Title: Wonder why certain players are gone: Joe Philbin! Post by: MikeO on March 28, 2013, 07:35:31 pm http://www.sun-sentinel.com/sports/miami-dolphins/fl-omar-kelly-dolphins-0327-20130325,0,2935148.story?track=rss
He has no room for Diva's, Loudmouths, or clubhouse lawyers! Some highlights from the article.... Philbin claims he has an open door policy, but is it a coincidence that the three leaders – Dansby, tailback Reggie Bush and offensive tackle Jake Long - who confronted him last summer about developing a leadership council after disagreeing on Chad Johnson's release are no longer on the team? "Absolutely not," said one player. "Those guys challenged him, more than once, and he doesn't like that." A perfect example of this was Philbin's explanation of why Chris Clemons, the starting free safety from last year, was re-signed to a one-year, $2 million deal. "The guy's tough. He keeps his mouth (shut)," Philbin said, stopping himself mid sentence before recovering with a "he just comes to work." "I want guys who want to make an impact on and off the field. Good human beings. Guys who want to get better. Guys who want to improve," Philbin said. "They want to be great, want to win. Those types of guys we can work with every day." Title: Re: Wonder why certain players are gone: Joe Philbin! Post by: mecadonzilla on March 28, 2013, 07:40:45 pm If he can make it work, good on 'em. It's his show.
Title: Re: Wonder why certain players are gone: Joe Philbin! Post by: Spider-Dan on March 28, 2013, 10:54:47 pm Yeah, Nick Saban also had no room for divas and loudmouths, and ran the Dolphins with an iron fist.
Results. The rest be damned. Title: Re: Wonder why certain players are gone: Joe Philbin! Post by: MikeO on March 28, 2013, 10:56:29 pm Yeah, Nick Saban also had no room for divas and loudmouths, and ran the Dolphins with an iron fist. Results. The rest be damned. Saban also went Culpepper over Brees and made the office secretary's look away and not make eye contact with him when he was walking down halls. Nick had other issues going on...lol Title: Re: Wonder why certain players are gone: Joe Philbin! Post by: Spider-Dan on March 28, 2013, 11:34:31 pm Well, if we're talking about Mike Wallace vs. Greg Jennings 5 years from now, Philbin will be in the same boat.
Title: Re: Wonder why certain players are gone: Joe Philbin! Post by: Landshark on March 29, 2013, 12:34:19 am Yeah, Nick Saban also had no room for divas and loudmouths, and ran the Dolphins with an iron fist. Results. The rest be damned. Philbin is approachable. You just can't challenge his decisions. Saban, on the other hand, was not approachable at all. He even made a player cry. Title: Re: Wonder why certain players are gone: Joe Philbin! Post by: Brian Fein on March 29, 2013, 11:09:20 am To be fair, that player was a bit of a head-case.
Title: Re: Wonder why certain players are gone: Joe Philbin! Post by: BigDaddyFin on March 31, 2013, 10:45:09 pm Yeah, Nick Saban also had no room for divas and loudmouths, and ran the Dolphins with an iron fist. That's because as it turns out, Saban was the diva and the loudmouth. From what I saw on Hard Knocks and in his press conferences, I don't see that with Philbin. Title: Re: Wonder why certain players are gone: Joe Philbin! Post by: MikeO on April 01, 2013, 06:58:33 am From a recent Pouncey interview on Philibin
Pouncey-- “Coach Philbin is a great guy and he has a great attitude about football. Guys like being around him because he loves being here and he’s our head football coach. He is picky about things. He wouldn’t let us untuck our shirts on the plane ride home from our first road game. He said no swag on the way back, keep those shirts tucked in. He’s a great guy and we love him.” Title: Re: Wonder why certain players are gone: Joe Philbin! Post by: CF DolFan on April 01, 2013, 10:07:00 am When did discipline become a bad thing in sports?
Title: Re: Wonder why certain players are gone: Joe Philbin! Post by: MikeO on April 01, 2013, 10:23:01 am When did discipline become a bad thing in sports? It's not, but you don't see it alot these daysTitle: Re: Wonder why certain players are gone: Joe Philbin! Post by: Dolphster on April 01, 2013, 11:04:35 am A "leadership council" after some of the guys didn't agree with dumping Chad Johnson? LOL I'm picturing players coming to Don Shula back in the day and saying that they wanted a "leadership council" because they didn't agree with one of his decisions. What a society we have turned into.
Title: Re: Wonder why certain players are gone: Joe Philbin! Post by: Spider-Dan on April 01, 2013, 11:51:49 am It's a sideshow. It's no different than Wanny's lobster trap or Saban's complete lockdown on talking to the media.
Whatever, man. Be the players' cool uncle, or be their prison warden; I don't care. Results. |