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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: bsfins on July 10, 2013, 04:29:03 pm

Title: Anyone use Tumblr?
Post by: bsfins on July 10, 2013, 04:29:03 pm
I'm sort of lost on tumblr really,or I'm missing the point of it...I've been deleting a bunch of old Accounts today...for the Shit's and grins of it...It's quite stress relieving too...Interesting to see the "Why are you leaving?"  things.... :D

I'm debating whether or not to delete the tumblr account...

I signed up last year,I thought Ok, I'll use it as someplace to say my thoughts on my work,and put my 3d projects up.Most of the stuff I do, I rarely share it,unless it's something that tended to take a buttload of time etc,etc...(bigger projects) I posted a few times,mainly posting Photoshop stuff,and old vectors.I really got dfrustrate with getting the page to work right,the layout,it looking right........Then chickened out on posting my 3d stuff..Realized that I don't finish projects on a regular basis,and don't have enough to say about other work I see,to post on a regular basis...I just let it go.....Haven't touched it like over 6 months.Suddenly I'm getting emails saying people are following me.  ???

Curious if you use Tumblr,what do you use it for? any suggestions for me with it?

Title: Re: Anyone use Tumblr?
Post by: Buddhagirl on July 11, 2013, 08:00:39 am
I don't really care for Tumblr. I prefer the format of an outright blog.