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TDMMC Forums => Dolphins Discussion => Topic started by: phinphan on April 15, 2013, 03:37:26 pm

Title: Dolphins cheerleaders make vid"Call Me Maybe"
Post by: phinphan on April 15, 2013, 03:37:26 pm
Dolphins Cheerleaders make video for troops in Afghanistan and the soldiers respond with their own. It's pretty funny and shows they seem to have time on their hands now.

Title: Re: Dolphins cheerleaders make vid"Call Me Maybe"
Post by: Brian Fein on April 15, 2013, 03:41:09 pm
They made this video last offseason during their calendar shoot.  There was a post on here about it but I can't find it now.

They showed this one with the soldiers at the stadium before the titans game last year, and we all got a good chuckle out of it. 

Title: Re: Dolphins cheerleaders make vid"Call Me Maybe"
Post by: phinphan on April 16, 2013, 12:22:57 pm
I am not surprised it was on here. I got an email and I did not recall seeing it so I posted it here. Any Tosh fans here. He did a web redemption for cheer leaders who launched a girl at an arc and she landed on her back. When it came to the test it showed the girl's saying we can take these bitches. It was the Miami Dolphin cheerleaders. Tosh was excited by the Dolphins cheerleaders while he sat by the challengers. The challengers did their thing and they said the winner is WAIT FOR IT
you don't lose on web redemption those girls were jumping up and down. THE MIAMI DOLPHIN CHEERLEADERS. Tosh was dancing with the dolphin cheerleaders and he had fu*k the jets written on his chest. Hey Tosh is a dolphins fan you might be able to get
him to mention this site on air?
forgot the link