Title: living out of a car Post by: dolphins4life on July 28, 2013, 07:05:00 pm Anybody ever tried it? Think it might be possible?
Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: dolphins4life on July 28, 2013, 08:20:13 pm Hmmmm
- I could shower at the the gym I belong to. - I could keep my dirty clothes in the trunk and wash them at laundromat - I could eat sandwiches and other foods that don't require cooking. Plus, I could keep a mini-fridge in the car - I could sleep in the backseat Anything else I'm not thinking of guys? Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: dolphins4life on July 28, 2013, 09:38:49 pm - use the library for my internet needs
Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: Fau Teixeira on July 28, 2013, 10:14:54 pm the lack of a permanent address is the biggest issue you'd have
Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: dolphins4life on July 28, 2013, 11:05:52 pm yeah, you're right about that
Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: Spider-Dan on July 29, 2013, 12:24:28 am PO Box + cellphone would make it more feasible.
Not sure about that mini-fridge idea, though. Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: Landshark on July 29, 2013, 08:10:41 am The question is, where are you going to keep your clean clothes? And where are you going to get the A/C or heat to sleep comfortably?
Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: Buddhagirl on July 29, 2013, 10:37:09 am I've done a lot of research on living in an RV for a bit of time while I do some traveling. One of your biggest issues is going to be finding a safe place to park and making it look like you're not living in your car.
With that said living out of a car sounds miserable. If I do it I will at least have a conversion van, but would likely go with a small rv. Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: bsfins on July 29, 2013, 12:23:45 pm Buddha said exactly what I started to say last night,but much more eloquently...
I would add,being employed,makes the not having an address part much easier. My big add to the list of things not thinking about (not already mentioned).You're going to be spending a lot more on gas,unless your job is right next the library,and your gym.(where you are showering,and using the internet,etc). My thinking what would I do if I had to live out of my truck...The nearest truck stops,to take showers,do laundry,a maybe be able to crash in the parking lot occasionally are a couple miles outside of town. A place to park,where I'd feel somewhat safe,not get run off by police,or ticketed is the hardest part. Store parking lots might be ok for a night or two. I would strongly considering camping at a camp ground near by,before I'd live in my truck.While it might cost me something to stay there, I would have the ability to cook,water,and facilities to shower/shave,etc. Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: CF DolFan on July 29, 2013, 03:30:49 pm If I was going to live out of my car I'd make sure it was close by truck stoops and rest areas. There are some nice rest areas. In Florida they come with 24 hour security.
Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: Dave Gray on July 29, 2013, 06:04:39 pm May I ask what prompted this decision? Yes, you can live out of a car. But in most cases, you shouldn't. There are probably much, much better options available to you.
Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: dolphins4life on July 29, 2013, 06:40:02 pm ^^^^
financial stress Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: pondwater on July 29, 2013, 07:56:59 pm ^^^^ financial stress I was hesitant to reply to this thread. I couldn't tell if it was a joke, trolling, or just for getting attention. Now, to the point. No offense, but what the hell are you thinking? Living in a car? Really? What kind of financial stress are you talking about? Do you have a degree? What city do you live in? Get a 2nd job. Shit man get a 3rd job. Am I missing something? You need to sit down and assess what you are doing in life, something doesn't sound right. Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: dolphins4life on July 29, 2013, 08:00:17 pm I got three jobs
Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: pondwater on July 29, 2013, 08:15:40 pm I got three jobs If you have 3 jobs and can't pay your bills you need to examine your budget very closely. Hell, my girlfriend makes more than me and she never has any money. I don't seem to have that problem and I don't do without. It's like working out, a diet, or anything else in life. Discipline and will power are key, watch your money like a hawk. Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: dolphins4life on July 29, 2013, 08:22:48 pm ^^^^
None of them are full time and I am facing losing hours at my highest paying one. Anyway, I did not ask for advice on anything except living out of a car. Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: pondwater on July 29, 2013, 08:33:32 pm ^^^^ None of them are full time and I am facing losing hours at my highest paying one. Anyway, I did not ask for advice on anything except living out of a car. Just trying to help, you have my apologies sir. I would not advise living in a car ;) Good luck! Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: dolphins4life on July 29, 2013, 08:34:26 pm ^^^^
No problem bro. Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: Landshark on July 29, 2013, 11:08:39 pm Dolphins4life, you have a college degree. But sometimes a degree and/or experience will only get you in the door. It's the attitude that you display in front of the interviewer that gets you the job. From some of the posts I've seen from you, your attitude needs some serious work. You may want to consider going to see an outplacement counselor who can help shape your outlook on life for those who are trying to enter the workforce and help prop you up for those intense interviews.
As for living out of a car, I agree with pondwater. I would never advise it. If you have to, rent a room from someone before living out of your car. Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: dolphins4life on July 29, 2013, 11:54:02 pm Now that I'm buying Health Insurance, (and thank goodness I live in MA because if I didn't, my rate would be MUCH higher than the one I got) it's not really a good idea to rent a room. Living out of a car would be rent free.
Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: dolphins4life on July 29, 2013, 11:55:52 pm I have a ton of money saved up, but I'd rather live out of a car, then blow through it on rent
Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: Brian Fein on July 30, 2013, 12:33:37 am Living out of a car is almost the same as being homeless. The only difference is that you have a car, and homeless people typically don't.
If you have money saved up, you should consider renting a place and get a roommate. That cuts your living expenses in half. And you'd be better suited to quit all three jobs and try to find one that you can work full time so they pay for your health insurance too. Working 10 hours a week at three different places isn't the same as "having three jobs." Easier said than done but, living in the car should be the absolute last resort. Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: Phishfan on July 30, 2013, 10:38:29 am Living out of a car is being homeless and there is no other way to put it. Time for tough love here. Living out of your car by choice is #1 dangerous (you are basically a street person now) #2 difficult (finding new places to sleep, uncomfortable conditions, etc) #3 unappealing (you are always searching for a mate you are not going to get one of any quality being homeless).
While I could possibly applaud someone taking on a challenge like this because of some moral get back to nature type of lifestyle I think your decision is irrational. You admit you have plenty of money but are stressing paying rent. Get over it man. This is the real world. To be a functioning part of a society you need to pay rent and have a place to live. I can't help but wonder if this has something to do with your parents suggesting the post office job. Don't you live with them? Are they pressuring you? Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: Dave Gray on July 30, 2013, 02:46:07 pm "Living in a car is basically free."
But it's not. It may be financially almost free, but you are sacrificing so many other things -- among them health, social interaction, stability, and ability to improve. You'd find yourself eating crappy food because you'd have no way to prepare healthier options. Places don't want to hire someone who lives in a car, women (or men) don't want to date someone who lives in a car. ...hell, I'm an understanding guy, but I'd be scared to befriend someone who lived in a car. I'm not saying that you should live lavishly. But you can probably rent a room in a place for $300 a month if you really got down to it. Consider a co-op. It's usually pretty inexpensive and the community works together to do chores and stuff. The structure might also be good for you. They're full of interesting off-the-beaten-path types of people, so if you have trouble fitting in, maybe it would work for you. Even if you could do it, it's a backwards move that would likely negatively impact your mental heath, physical health, and ability to better yourself. Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: Brian Fein on July 30, 2013, 02:55:01 pm In addition, a mini fridge in your car just doesn't work. The amount of power a fridge requires would kill your car battery in a matter of days. Then you'd have to either leave your car running all the time and burn gas to keep the alternator running your fridge, or spend $200 a week on car batteries. Which makes more sense, that, or paying rent?
I think you just need to look into more options. Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: Tenshot13 on July 30, 2013, 08:02:00 pm I recommend living inside the stomach of a Tauntaun. Hell, Massachusetts isn't a far cry from Hoth anyways.
Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: dolphins4life on July 30, 2013, 10:07:32 pm Dave, what is a co-op?
Anyway, this week I will find out what my status will be with my main job, the per diem phlebotomy one. That's been my highest paying one and it has been almost full time this year. However, I could be losing hours because they are hiring a new person. Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on July 31, 2013, 09:40:49 am Besides what was mentioned above.
You will spend much much more on food. -- unable to buy in bulk when on sale, more restaurant food because you will be unable to cook. Of course if you are not doing the above now....then start there instead of giving up your place of abode. Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: Brian Fein on July 31, 2013, 11:30:05 am Maybe if you need help with budgeting and income management, you should get help there. I have that shit down to an exact science for my household. I'm a wizard with a bank account. You might want to take a good look at that.
Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: Dave Gray on July 31, 2013, 03:02:00 pm Dave, what is a co-op? A co-op is kind of like a commune. It's a group of people that live together, like a small apartment building with shared common areas, like kitchens, media rooms, gym, etc. But you live kinda like a family. You prepare meals together and do chores together. By living there, you pay something, but you're also expected to do your chores, which may be yard work on this day or kitchen duty on this day or cleaning on this day or whatever. The group may or may not have some kind of philosophical similarity and have that be part of the mission: environmental volunteering, vegetarians, music, etc. You sound like an interesting (and frankly, kind of a strange) dude. Co-ops attract people like you. My nephew lives in one and loves it. Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: dolphins4life on July 31, 2013, 05:09:57 pm I would agree that I am odd, but I don't think Massachusetts has coops
Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: Tenshot13 on August 01, 2013, 06:42:30 am If there is a college nearby, there should be co ops.
Title: Re: living out of a car Post by: Dave Gray on August 01, 2013, 10:10:27 am One more thing about co-ops: Your rent includes a food budget -- so you will have prepared meals several times a week. If you are unlikely to make yourself good food, it's a way to ensure that you get proper meals.