Title: EKnight's take on Tannehill week 5 Post by: EKnight on October 08, 2012, 03:00:07 pm On the heels of MikeO's claim that I'll be "running away and hiding" for a week, I'm not sure what anyone wants me to say. I didn't see the game, so any opinion of this week's performance would be nothing more than what I read on a stat line. RT didn't turn the ball over- that's a definite improvement. I have no idea how he looked on the TD drives. The stat line shows 1-2, 28 yards and 3-4, 52 yards which is good. His best drive (again, only looking at what the numbers are showing) appeared to be the one Lane fumbled at the 11. I'm certainly not going to say he stunk this week, and having not seen him play, I can only go by what the general consensus is, and that is he looked good. Does one game convince me he's not going to still look lousy over the next three weeks? Nope. But you won't hear boo from me about what RT did this week, and I'll admit he *seems* to be heading in the right track. -EK
Title: Re: Didn't know where to put this, so... Post by: CF DolFan on October 08, 2012, 03:03:13 pm Just going to change the title for clarification but your opinion of Tannehill is fine for the Dolphins thread IMO.