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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: CF DolFan on October 16, 2012, 11:03:43 am

Title: Companies who are sending political emails to their employess
Post by: CF DolFan on October 16, 2012, 11:03:43 am
I had been talking with an executive of Darden restaurants a couple of weeks ago and he was telling us how the election was going to affect their employees and businesses and they already have somewhat of a plan in place because of their predictions. Since that time I have seen several other companies go public with their plans by emailing their employees. I'm curious as to what people think about this.  It's common for politicians to argue talking points but do you think it's appropriate for employers to tell their employees what can or will happen if elections go one way or the other?

Title: Re: Companies who are sending political emails to their employess
Post by: Buddhagirl on October 16, 2012, 11:08:56 am
I had been talking with an executive of Darden restaurants a couple of weeks ago and he was telling us how the election was going to affect their employees and businesses and they already have somewhat of a plan in place because of their predictions. Since that time I have seen several other companies go public with their plans by emailing their employees. I'm curious as to what people think about this.  It's common for politicians to argue talking points but do you think it's appropriate for employers to tell their employees what can or will happen if elections go one way or the other?

Nope. I think it's completely inappropriate. No matter who they're pulling for or on specific issues, etc. That is not what an employer should be doing.

Title: Re: Companies who are sending political emails to their employess
Post by: Spider-Dan on October 16, 2012, 11:23:51 am
I wonder if these same businesses sent out e-mails in 2004 warning about the danger of deregulation blowing up the economy, and informing their employees that they would be laid off by the thousands if they elected politicians that continued these dangerous policies?

News flash: any company that decides to make less money because some of that money is taxed more is a company that would have no problems laying off (or outsourcing) scores of workers to increase the compensation of their top executives, no matter who is elected.  It would be unfortunate if this ruse worked, but it's not unexpected.

Title: Re: Companies who are sending political emails to their employess
Post by: Landshark on October 16, 2012, 11:27:23 am
Nope. I think it's completely inappropriate. No matter who they're pulling for or on specific issues, etc. That is not what an employer should be doing.

There's a difference between "Vote for candidate A or I'll fire you"  vs  "If candidate B gets elected, we will have to cut back on expenses because we can't afford to operate at our current levels under candidate B's tax plans.  This could mean laying off employees."

Title: Re: Companies who are sending political emails to their employess
Post by: Buddhagirl on October 16, 2012, 11:42:59 am
There's a difference between "Vote for candidate A or I'll fire you"  vs  "If candidate B gets elected, we will have to cut back on expenses because we can't afford to operate at our current levels under candidate B's tax plans.  This could mean laying off employees."

I don't think either scenario is appropriate. Companies / bosses should not be pushing their agenda onto their employees.

Title: Re: Companies who are sending political emails to their employess
Post by: bsfins on October 16, 2012, 12:03:03 pm
I don't like it when Companies do it,nor Churches....

My mom works for the county,and election time is an edgy time...It's odd being able to vote for or against your boss,and bosses....Her boss is running un-opposed this election.Essentially you could vote to fire yourself.

Title: Re: Companies who are sending political emails to their employess
Post by: Phishfan on October 16, 2012, 12:06:45 pm
Completely inappropriate behavior. Anyone who sees it as anything other than a veiled threat is kidding theirselves.

Title: Re: Companies who are sending political emails to their employess
Post by: Dave Gray on October 16, 2012, 12:27:05 pm
It's bad, in general.

I also think it's bad for churches, too. -- I'm actually more concerned about this, since I think it crosses over into illegal.  If churches are going to get openly involved in politics, they cease to fit the bill for tax exemption.

Title: Re: Companies who are sending political emails to their employess
Post by: badger6 on October 16, 2012, 01:08:49 pm
If a company has to lay people off because a certain parties tax policy has a negative economic impact on that business. Shouldn't let their employees know what may happen to them ahead of time ? I'm not sure how it could be a threat from the employer since they would have no way of knowing who the employee voted for. The companies are not telling the employees are going to lose their jobs if they vote a certain way. They are saying the they will lose their jobs if the party pushing the policies that will have a negative impact on their business wins the election. How could a group of employees determine the outcome ? Regardless of who I supported in the election, I would want to know if my job was at stake ahead of time. Nothing but a heads up for the employees.

Title: Re: Companies who are sending political emails to their employess
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on October 16, 2012, 01:17:02 pm
I think it is in appropreate, in large part b/c it is a compounded prediction.  I don't have a problem with employers mention how specific legislation will affect the employees.

E.g. I would not agree with the following.

"Dear Big Bird. If Romney is elected you along with Bert and the Cookie Moster will have to be laid off"

But I have no problem with "Dear Big Bird. If HRXXXX which cuts off funding for PBS is passed you along with Bert and the Cookie Moster will have to be laid off."

The reason I have a problem with the first is it is mere speculation.  Romney could win the election and then in order to pass other bills need to compromise on funding for PBS.  In general those types of letters are more scare tatics to promote one canidate or another rather than grounded in reality anyway. 

Title: Re: Companies who are sending political emails to their employess
Post by: Phishfan on October 16, 2012, 01:23:29 pm
If a company has to lay people off because a certain parties tax policy has a negative economic impact on that business. Shouldn't let their employees know what may happen to them ahead of time ?

Because there has been no change to the tax structure at this time and because the winner of the election will not set any changes into action on their own. This is nothing but a threat and scare tactic based on speculation. They are saying in effect if my guy does not win some of you will lose jobs. They have no way of knowing what their future tax status is at this point. Their only stance is to scare voters. This is no different than the Black Panthers standing outside polling places a few years ago. It is a scare tactic and that is all.

Title: Re: Companies who are sending political emails to their employess
Post by: Fins4ever on October 16, 2012, 01:47:57 pm
I think it is in appropreate, in large part b/c it is a compounded prediction.  I don't have a problem with employers mention how specific legislation will affect the employees.

E.g. I would not agree with the following.

"Dear Big Bird. If Romney is elected you along with Bert and the Cookie Moster will have to be laid off"

But I have no problem with "Dear Big Bird. If HRXXXX which cuts off funding for PBS is passed you along with Bert and the Cookie Moster will have to be laid off."

The reason I have a problem with the first is it is mere speculation.  Romney could win the election and then in order to pass other bills need to compromise on funding for PBS.  In general those types of letters are more scare tatics to promote one canidate or another rather than grounded in reality anyway. 

Big Bird will not lose his 314,000 dollar annual salary regardless who is elected. A bigger threat than losing taxpayer funding (2% of annual budget) to Big Bird is all of the competition for the younger audience. If you are over 30, Big Bird and Sesame Street was all you knew. Not like that today.

Title: Re: Companies who are sending political emails to their employess
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on October 16, 2012, 01:55:07 pm
^^^ That is why I find sending out those types of emails to be wrong.  Along with the scare tatics used by CEOs that don't get the scruity of the press.  "E.g. Unless we elect canidate XXXX you will lose your job"

Title: Re: Companies who are sending political emails to their employess
Post by: badger6 on October 16, 2012, 02:01:50 pm
Because there has been no change to the tax structure at this time and because the winner of the election will not set any changes into action on their own. This is nothing but a threat and scare tactic based on speculation. They are saying in effect if my guy does not win some of you will lose jobs. They have no way of knowing what their future tax status is at this point. Their only stance is to scare voters. This is no different than the Black Panthers standing outside polling places a few years ago. It is a scare tactic and that is all.

Just a scare tactic ? You 100% know that or you just think that ? Are you saying that there won't be layoffs if Obamacare is allowed to continue or businesses are taxed more. You are correct, based on speculation that their guy doesn't win that they will lay off employees. As opposed to, if you don't vote for my guy you will lose your jobs. I don't see why it matters. If you were going to be laid off either way, would you want to know or not. I would and I am sure that most would.  It's their company, it is their responsibility to inform the employees that there may be layoffs in certain circumstances. If you personally don't like it, go do something about it, good luck to you in your hopeless efforts.

Title: Re: Companies who are sending political emails to their employess
Post by: Dave Gray on October 16, 2012, 02:09:24 pm
I heard an interesting point of view about PBS being pretty much the only place for poor people to get early childhood development -- without it, you severely affect kids' ability to grow up smart and educated.  They don't have Disney channel and Nickelodeon.

So, though we all pay for it, it saves money and it's making fewer people who are going to be breaking into your car in 20 years.

Title: Re: Companies who are sending political emails to their employess
Post by: badger6 on October 16, 2012, 02:15:54 pm
I heard an interesting point of view about PBS being pretty much the only place for poor people to get early childhood development -- without it, you severely affect kids' ability to grow up smart and educated.  They don't have Disney channel and Nickelodeon.

So, though we all pay for it, it saves money and it's making fewer people who are going to be breaking into your car in 20 years.

That's just plain silly. I'm pretty sure that there are plenty of inmates that watched big bird. Maybe their parents should be responsible adults and raise their kids correctly. Everyone has excuses these days but no responsibility for their own actions. Boo effin hoo, the poor victims of circumstance...........

Title: Re: Companies who are sending political emails to their employess
Post by: Phishfan on October 16, 2012, 02:26:16 pm
  It's their company, it is their responsibility to inform the employees that there may be layoffs in certain circumstances.

I have never worked for a company that made official announcements of possible layoffs. If anything, they said the exact opposite and then did it anyway. These companies who did this do not give a shit about the employees. You know why, because any self respecting employee who hears about layoffs would start putting their foot in the water to find another job. This is a vote for my guy or else tactic.

Title: Re: Companies who are sending political emails to their employess
Post by: badger6 on October 16, 2012, 02:27:05 pm
I have never worked for a company that made official announcements of possible layoffs. If anything, they said the exact opposite and then did it anyway. These companies who did this do not give a shit about the employees. You know why, because any self respecting employee who hears about layoffs would start putting their foot in the water to find another job. This is a vote for my guy or else tactic.

Or else what ?

Title: Re: Companies who are sending political emails to their employess
Post by: Phishfan on October 16, 2012, 02:30:50 pm
Or else what ?

I started to be real snarky here but held back. We all know that there is no way of knowing who voted for who unless they specifically come out and say so, have bumper stickers, etc. So the threat is maybe not you specifically vote for my guy or else, but the message is my guy needs votes or collectively all of you are under the gun.

Title: Re: Companies who are sending political emails to their employess
Post by: badger6 on October 16, 2012, 02:32:04 pm
I started to be real snarky here but held back. We all know that there is no way of knowing who voted for who unless they specifically come out and say so, have bumper stickers, etc. So the threat is maybe not you specifically vote for my guy or else, but the message is my guy needs votes or collectively all of you are under the gun.

Yes that is the message. AND ???

Title: Re: Companies who are sending political emails to their employess
Post by: CF DolFan on October 16, 2012, 02:35:10 pm
I'm torn actually and don't really see a definite right answer. I see how it can be misconstrued as bullying or even abused but I also think people have a right to know that if "A" happens, then "B" will happen ... assuming that is in fact true. The problem lies when "A" happens and and then "B" never happens. It then becomes a scare tactic and that isn't cool.

I can say that I believe that some companies have one plan if Obama is elected and another if Romney is elected based on a couple of issues. If people are let go then I would think they will have wished they had of known earlier but don't know that that is even in the best interest of the company itself.

Title: Re: Companies who are sending political emails to their employess
Post by: CF DolFan on October 16, 2012, 02:37:22 pm
I have never worked for a company that made official announcements of possible layoffs. If anything, they said the exact opposite and then did it anyway. These companies who did this do not give a shit about the employees. You know why, because any self respecting employee who hears about layoffs would start putting their foot in the water to find another job. This is a vote for my guy or else tactic.
We knew at the county that they were laying off prior to it happening. We even knew how many per department as we watched the meetings. We just didn't know who.

Title: Re: Companies who are sending political emails to their employess
Post by: el diablo on October 16, 2012, 02:40:49 pm
Then explain why Obama was elected, Obamacare passed, is upheld by the Supreme Court, and you still have the same employer telling you if Obama is elected, then you will lose your job.

Title: Re: Companies who are sending political emails to their employess
Post by: Phishfan on October 16, 2012, 02:42:36 pm
Just for giggles, are you guys aware the David Siegel, the man who I was first aware of sending these e-mails, has stated that in past elections he polled his workers on who they supported prior to the election?

Title: Re: Companies who are sending political emails to their employess
Post by: CF DolFan on October 16, 2012, 02:44:24 pm
Just for giggles, are you guys aware the David Siegel, the man who I was first aware of sending these e-mails, has stated that in past elections he polled his workers on who they supported prior to the election?
There are many negatives things you can say about him. I don't think anyone is defending him as being a good person are they?

Title: Re: Companies who are sending political emails to their employess
Post by: Phishfan on October 16, 2012, 02:46:53 pm
^^^ No, but they are defending his message as being straightforward and I think this is a good example of why it may not be.

Title: Re: Companies who are sending political emails to their employess
Post by: CF DolFan on October 16, 2012, 03:38:12 pm
There are other people who have done the same thing. Most notably the Koch brothers who sent it out to over 45,000 employees. 

Title: Re: Companies who are sending political emails to their employess
Post by: Spider-Dan on October 16, 2012, 05:26:34 pm
CF, you misunderstand.  David Siegel openly brags about being "the man who got George W. Bush elected."  He sent out surveys to thousands of employees, found out which ones intended to vote for Bush, then insisted that those employees register to vote.

This isn't hypothetical "If this guy gets elected then we might downsize" tripe.  This is in an entirely different league.