking ... holy crap!!! Does that come with a car detail and a happy ending?

Title: Re: Comparing the Dolphin Stadium Experience to Cowboys Stadium Experience
Post by: cuzzy on October 02, 2012, 08:51:04 am
Jim, I'm heading to Austin on thursday am to see Texas/West Virginia.  We go to a different game each year.

Can you point me to "must see's" while we are there including to bars and places to eat.

Thanks in advance!

Title: Re: Comparing the Dolphin Stadium Experience to Cowboys Stadium Experience
Post by: Phishfan on October 02, 2012, 09:30:39 am
Jim, I'm heading to Austin on thursday am to see Texas/West Virginia. 

Let's Go Mountaineers!

Title: Re: Comparing the Dolphin Stadium Experience to Cowboys Stadium Experience
Post by: Dolphster on October 02, 2012, 11:02:07 am
Jim is pretty much on target with his comments.  Career has taken me away from South Florida and plopped us down in a Dallas suburb.  Been to the new Cowboys stadium a couple times and as impressive as the facility is, you almost get the feeling when you are there that the game is secondary to the "experience".   I suppose every person can decide for themselves if that is a good thing or a bad thing. 

Title: Re: Comparing the Dolphin Stadium Experience to Cowboys Stadium Experience
Post by: Fins4ever on October 02, 2012, 11:08:52 am
Heard them say last night that the stadium was high enough to put the Statue of Liberty inside. WOW!

Agree the experience of going to the game has changed and it isn't just the NFL. I saw a show on the Food Network of all the gourmet food at parks around the country. Maybe they should put a Shula's Steakhouse in Sunlife. LOL