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TDMMC Forums => Around the NFL => Topic started by: CF DolFan on August 23, 2013, 08:34:36 am

Title: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: CF DolFan on August 23, 2013, 08:34:36 am
As one of the biggest supporters of him I have to admit there may be some truth to this.  Watching him I have to agree that I really don't think he is the same level of athlete he was a few years ago.

I know many will say " I told you so" but I think there is more to it than that. For whatever the reason, he isn't the same athlete who came out of Florida.


Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL

To some who are watching Tim Tebow struggle to play quarterback for the New England Patriots—and struggle is a mighty generous way to describe what he's doing—there is but one conclusion.

It's not just that Tebow can no longer play quarterback, or any other skill position, in the NFL—it's that unless Tebow switches to a strictly blocking position, he is not talented enough to play in leagues like the Canadian Football League and Arena Football League.

Tebow's skills have eroded so quickly, so shockingly fast—think heavy boulder dropped from low orbit—that it has actually stunned several scouts who have watched him closely for years.

The belief is that Tebow has been and will continue to be so bad, that the Patriots will have no choice but to cut him loose from the roster.

Now, just to be clear: None of this is presented as Tebow-bashing or a type of huge exposé. To some, this isn't even shocking. To me, some of this was. Scouts I trust saying Tebow isn’t fit to play arena ball?

Then I thought about it. I watched him play this preseason when he threw for negative yards and looked as graceful as two toddlers playing catch with a bag of angry cats. I talked to more people, watched Tebow highlights from his Florida Gator and Denver Broncos days.

And, I’ll be damned. It's clear. Tebow’s career as anything but a blocking fullback is over.

What's next for Tim Tebow? Spot duty for the Patriots, CFL or AFL, Broadcast booth, "Dancing with the Stars", Assistant to Urban Meyer at OSU?

The reason why is speed. Speed doesn’t just kill; speed is currency in football. It’s the dollar, the deutsche mark. A player without a basic modicum of it is a brontosaurus in a league of tyrannosaurus rex.

That lack of speed is evident in three critical phases of Tebow’s game: His throwing motion, his mental acuity and his ability to avoid tacklers.

It’s not simply that he can't do these things now. We knew that. What's stunning, upon closer examination, is the rapidity with which these skills have been lost.

In the preseason opener against Philadelphia, Tebow was 4-of-12 passing for 55 yards. He was sacked three times and had a passer rating of 49. Then, against Tampa Bay, he had just one completion, an interception and finished with a passer rating of zero.

My suspicion is that the physical punishment he endured starting at Florida and continuing through the NFL has taken its toll in ways we may not have noticed before.

Look at Tebow at Florida versus Tebow now. He didn't blast by some of the best defenses in the SEC on his good looks and charisma. He did have speed. And he did have skill.

Scouts say they don't recognize the Tebow they saw in college. His regression has been so steep that I don't believe there is a league he can now play in.

The problem with Tebow playing in the CFL is that, while the league is obviously a lesser platform than the NFL, it's still pretty good. Don't forget: Warren Moon, who in my opinion is one of the top 10 NFL quarterbacks of all time, played in the CFL.

The level of athleticism has progressed significantly since Moon transitioned to the NFL in the early 80s. Also, the CFL has always been a passing league, and Tebow can’t, you know, pass. Or run.

The Arena Football League might even be a tougher league for Tebow. The arena game is gimmicky, but passing accuracy is vital because of the fast pace and claustrophobic field. All that league does is pass.

The AFL MVP this past season was Erik Meyer. He played then-Division I-AA football at Eastern Washington and was one of the most accurate passers in I-AA history.

In his current state, Tebow wouldn't last 10 minutes in either of those leagues.

Patriots coach Bill Belichick says Tebow is improving, but no one believes that. There's no way even Belichick believes that. Barring a transplant of Bart Starr's mitochondria into Tebow’s synapses, what we are seeing with Tebow is the end.

Unless he becomes a blocker.

Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: Brian Fein on August 23, 2013, 10:33:13 am
His ineptitude is magnified when placed on the same field as Tom Brady.  When compared to Kyle Orton and Mark Sanchez, he doesn't look as bad.

But, in the end, he IS the same player, and has always been that bad.  Its just that the media refused to acknowledge it before now.

I wouldn't be surprised if Billy Boy keeps Tebow as a wild card, but he is smart and he won't reveal that in preseason.  He has done a great job not allowing the media to make a side-show circus out of Tebow, something Fat Rex just couldn't do.  So, while I agree that Tebow is an awful QB, I think he can be valuable to a team like the Patriots if he accepts his role as "something else," instead of trying to continue to play a position he is not good enough to play.

Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: Phishfan on August 23, 2013, 10:46:12 am
Does anyone else agree with me that Tim Tebow never had speed. Florida itself did have speed but Tebow was not one of those guys. He was big and could make a move and could power some but saying he had speed I always though was an overcharacterization.

Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: MikeO on August 23, 2013, 12:19:54 pm
preseason.  He has done a great job not allowing the media to make a side-show circus out of Tebow, something Fat Rex just couldn't do. 

Only because Aaron Hernandez became the side-show circus issue for them up there. Otherwise it would have been Tebow every day non-stop all summer.

Tebow sucks. Plain and simple. Good to great college QB. God awful/Terrible NFL any position they try to make him play. He isn't any good. If he bombs out this year like he did last year, I would expect this year to be his last season in the NFL.

Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: Pappy13 on August 23, 2013, 12:25:37 pm
Even QB's with speed have a hard time making it in the NFL. You make it in the NFL mostly off your arm and Tebow's just isn't that good. We like to think that guys like Vick and Randall Cunningham are exceptions to the rule, but those guys have great arms, they just aren't known for it because it's their running ability which really sets them apart.

Tebow has NEVER been a good NFL QB. He's had 1 good NFL game I believe (Actually I think it was about a half). Other than that he's been all hype and very little substance.

That's just my opinion, I could be wrong.

Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: Dave Gray on August 23, 2013, 12:32:57 pm
For whatever the reason, he isn't the same athlete who came out of Florida.

He's exactly the same athlete that came out of Florida.  That's why we were saying he wasn't a good fit.  I'm a Florida fan, but the guy never had NFL tools and it was obvious from back in college.  He was a great college QB, but those types of skills don't translate.  Running the ball and leadership and toughness and all that is great -- but if you can't throw an accurate pass, you've got no business behind center in the NFL. 

Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: Spider-Dan on August 23, 2013, 03:03:32 pm
Now I'm somewhat annoyed that he did not start for NYJ.  Because the sum of all this is that a certain group of people in this country will point to Tim Tebow for the rest of time as their shining example of a man being persecuted for his beliefs.

They Never Even Allowed Him To Start Another Game!

edit:  This picture speaks for itself:


Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: el diablo on August 23, 2013, 03:43:34 pm
Well you see. Tebow isn't a good practice QB, preseason QB, or 1st 3 quarters of a regular season game QB. But he's a winner. It just pisses me off that it takes this for people to "see the light".

Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: CF DolFan on August 23, 2013, 03:44:47 pm
He's exactly the same athlete that came out of Florida. 
I disagree. He was much more effective in Denver and I'm not even speaking about passing. He ran better and evaded better. He seems to have either regressed or the league has gotten better and he hasn't.

Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: bsmooth on August 23, 2013, 04:31:22 pm
I disagree. He was much more effective in Denver and I'm not even speaking about passing. He ran better and evaded better. He seems to have either regressed or the league has gotten better and he hasn't.

You mean they adjusted to his one dimensional game? The league has done what people said last year they would do, they adjusted to him.
I think Urban Meyer was correct. Tebow was great in college because he was surrounded by great talent, and it opened up opportunities for him, and the defenses were not loaded with top caliber talent.
The NFL is different.
Tebow is just another story of an athlete who dominated in the lower divisions, but when faced with the top level talent, has seen their star fade.

Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: dolphins4life on August 24, 2013, 03:33:17 pm
I think the guy got a raw deal.  After a great 2011 with Denver he never was given a chance to start again.

Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: MikeO on August 24, 2013, 04:09:07 pm
I think the guy got a raw deal.  After a great 2011 with Denver he never was given a chance to start again.

"Given the chance"...........uh he never EARNED THE CHANCE to start again because he sucks

Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: bsmooth on August 24, 2013, 06:15:53 pm
I think the guy got a raw deal.  After a great 2011 with Denver he never was given a chance to start again.

Everyone who worships the ground he walks on, thinks he singlehandedly beat the Steelers.

Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: Spider-Dan on August 24, 2013, 06:22:33 pm
"A great 2011" = finishing the season with 3 straight losses (two of which were to teams with a losing record) to wind up 8-8.

This, with the division title on the line.

Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: MikeO on August 24, 2013, 06:53:38 pm
Everyone who worships the ground he walks on, thinks he singlehandedly beat the Steelers.

Yep. And that is a game he completed only 10 passes in and completed less than 50% of his passes.

Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: MikeO on August 24, 2013, 11:14:36 pm
Sanchez got hurt tonight and it looks bad.  If the Pats cut Tebow the Jets can claim him and Tebow can finally start in NY....ha ha ha!!

Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: dolphins4life on August 25, 2013, 11:03:26 am
He threw twice as many touchdown passes as interceptions in 2011, too.

Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: MikeO on August 31, 2013, 10:50:44 am
Tim Tebow was just CUT by the Pats

Tebow's NFL career is now most likely over.

Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: Brian Fein on August 31, 2013, 12:22:44 pm
I bet someone picks him up. 

Someone will.

Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: MikeO on August 31, 2013, 01:24:10 pm
I bet someone picks him up. 

Someone will.

I will take that bet. He's done

Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: dolphins4life on August 31, 2013, 02:05:54 pm
what a raw deal he got in this league, but hey I guess that's the nature of the league.

Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: MikeO on August 31, 2013, 02:33:06 pm
what a raw deal he got in this league, but hey I guess that's the nature of the league.

Raw deal? He failed in NY and NE. he got a fair shake he didn't make the most of his opportunities. This preseason Tebow was the 2nd lowest rated QB in the entire league at -8.1 according to Pro Football Focus

Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: dolphins4life on August 31, 2013, 02:59:19 pm
That's preseason lol.  His first season he was 8-5 as a starter, won a playoff game, and was very good.  He's probably better than any qb on the Miami roster now

Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: Spider-Dan on August 31, 2013, 03:03:23 pm
It's funny how people talk about how Tebow was "never given a real chance," yet Matt Flynn was also an NCAA nat'l champion QB, has thrown 6 TDs in an NFL game, has played well in the only two starts he's been given... and yet team after team will not let him even have a chance to play.  Oh, but Matt Flynn didn't write bible verses on his eyeblack.

Where Is The Outrage?

Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: miamid45 on August 31, 2013, 03:25:01 pm
Won't even make it in the CFL.....every throw he makes looks like he's praying that someone gets to the ball and catches it....not NFL caliber.....had a good little run, but reality always will set in and the reality is that he doesn't have it!

Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: MikeO on August 31, 2013, 03:27:07 pm
That's preseason lol.  His first season he was 8-5 as a starter, won a playoff game, and was very good.  He's probably better than any qb on the Miami roster now

If Tebow can't produce against back-ups and scrubs in the 2nd half of preseason games what makes you think he will  produce in "real" games vs "real talent"??

That 8-5 record is misleading, that team won in spite of him not because him. He had games where he completed only 8 passes and they won on lucky bounces and fluke plays. Defense and long field goals is what won those games. Not Tebow!

And if YOU think he is better than any QB on Miami you are lost. NFL teams want to win. Coaches need to Win or get fired! If someone thought Tebow could help them win...he would have a job. He doesn't have a job for a reason!! WAKE UP!

Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: Dave Gray on August 31, 2013, 03:55:43 pm
I can't believe this "didn't get a chance" crap.

EVERY TIME HE PLAYS HE LOOKS AWFUL.  He was on a very good Broncos team and he still sucked there.  He got kicked off of 3 teams in 3 years.  HE SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS!

Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: CF DolFan on August 31, 2013, 09:13:28 pm
It's funny how people talk about how Tebow was "never given a real chance," yet Matt Flynn was also an NCAA nat'l champion QB, has thrown 6 TDs in an NFL game, has played well in the only two starts he's been given... and yet team after team will not let him even have a chance to play.  Oh, but Matt Flynn didn't write bible verses on his eyeblack.

Where Is The Outrage?
Isn't Matt Flynn on his second team competing for the starter's spot? Why would there be an outrage.

Please do not turn this into a Tebow bashing post because I'm not saying he deserves another shot. I just really think your analogy was a huge reach just to bash Tebow and Bible versus.

Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: bsmooth on August 31, 2013, 11:39:32 pm
Isn't Matt Flynn on his second team competing for the starter's spot? Why would there be an outrage.

Please do not turn this into a Tebow bashing post because I'm not saying he deserves another shot. I just really think your analogy was a huge reach just to bash Tebow and Bible versus.

Actually he is on his third team, but he was never going to get a shot at Rodger's gig.

Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: bsmooth on August 31, 2013, 11:42:37 pm
That's preseason lol.  His first season he was 8-5 as a starter, won a playoff game, and was very good.  He's probably better than any qb on the Miami roster now

Yes the Broncos went 8-5 with Tebow as QB. However people continue to look past the fact that the Broncos defense woke up after going 1-4. During Tebow's miraculous run, the defense racked up almost all of it sacks, fumbles, and interception, to include two pick 6's.
Also lost in the Tebow hysteria cacophony, was the fact he dropped a short pass to Thomas, who broke tackles to score an 80yd TD. He did not drop a perfect bomb into Thomas's hands in the end zone, Thomas ran through the defense to score that game winning TD.

Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: Spider-Dan on September 01, 2013, 02:36:43 am
Isn't Matt Flynn on his second team competing for the starter's spot? Why would there be an outrage.
When Tebow lost his starting job (after putting up some of the worst stats from the QB position in years), many people complained that he Never Got A Fair Shot.  When Sanchez got benched last year and McElroy got the start, the same people complained that Tebow was the #2 and should have been next in line (incredibly ironic, given that Tebow got the start over Brady Quinn in nearly the exact same manner).

So where's the army of people chanting to just give Matt Flynn a chance?  LSU is not exactly a tiny backwater school, so I don't buy that the influence of Gator fans is the difference.

Title: Re: Scouts' Honor: Tim Tebow Not Fit for NFL
Post by: Pappy13 on September 01, 2013, 10:11:45 am
That's preseason lol.  His first season he was 8-5 as a starter, won a playoff game, and was very good.  He's probably better than any qb on the Miami roster now
He wasn't 8-5, Denver was 8-5 with him as a starter. With a good QB they would have been 11-2.