Title: JaDeveon Clowney Post by: SCFinfan on October 07, 2012, 06:03:04 pm As a dedicated SC Gamecock fan for about 10 years now, I have never seen a talent quite like this kid. He is utterly unstoppable, whether the foe is a lowly FCS cupcake or (as was the case last night) Georgia.
He loves to pass rush. He loves to hit the QB and make him fear, and, best of all, he's humble and respects his role in the defense. I salivate at the thought of him in the Dolphins' Defensive line. Can you imagine him paired w/ Cam Wake? As far as I'm concerned, draft for OL & secondary this year. Shore them up, then, please, trade up to get this kid in 2014. He is going to be a nightmare for QBs and OL Coaches alike. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXY_g6XtTUI (ALSO GET MARCUS LATTIMORE!) *edited because I pasted the wrong vid |