Title: More info on Hartline's struggles in pre-season. Post by: Pappy13 on October 05, 2012, 12:07:25 pm Remember a while back when I was pissed that nobody was writing anything about the fact that the reason that Hartline wasn't at practice was because he was having an appendectomy? Well now I've finally gotten the details and here they are. You think Hartline has come a long way this season, you have no idea. Where was this article when he was in the hospital for 12 days?
http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000074634/article/brian-hartline-took-painful-path-to-become-nfls-leading-receiver?module=HP11_cp Title: Re: More info on Hartline's struggles in pre-season. Post by: Tenshot13 on October 06, 2012, 09:14:35 am That's crazy. Makes me want to root for the guy even more.
Title: Re: More info on Hartline's struggles in pre-season. Post by: Fins4ever on October 06, 2012, 09:47:05 am Great article. Darlington ROCKS! Best thing to ever come from the Herald.
Nice research Pappy! I had a cousin who nearly died from his appendix. It literally exploded. Hartline must have had it for a while considering he had gangrene. |