Title: Question about the QB on facebook thread. Post by: dolphins4life on November 02, 2012, 08:54:54 pm Since I don't use twitter.............
Can somebody explain to me the jokes they make to Stafford about how, "This isn't twitter"? Title: Re: Question about the QB on facebook thread. Post by: fyo on November 03, 2012, 09:07:10 am Since I don't use twitter............. Can somebody explain to me the jokes they make to Stafford about how, "This isn't twitter"? When you post something on twitter, you can tag particular words by putting a hash mark in front (or an at sign in front of a user name). Take a look at the official Miami Dolphins twitter feed: http://twitter.com/MiamiDolphins Hash-tags include #FinsFriday, #godolphins, #MIAvsIND. They are converted into links and if you click on them, you get a list of other Twitter posts that include that hash tag. In effect, it's a way of grouping your post with others, making it easier to find for anyone interested in the same topic. Putting hash tags in front of words on Facebook is completely meaningless, hence the joke. Title: Re: Question about the QB on facebook thread. Post by: Tenshot13 on November 03, 2012, 12:12:21 pm #lol@xplainingtwitterROFL
Title: Re: Question about the QB on facebook thread. Post by: dolphins4life on November 18, 2012, 12:12:16 pm Ok, now what about when Goddell comes in and they say, "Commissioner this isn't twitter they can see what you are typing?"
Title: Re: Question about the QB on facebook thread. Post by: dolphins4life on June 23, 2013, 10:22:08 am Bump
Now facebook does have hashtags. I wonder if the NFL quarterbacks on facebook thread had something to do with it Title: Re: Question about the QB on facebook thread. Post by: Brian Fein on June 23, 2013, 11:20:09 am I think it has more to do with Facebook recognizing the usefulness of hashtags, and a great number of people acting like Matthew Stafford.