Title: What do you think about Stephen Ross? Post by: bsfins on May 07, 2013, 02:59:52 pm I'm curious what do you guy's think of Stephen Ross the Dolphins owner...
He's tried the orange carpet,brought in celebrity owners,public botched coaching moves,the stadium funding issues now... Then I read these tweets... Tweets from Ben Volin... @BenVolinPBP: Stephen Ross just announced that he has committed to the "Giving Pledge," in which he pledges to give half or more of his wealth to charity @BenVolinPBP: The Giving Pledge was created by Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, and aims to inspire global charity and deep engagement in philanthropy I wish I could find the tweets I saw last week,mentioning something along the lines of...Ross didn't have a clue what he was getting into being an owner. Another one was about the condition of the stadium...Then there were a few about he ignored a few people,that could have helped him get the funding through... What are your thoughts on Stephen Ross? Title: Re: What do you think about Stephen Ross? Post by: CF DolFan on May 07, 2013, 03:09:41 pm I just read he is worth 4.4 Billion so he is planning to give 2.2 billion or more away to charity? That's awesome but as a fan of his team I wish he'd invest 1 billion into a new stadium.
As far as what I think of him .... he seems to be a decent guy who really has no clue in regards to the average Dolphin fan. Title: Re: What do you think about Stephen Ross? Post by: Brian Fein on May 07, 2013, 05:56:29 pm Maybe the "charity" he's giving the money to should be "Miami First" - you know the non-profit organization responsible for stadium upgrades.
Title: Re: What do you think about Stephen Ross? Post by: MikeO on May 07, 2013, 06:39:22 pm Good guy, his heart is in the right place, just got in his own way a few times when he bought the team. He seems to be "getting it though" now and is picking up how the NFL works.