Title: STAR WARS EPISODE VII COMING IN 2015 Post by: SCFinfan on October 30, 2012, 06:20:42 pm See the link below:
http://blogs.wsj.com/speakeasy/2012/10/30/star-wars-episode-7-coming-in-2015/ Apparently, Lucasfilm was bought by Disney - Lucas will not direct the new movie(s?). There is a God, ladies and gentlemen... Title: Re: STAR WARS EPISODE VII COMING IN 2015 Post by: CF DolFan on October 30, 2012, 07:07:29 pm A lot of people are upset about this. I think it's probably a positive move and look forward to a new series.
Title: Re: STAR WARS EPISODE VII COMING IN 2015 Post by: mecadonzilla on October 30, 2012, 07:19:00 pm After Lucas embarrassed himself with episodes 1, 2, & 3 I'd prefer if he stayed out of it altogether.
There's a lot of reasons why Empire is the best of the entire series and a big one is because George didn't direct it. Title: Re: STAR WARS EPISODE VII COMING IN 2015 Post by: Jim Gray on October 30, 2012, 10:08:05 pm I was just talking to Dave about this. Based on what Lucas gave us for the Episode 1 - 3, I'm happy he no longer has control. I can't even watch I and II. III is better, but still a major disappointment.
I'm usually against "reboots", but in this case I might support it. We can all just pretend that those films never happened, and start all over. Title: Re: STAR WARS EPISODE VII COMING IN 2015 Post by: Landshark on October 31, 2012, 08:59:04 am What they need to do is make a Star Wars 3 1/2, showing how Darth Vader rose to power and Luke and Leia growing up on their respective planets.
Title: Re: STAR WARS EPISODE VII COMING IN 2015 Post by: Thundergod on October 31, 2012, 01:37:43 pm (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v693/lordthundergod/Random%20pics/155373_3507048248585_125895140_n.jpg)
Title: Re: STAR WARS EPISODE VII COMING IN 2015 Post by: Phishfan on October 31, 2012, 01:44:52 pm What they need to do is make a Star Wars 3 1/2, showing how Darth Vader rose to power and Luke and Leia growing up on their respective planets. I'm tired of children in Star Wars. I don't like the idea. Title: Re: STAR WARS EPISODE VII COMING IN 2015 Post by: Dave Gray on October 31, 2012, 03:10:26 pm There's no doubt that I will revisit this thread, but my quick thoughts are:
1) YES! 2) Amazing. 3) I'm glad they're going to do straight sequels. 4) I am glad that Lucas is involved. 5) I am glad that Lucas is not directly writing or directing. 6) I don't see how any Star Wars fan can be the least bit upset about this. 7) I hope that they choose to expand the universe, focusing on new characters, directions and plots, rather than to shrink it (like the prequels did.) Title: Re: STAR WARS EPISODE VII COMING IN 2015 Post by: SCFinfan on October 31, 2012, 03:34:24 pm There's no doubt that I will revisit this thread, but my quick thoughts are: 1) YES! 2) Amazing. 3) I'm glad they're going to do straight sequels. 4) I am glad that Lucas is involved. 5) I am glad that Lucas is not directly writing or directing. 6) I don't see how any Star Wars fan can be the least bit upset about this. Like/+1 and Totally Agree. 7) I hope that they choose to expand the universe, focusing on new characters, directions and plots, rather than to shrink it (like the prequels did.) Shrink it? Y U NO Explain what you mean? Title: Re: STAR WARS EPISODE VII COMING IN 2015 Post by: Dave Gray on October 31, 2012, 04:03:20 pm I mean that the prequel trilogy "shrunk" the universe to a list of about 25 important people, all intertwined. C-3P0 was made by Vader. R2D2 worked for the Queen. Yoda and Chewie were friends. We got more from Jabba. Boba Fett came from Stormtroopers. Greedo and Darth Vader are friends as children. Why?
Instead, they had an opportunity to expand outwards with characters that we'd heard about but knew little (Mon Mothma, Grand Moff Tarkin, Bothans (the ones that died bringing us this information), etc.) I hope the sequels go in another direction that expands the story and characters and doesn't stick to the story being only about Luke/Han/the same robots. Not that the prequels were all bad -- they did introduce some new characters that fit in appropriately and they did expand some characters where it was required (Emperor, Yoda, Obi Wan, Anakin) -- I just feel that, by and large, the prequels focused on the wrong things. Title: Re: STAR WARS EPISODE VII COMING IN 2015 Post by: SCFinfan on October 31, 2012, 04:21:16 pm I mean that the prequel trilogy "shrunk" the universe to a list of about 25 important people, all intertwined. C-3P0 was made by Vader. R2D2 worked for the Queen. Yoda and Chewie were friends. We got more from Jabba. Boba Fett came from Stormtroopers. Greedo and Darth Vader are friends as children. Why? Instead, they had an opportunity to expand outwards with characters that we'd heard about but knew little (Mon Mothma, Grand Moff Tarkin, Bothans (the ones that died bringing us this information), etc.) I hope the sequels go in another direction that expands the story and characters and doesn't stick to the story being only about Luke/Han/the same robots. Not that the prequels were all bad -- they did introduce some new characters that fit in appropriately and they did expand some characters where it was required (Emperor, Yoda, Obi Wan, Anakin) -- I just feel that, by and large, the prequels focused on the wrong things. Ok, I got you now. Yes, I agree w/ the RedLetterMedia reviews which, if memory serves, critiques Ep 3 (and the whole prequilogy) because it was a character piece - all about Darth Vader, and not more about what was going on, while simultaneously making Darth Vader unlikeable in the bad way: unwatchable. Title: Re: STAR WARS EPISODE VII COMING IN 2015 Post by: SCFinfan on October 31, 2012, 04:22:03 pm Nonetheless, this is an awesome scene from the prequels:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuLl7JSuhC8 Title: Re: STAR WARS EPISODE VII COMING IN 2015 Post by: Dave Gray on October 31, 2012, 04:33:28 pm ^ One more thing....this "shrinking" of the universe is not unique to the prequels. It started way prior. The first big reveal to tie characters together (Vader is Luke's Dad) -- OK. ....shocking, and an earned twist that helps explain things. But to do that again, by tying in Leia with both Vader and Luke is pretty bad. It really got you nothing, but convoluted a bunch of stuff and made Leia's motivations muddy -- was she doing it because it was the right thing, or was she somehow fated to be involved.
"Midichlorians" are often criticized as one of the worst ideas of the series, but it's really just an extension of using fate and dumb-luck as drivers to the whole trilogy. Title: Re: STAR WARS EPISODE VII COMING IN 2015 Post by: SCFinfan on November 02, 2012, 08:58:22 am The plot thickens!
http://movies.yahoo.com/blogs/movie-talk/star-wars-returns-rumor-roundup-221654367.html However, I am disappointed they won't do a Thrawn trilogy. The idea of doing movies for each character is kind of nauseating as well... Title: Re: STAR WARS EPISODE VII COMING IN 2015 Post by: Pappy13 on November 02, 2012, 10:33:19 am I noticed they mentioned the movie Sunshine. Not a bad Sci-Fi movie that is not well known. If you haven't seen it and enjoy a good Sci-Fi, I recommend it.
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0448134/ Title: Re: STAR WARS EPISODE VII COMING IN 2015 Post by: Dave Gray on November 02, 2012, 01:57:21 pm Here's what I do if I am in charge:
- Do an original story. The Thrawn trilogy already exists as books. If you make films, first-off, they'll be compared to the books. Secondly, there'd be no surprises. Also, I don't know if that would work on film as it did in books. - Make a story that involves some of the original cast and probably the robots again, but not in integral roles. Let Luke be the next Obi-Wan. Let Leia be what Mon Mothma was. Don't make the new characters super-related to the old cast. Just like Luke was an every-man. ...get a new one. Or a girl. But don't make them Leia and Han's kids. - Use real sets. I can't stress this enough. The prequels suffered horribly from a "sterile" look. I understand that a fair amount of CG will need to be used to achieve the effects. However, use practical effects where you can. It's also not just a matter of look -- you're not going to get emotional performances from actors standing in front of a green screen talking to a stick. - Don't choose a director whose style will be noticeable. Star Wars has a few standards -- wipes, smooth panning shots in space. But otherwise, it (should be) simple, dramatic shots. While it would be cool to see a big-name director take over, I don't want it to have their signature. Star Wars is its own signature. - Get John Williams. Get. John. Williams. |