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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: Phishfan on September 09, 2013, 04:47:34 pm

Title: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Phishfan on September 09, 2013, 04:47:34 pm
Shellie Zimmerman has called 911 to report George has punched her father and made verbal threats involving his gun. He is being questioned but has not been charged as this story is breaking.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: el diablo on September 09, 2013, 11:10:35 pm
So was GZ on his way back to his car or looking for an address, when Shellie's father attacked him?

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: bsmooth on September 09, 2013, 11:55:46 pm
No one is pressing charges.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Landshark on September 10, 2013, 06:21:50 am
I'll bet dad was thinking that Zimmerman is guilty and tried to get his daughter out of the house

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Buddhagirl on September 10, 2013, 07:03:56 am
I'll bet dad was thinking that Zimmerman is guilty and tried to get his daughter out of the house

They've been separated for a while and she filed for divorce last week. Also, the night of the murder she was staying with her father since she and George had a fight the night before.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: CF DolFan on September 10, 2013, 08:01:55 am
It's her father's house. George is staying there. There was no gun. There is no pressing charges.

Much to do about nothing except that it's George Zimmerman.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Buddhagirl on September 10, 2013, 09:42:08 am
It's her father's house. George is staying there. There was no gun. There is no pressing charges.

Much to do about nothing except that it's George Zimmerman.

How could George be staying there if his wife claimed last in interview that she did not know where he is?

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Phishfan on September 10, 2013, 09:59:27 am
^^^ Becasue someone who pleaded guilty to perjury would never lie when not under oath,  :)

That aside, this sounds to me like just a pretty typical domestic issue. I am a bit curious how much in play the gun actually was. I don't think anyone has claimed a gun was ever shown.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: pondwater on September 10, 2013, 11:52:09 am
More shenanigans from the media of the "oppressed". The guy had a fair trial and was found not guilty, but since they were already out for blood they will never leave the him alone. Pulled over with a warning and it's pasted all over the media. Gets a speeding ticked and it's pasted all over the media. I can see the next headline about Zimmerman from the liberal media, "BREAKING NEWS: GEORGE ZIMMERMAN TAKES A SHIT". Give it a break already.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Phishfan on September 10, 2013, 11:56:18 am
A call to 911 is shenanigans? Your positions really are extreme.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on September 10, 2013, 12:01:24 pm
A call to 911 is shenanigans? Your positions really are extreme.

A 911 call regarding domestic abuse in which the "victim" recants her story, and there is absolutely no physical injury, is not typically national news.  Only in a very small town newspaper that reports ever police call would it even make the local new. 

From that perspective this is a non-story that some are trying to trump up. 

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Phishfan on September 10, 2013, 01:14:05 pm
^^^ I'll agree that this was a domestic situation that does not make the news usually but the participants are far from typical. I'm also not sure she recanted her story. She did not want to press charges.

The police were likely correct in not making an arrest because it was a very typical situation with atypical participants.

There was no turmping of the story. The story was the story. I did not see anything that embellished it at all, except for maybe one headline yesterday saying he was in custody but the article itself went on to clarify he was being questioned but not charged at the time.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: CF DolFan on September 10, 2013, 01:22:42 pm
^^^ I'll agree that this was a domestic situation that does not make the news usually but the participants are far from typical. I'm also not sure she recanted her story. She did not want to press charges.

The police were likely correct in not making an arrest because it was a very typical situation with atypical participants.

There was no turmping of the story. The story was the story. I did not see anything that embellished it at all, except for maybe one headline yesterday saying he was in custody but the article itself went on to clarify he was being questioned but not charged at the time.
what about the gun reports? There was no gun. Just watched Lake Mary PD say it for the 3rd time. A gun was not involved.

The story is pretty much around a broken iPad and who broke it.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Phishfan on September 10, 2013, 01:36:22 pm
^^^ I've seen Lake Mary PD's statements as well. It is not a trumped up story, unless Shellie trumped it up. That is not media hype. It was her recorded statement on the 911 call.

Also, unless I am mistaken, Lake Mary's position was Zimmerman did not have a gun on his body when they spoke with him. They said it could be inside the car but they were not going to bother with a search warrant to look for one under this siutation. Zimmerman's own lawyer issued statement saying he had his gun with him but did not brandish it.

This article is not the first one I saw were Lake Mary said the gun was possibly in the vehicle (I think that one had already been altered) but it does mention there was in fact a gun.

"We did not take a gun at all, because there was no reason to take a gun, because his gun was in his truck," Bracknell said.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Spider-Dan on September 10, 2013, 02:56:53 pm
A 911 call regarding domestic abuse in which the "victim" recants her story, and there is absolutely no physical injury, is not typically national news.
So if OJ Simpson's girlfriend (or Casey Anthony's boyfriend) called 911 for domestic abuse, but there was no injury and the victim's story was recanted, no one in the media would cover it?


Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: CF DolFan on September 10, 2013, 03:01:09 pm
I don't think she recanted and I know they are investigating.  According to the interview I saw a little while ago with Lake Mary PD either one of them could be charged, both of them, or neither. They are still going over recorded statements and also observations made by several officers. 

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Buddhagirl on September 10, 2013, 08:31:07 pm
This whole situation reeks of abuse. But, no. George Zimmerman is a misunderstood saint. 

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: bsmooth on September 10, 2013, 11:17:19 pm
what about the gun reports? There was no gun. Just watched Lake Mary PD say it for the 3rd time. A gun was not involved.

The story is pretty much around a broken iPad and who broke it.

In the 9-11 call she stated he was armed, and the police were told he had his hand on the gun during the argument. There was never a claim he had drawn a gun or threatened to use it.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: bsmooth on September 11, 2013, 02:47:19 am

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: pondwater on September 11, 2013, 10:17:25 am
This whole situation reeks of abuse. But, no. George Zimmerman is a misunderstood saint. 

No, he's automatically guilty because you THINK he is. Keep listening to and basing your judgments on the media. Maybe you'll be 0-2 after all is said and done, lol. 

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Phishfan on September 11, 2013, 10:20:07 am
Zimmerman's story is that the iPad was broken after his wife struck him with it. That would be a humorous twist indeed.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Buddhagirl on September 11, 2013, 11:40:08 am
No, he's automatically guilty because you THINK he is. Keep listening to and basing your judgments on the media. Maybe you'll be 0-2 after all is said and done, lol. 

So, wait. What source are you basing your judgement on then? Do you have some inside scoop to EVERYTHING that no one else has?

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Landshark on September 11, 2013, 12:23:11 pm
So, wait. What source are you basing your judgement on then? Do you have some inside scoop to EVERYTHING that no one else has?

He's not judging anything until all the facts come out.  You, on the other hand, seem to be the one passing judgment

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Buddhagirl on September 11, 2013, 01:01:56 pm
He's not judging anything until all the facts come out.  You, on the other hand, seem to be the one passing judgment

But, he claims he doesn't believe the media. So where is he getting the "facts"? What alternative place does he use?
And, for the record judging people is my favorite pastime. 

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: CF DolFan on September 11, 2013, 03:52:30 pm
The police department just released a statement based on all the evidence they have. Looks like a normal civil disagreement in a marriage gone bad.

SEMINOLE COUNTY, Fla. — The Lake Mary Police Department held a news conference Wednesday about the domestic incident between George Zimmerman and his wife, Shellie Zimmerman.
Police released the incident report Wednesday afternoon.

Police said that no domestic violence charges will be filed against George or Shellie Zimmerman anytime soon, if ever. They said the iPad evidence was nearly destroyed.

"The iPad is in really bad shape. Don't have tools to look at video on the iPad. It could take months or weeks to get video off iPad," said Zach Hudson of the Lake Mary Police Department.
The smashed iPad could hold clues into what really happened during the Zimmermans' domestic dispute, but police say they may never know.

According to a newly released police report, on Monday, Shellie Zimmerman and her father, David Dean, went to their Lake Mary home on Ridgewood Road to pick up belongings agreed upon during the split from her husband.

George Zimmerman reportedly came to the residence and snapped pictures before heading to the garage.

According to George Zimmerman, his father-in-law suddenly "threw his glasses on the down and charged him."

Dean told police that Zimmerman injured him, as documented in an evidence photo.
"As it stands now we don't see a crime," said Hudson.
According to the report, while filming the aftermath with the iPad, Shellie Zimmerman, allegedly hit her husband with it.

Home surveillance video caught George Zimmerman destroying it.

However, police said if there's no video, there are no charges.
"Without additional footage, there is no way we can come to that conclusion," Hudson said.
No injuries were reported, and no one is pressing charges, police said.

While there, all parties signed a document expressing their wish not to prosecute, though domestic-battery charges could still be filed against either George or Shellie Zimmerman, police said.

In the state of Florida, authorities have the right to prosecute if they believe married parties got physical.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: pondwater on September 11, 2013, 07:22:16 pm
But, he claims he doesn't believe the media. So where is he getting the "facts"? What alternative place does he use?
And, for the record judging people is my favorite pastime. 

All of the real facts aren't known at this time. The liberal media has a way of spinning things to make the mindless zombie masses make rash decisions. They did it with Zimmerman the first time, they did it with sandy hook, and they will continue to pull the puppet strings of people like you in order to further their agenda. And for the record, since you like judging people so much, you might want to take a walk to the bathroom and look in the mirror every so often. 

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Buddhagirl on September 11, 2013, 07:42:40 pm
And for the record, since you like judging people so much, you might want to take a walk to the bathroom and look in the mirror every so often. 

I do. I'm GORGEOUS. stated earlier I'm not some anonymous internet identity. I talk and interact with the people on here. Just saw a bunch of them a couple weeks ago at a BBQ. I am not some sort of basement dwelling troll.

Now, maybe I'm not asking the questions properly - what news outlets are pondwater approved? You say they're all "liberal media". What outlets are not according to you? I would like to expand my information gathering.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: pondwater on September 12, 2013, 04:09:30 pm
Meh, you're one of those. It figures. stated earlier I'm not some anonymous internet identity. I talk and interact with the people on here. Just saw a bunch of them a couple weeks ago at a BBQ. I am not some sort of basement dwelling troll.
I don't ever recall implying or calling you a "basement dwelling troll". And yes, you have let it be known a few times that you hang out with "internet people". Well that's just dandy. Hanging out with internet people and thinking you're gorgeous = awesome. CHECK

Now, maybe I'm not asking the questions properly - what news outlets are pondwater approved? You say they're all "liberal media". What outlets are not according to you? I would like to expand my information gathering.
It's called not jumping the gun and accusing and convicting someone without all of the facts. If you think that the media is "credible" for information, then by all means proceed. Just be prepared to look silly when you are wrong more times than not. Kind of like all of the "Justice for Trayvon" bandwagon jumping whack jobs.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Buddhagirl on September 12, 2013, 04:50:13 pm

 It's called not jumping the gun and accusing and convicting someone without all of the facts. If you think that the media is "credible" for information, then by all means proceed. Just be prepared to look silly when you are wrong more times than not. Kind of like all of the "Justice for Trayvon" bandwagon jumping whack jobs.

You still did not answer the question. Where do you get your facts from if not the media?

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: pondwater on September 12, 2013, 05:03:26 pm
You still did not answer the question. Where do you get your facts from if not the media?

Here we go with the spin. Yes most information comes from the media. However, in an attempt to "push an agenda" or "be the first to get a story out" they usually spin, lie, and outright make things up when stories first break. If you need proof of that, see some of the initial Sandy Hook stories or some of the initial Trayvon-Zimmerman stories. The point is that the media is rarely correct on the important facts on breaking stories. Eventually, all the real facts leak out and an informed opinion can be formed. But saying someone is guilty or abusive is irresponsible without having all of the information needed to make that determination.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: EKnight on September 12, 2013, 05:21:31 pm
No, he's automatically guilty because you THINK he is. Keep listening to and basing your judgments on the media. Maybe you'll be 0-2 after all is said and done, lol. 

"0-2"? "LOL"? A child lost his life at the hands of this guy, and you're trivializing it as if it were a baseball score? I might be the world's biggest ass and even I see that this is wrong. -EK

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Buddhagirl on September 12, 2013, 05:45:22 pm
Here we go with the spin. Yes most information comes from the media. However, in an attempt to "push an agenda" or "be the first to get a story out" they usually spin, lie, and outright make things up when stories first break. If you need proof of that, see some of the initial Sandy Hook stories or some of the initial Trayvon-Zimmerman stories. The point is that the media is rarely correct on the important facts on breaking stories. Eventually, all the real facts leak out and an informed opinion can be formed. But saying someone is guilty or abusive is irresponsible without having all of the information needed to make that determination.

You obviously are not going to say where you get your info from, so whatever.

Zimmerman's wife said that he is verbally abusive, so I'm not sure what you're arguing here:

He had a restraining order from a domestic violence incident with a past girlfriend. Those are FACTS.  So, yes I wold call him abusive.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: pondwater on September 12, 2013, 06:49:42 pm
"0-2"? "LOL"? A child lost his life at the hands of this guy, and you're trivializing it as if it were a baseball score? I might be the world's biggest ass and even I see that this is wrong. -EK

While someone losing their life is tragic, everyone dies eventually. Innocent people die everyday in much worse ways, I don't hear you crying for them. Anyhow, I wouldn't classify a 6 foot tall 17 year old a child. And as much as you want to play the sympathy card for Martin, you have to remember that he was shot while assaulting the person that shot him. The jury found him "not guilty" and their opinion is the only one that matters.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: pondwater on September 12, 2013, 06:54:33 pm
You obviously are not going to say where you get your info from, so whatever.

Zimmerman's wife said that he is verbally abusive, so I'm not sure what you're arguing here:

He had a restraining order from a domestic violence incident with a past girlfriend. Those are FACTS.  So, yes I wold call him abusive.

And Zimmerman said that his wife hit him with an iPad. So he was verbally abusive and she was physically abusive? So to you, her word is better than his? After all she is the one that was convicted of lying not him. He was convicted of nothing. Plenty of unanswered questions.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Spider-Dan on September 12, 2013, 07:15:16 pm
And as much as you want to play the sympathy card for Martin, you have to remember that he was shot while assaulting the person that shot him.
And when was Martin convicted of assault, exactly?

The fact that Zimmerman was acquitted of murder does not, in any way, prove that Martin assaulted Zimmerman.  That is, unless it is also equally "proven" that Caylee Anthony was kidnapped by some undetermined stranger.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: pondwater on September 12, 2013, 07:30:41 pm
And when was Martin convicted of assault, exactly?

The fact that Zimmerman was acquitted of murder does not, in any way, prove that Martin assaulted Zimmerman.  That is, unless it is also equally "proven" that Caylee Anthony was kidnapped by some undetermined stranger.

He had injuries consistent with being assaulted and Martin had none. Plus the little fact that his defense was self defense and he was found not guilty. The jury must have believed he was defending himself. Common sense.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Spider-Dan on September 12, 2013, 07:40:22 pm
Casey Anthony's defense was that someone else kidnapped and killed Caylee.
The jury found Casey Anthony not guilty.
By your logic, this proves that someone else kidnapped and killed Caylee Anthony.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Buddhagirl on September 12, 2013, 07:56:02 pm
And Zimmerman said that his wife hit him with an iPad. So he was verbally abusive and she was physically abusive? So to you, her word is better than his? After all she is the one that was convicted of lying not him. He was convicted of nothing. Plenty of unanswered questions.

Link stating who smashed the iPad, please?

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: EKnight on September 12, 2013, 08:00:05 pm
While someone losing their life is tragic, everyone dies eventually. Innocent people die everyday in much worse ways, I don't hear you crying for them. Anyhow, I wouldn't classify a 6 foot tall 17 year old a child. And as much as you want to play the sympathy card for Martin, you have to remember that he was shot while assaulting the person that shot him. The jury found him "not guilty" and their opinion is the only one that matters.

Doesn't matter what YOU would call him. 17 is a minor. A minor is a child.

The jury found Zimmerman not guilty. Not once did he or anyone else claim he didn't kill Martin. Just because he was acquitted doesn't mean a human life wasn't lost or that that fact should be minimalized and laughed about like you did.  -EK

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: pondwater on September 12, 2013, 08:04:15 pm
Casey Anthony's defense was that someone else kidnapped and killed Caylee.
The jury found Casey Anthony not guilty.
By your logic, this proves that someone else kidnapped and killed Caylee Anthony.

Were Zimmermans injuries caused by Martin?

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: pondwater on September 12, 2013, 08:10:53 pm
Link stating who smashed the iPad, please?

Damn girl, go google it. Somewhere Zimmerman stated that his wife hit him with the iPad and that is how it got broken.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: pondwater on September 12, 2013, 08:12:44 pm
Doesn't matter what YOU would call him. 17 is a minor. A minor is a child.

The jury found Zimmerman not guilty. Not once did he or anyone else claim he didn't kill Martin. Just because he was acquitted doesn't mean a human life wasn't lost or that that fact should be minimalized and laughed about like you did.  -EK

Oh, make no mistake. I wasn't laughing at Martin dying. I was poking fun at people who jump the gun and want to crucify people before they know the facts about what's going on.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: EKnight on September 12, 2013, 08:17:49 pm
The man shot and killed a child. That is an absolute and undeniable FACT about what went on. Zimmerman himself didn't deny it. There's no place for the phrase "lol" in any commentary about a dead kid. -EK

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: pondwater on September 12, 2013, 08:30:02 pm
The man shot and killed a child. That is an absolute and undeniable FACT about what went on. Zimmerman himself didn't deny it. There's no place for the phrase "lol" in any commentary about a dead kid. -EK

I have already explained it as much as I'm going to. I will type "lol" when and where I want to. If you don't like it, that's your problem. Is that FACT enough for you? Go argue with MikeO or something

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: EKnight on September 12, 2013, 08:34:26 pm
Ohhhhh we got a tough guy here! You go right ahead and use it whenever you need to to make you feel better about your own inadequacies. If trivializing the death of a child makes you feel better about your lack of manhood, then go right ahead, but know that there will always be people who will speak out against it, whether it's me or someone else. -EK

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: pondwater on September 12, 2013, 08:43:26 pm
Ohhhhh we got a tough guy here! You go right ahead and use it whenever you need to to make you feel better about your own inadequacies. If trivializing the death of a child makes you feel better about your lack of manhood, then go right ahead, but know that there will always be people who will speak out against it, whether it's me or someone else. -EK
Is there something wrong with you? As noted, if you re read the post in question, Trayvon Martin was never mentioned or implied. So if you're butt hurt over the verdict, take it up with the courthouse in Sanford. Now go outside and play or something.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Landshark on September 12, 2013, 09:15:27 pm
I have already explained it as much as I'm going to. I will type "lol" when and where I want to. If you don't like it, that's your problem. Is that FACT enough for you? Go argue with MikeO or something

Ohhhhh we got a tough guy here! You go right ahead and use it whenever you need to to make you feel better about your own inadequacies. If trivializing the death of a child makes you feel better about your lack of manhood, then go right ahead, but know that there will always be people who will speak out against it, whether it's me or someone else. -EK

Is there something wrong with you? As noted, if you re read the post in question, Trayvon Martin was never mentioned or implied. So if you're butt hurt over the verdict, take it up with the courthouse in Sanford. Now go outside and play or something.


Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Spider-Dan on September 12, 2013, 09:45:29 pm
Were Zimmermans injuries caused by Martin?
Martin's injuries (specifically: the gunshot wound) were definitely caused by Zimmerman, so I'm not sure I see your point.

The jury made no determination as to whether Martin was guilty of assault, because that was not in the scope of the trial.  The only thing the verdict tells you is that the jury did not find that the state had proven the crimes they had charged Zimmerman with.

For someone that loves to complain about skewing of facts by the biased media, you sure are playing fast and loose with those unproven claims of assault.  As I just stated, the fact that Casey claimed someone kidnapped Caylee and the jury found her not guilty does NOT mean that the jury found that someone is guilty of kidnapping Caylee.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Buddhagirl on September 13, 2013, 01:03:46 am
Damn girl, go google it. Somewhere Zimmerman stated that his wife hit him with the iPad and that is how it got broken.

I have. Even the police chief(in emails released tonight) acknowledges that George broke the iPad and punched his father in law. Like you said, Google it.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Spider-Dan on September 13, 2013, 01:38:33 am
No, you mustn't Google it!

I have it under good authority that if you Google it, you will only find what The Media has to say.  And we cannot trust The Media!

...unless they are taking a victory lap ( after a conservative victory in an election, in which case citing the media ( is not only allowed, it's encouraged!

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: bsmooth on September 13, 2013, 03:41:34 am
He had injuries consistent with being assaulted and Martin had none. Plus the little fact that his defense was self defense and he was found not guilty. The jury must have believed he was defending himself. Common sense.

Yes. But what Zimmerman fanboys keep forgetting is that there is no evidence who started the fight. Zimmerman could have easily confronted Martin, and perhaps grabbed him to detain him until the police arrived. This is an important detail the trolls like you purposely ignore when you keep mentioning the injuries. You also ignore the testimony from the medical experts that stated under oath that ZImmerman's head injuries could have come from moving his head on the ground.
He was found guilty because the jury could not find enough evidence to convict, even though their initial vote was to convict by five of the six jurors.
You really have a hard on for this case. You belong to Stormfront?

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: pondwater on September 13, 2013, 06:00:00 am
Yes. But what Zimmerman fanboys keep forgetting is that there is no evidence who started the fight. Zimmerman could have easily confronted Martin, and perhaps grabbed him to detain him until the police arrived. This is an important detail the trolls like you purposely ignore when you keep mentioning the injuries. You also ignore the testimony from the medical experts that stated under oath that ZImmerman's head injuries could have come from moving his head on the ground.
He was found guilty because the jury could not find enough evidence to convict, even though their initial vote was to convict by five of the six jurors.
You really have a hard on for this case. You belong to Stormfront?

Think again, I didn't start this thread. What's stormfront?

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Phishfan on September 13, 2013, 09:19:25 am
I have. Even the police chief(in emails released tonight) acknowledges that George broke the iPad and punched his father in law. Like you said, Google it.

Buddha, you are going to have to show a link here. Every credible news source I know of says both parties claim the other broke the iPAD and the video has not been able to be retreived so the police do not know how it happened. This is why no charges have been filed. What you are stating is the exact evidence they are looking for in order to make charges.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Phishfan on September 13, 2013, 09:24:21 am
even though their initial vote was to convict by five of the six jurors.

False. I believe the jury was pretty much split at their first deliberation by all accounts I saw. Three for not guilty, two to reduce to manslaughter, one for murder.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: EKnight on September 13, 2013, 09:32:40 am
I've read both accounts on the initial votes. Interesting, too, for the Zimmerman apologists is that the jury was certain of his guilt, but felt like the prosecution just did a poor job of proving it.

One juror: ""George Zimmerman got away with murder, but you can't get away from God. And at the end of the day, he's going to have a lot of questions and answers he has to deal with," Maddy said. "[But] the law couldn't prove it."

Another: "You can't put the man in jail even though in our hearts we felt he was guilty."

Not sure how anyone can cite the verdict as proof of not being guilty, when the jurors themselves felt he was. -EK

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Buddhagirl on September 13, 2013, 09:42:28 am
Buddha, you are going to have to show a link here. Every credible news source I know of says both parties claim the other broke the iPAD and the video has not been able to be retreived so the police do not know how it happened. This is why no charges have been filed. What you are stating is the exact evidence they are looking for in order to make charges.

Email from the police chief (in regards to something else) acknowledging that George broke the iPad and punched the father in law:

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: CF DolFan on September 13, 2013, 09:58:54 am
3 not guilty, 2 manslaughter and 1 guilty of murder

Where do you guys get the jury thought he was guilty? The lady you quoted was the only one who originally voted him guilty but Maddy said she realized there wasn't enough proof to convict Zimmerman of murder or manslaughter under Florida law.

"I was the juror that was going to give them the hung jury. I fought to the end," she said.

Interestingly she also said this ... When asked by Roberts whether the case should have gone to trial, Maddy said, "I don't think so. I felt like this was a publicity stunt. This whole court service thing to me was publicity," she said.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Phishfan on September 13, 2013, 10:07:45 am
Thanks Buddha. I'm not aware of the site so I don't know their reputation but if these are factual e-mails this is the first statement I have seen that mentions a definitive version of how the iPAD was broken.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: EKnight on September 13, 2013, 10:08:19 am
I've read in multiple sources that she was not alone. The quote that seems to come to mind is something like, "we wanted to find him guilty of something but based on the law, we couldn't." That's certainly not an endorsement for innocence. -EK

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Buddhagirl on September 13, 2013, 10:21:47 am
Thanks Buddha. I'm not aware of the site so I don't know their reputation but if these are factual e-mails this is the first statement I have seen that mentions a definitive version of how the iPAD was broken.

That site is just for uploading raw documents. The actual story can be found on numerous sites with further details. The email has been verified and the police chief acknowledges he did write that. Though, the reason the story is out is for other reasons (discussing the fact that Zimmerman is dangerous.) I'm just referring to it because the chief outlines the facts.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: CF DolFan on September 13, 2013, 03:59:06 pm
I've read in multiple sources that she was not alone. The quote that seems to come to mind is something like, "we wanted to find him guilty of something but based on the law, we couldn't." That's certainly not an endorsement for innocence. -EK
Yea ... that's not how I remember it. One of the jurors who voted not guilty said "I have no doubt George feared for his life in the situation he was in at the time,"  while the one juror who initially voted guilty said "In our hearts we felt he was guilty,” right before she said she didn't even think it should have gone to trial. Publicity stunt she called it.

I don't remember anything from the other members so I would have to do some serious speculation in assuming if they thought he was guilty of murder.

Personally I think the jurors were in damage control at that point anyway as tensions were pretty high. I would be hard pressed to hold any of them accountable to what they said in the immediate weeks afterwards. I can't imagine the stress they were under trying to justify their votes one way or the other.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: EKnight on September 13, 2013, 06:04:40 pm
Yea ... that's not how I remember it. One of the jurors who voted not guilty said "I have no doubt George feared for his life in the situation he was in at the time,"  while the one juror who initially voted guilty said "In our hearts we felt he was guilty,” right before she said she didn't even think it should have gone to trial. Publicity stunt she called it.

I don't remember anything from the other members so I would have to do some serious speculation in assuming if they thought he was guilty of murder.

Personally I think the jurors were in damage control at that point anyway as tensions were pretty high. I would be hard pressed to hold any of them accountable to what they said in the immediate weeks afterwards. I can't imagine the stress they were under trying to justify their votes one way or the other.

Hard to argue any of those points. -EK

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Spider-Dan on September 13, 2013, 07:55:15 pm
[...]the one juror who initially voted guilty said "In our hearts we felt he was guilty,” right before she said she didn't even think it should have gone to trial. Publicity stunt she called it.
Those positions are not mutually exclusive.

You can think that a trial is a waste of time and money (due to the lack of proof of the prosecution) while still believing the person in question committed the crime.

As pro-Zimmerman posters have stated time and again, the jury is not supposed to vote on whether they personally believe Zimmerman committed murder, but rather on whether that has been proven by the prosecution beyond a reasonable doubt.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Landshark on September 13, 2013, 10:15:10 pm
As pro-Zimmerman posters have stated time and again, the jury is not supposed to vote on whether they personally believe Zimmerman committed murder, but rather on whether that has been proven by the prosecution beyond a reasonable doubt.

And in this case, that is exactly what they did.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: bsmooth on September 14, 2013, 05:38:26 am
Yea ... that's not how I remember it. One of the jurors who voted not guilty said "I have no doubt George feared for his life in the situation he was in at the time,"  while the one juror who initially voted guilty said "In our hearts we felt he was guilty,” right before she said she didn't even think it should have gone to trial. Publicity stunt she called it.

I don't remember anything from the other members so I would have to do some serious speculation in assuming if they thought he was guilty of murder.

Personally I think the jurors were in damage control at that point anyway as tensions were pretty high. I would be hard pressed to hold any of them accountable to what they said in the immediate weeks afterwards. I can't imagine the stress they were under trying to justify their votes one way or the other.

Since you have forgotten. The first poll of the jury came up three to acquit and three to convict.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: bsmooth on September 14, 2013, 05:40:37 am
3 not guilty, 2 manslaughter and 1 guilty of murder

Where do you guys get the jury thought he was guilty? The lady you quoted was the only one who originally voted him guilty but Maddy said she realized there wasn't enough proof to convict Zimmerman of murder or manslaughter under Florida law.

"I was the juror that was going to give them the hung jury. I fought to the end," she said.

Interestingly she also said this ... When asked by Roberts whether the case should have gone to trial, Maddy said, "I don't think so. I felt like this was a publicity stunt. This whole court service thing to me was publicity," she said.

Half thought he was guilty initially. That is where.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: CF DolFan on September 14, 2013, 09:40:22 am
You said 5 of 6 before. Now you are saying manslaughter is the same as thinking murder to make it equal half. Never one to admit being wrong are you?

Both you and Spider have to rely on speculation. I guess that's ok for personal opinion but it's certainly not fact.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Spider-Dan on September 14, 2013, 02:32:07 pm
Now you are saying manslaughter is the same as thinking murder to make it equal half. Never one to admit being wrong are you?
Actually, you're the only one playing musical chairs with the charges to dodge the point.  Everyone else has been saying that the jury thought he was guilty (of at least one of the charges against him), but that the prosecution did not prove their case.

Both you and Spider have to rely on speculation.
Direct quote from juror B29:  "You can’t put the man in jail even though in our hearts we felt he was guilty."  Exactly how much speculation does that require?

The plain and simple fact is that there are jurors who are on the record as believing that GZ illegally killed Martin, but they voted not guilty because the evidence wasn't there.  This is a FAR CRY from "Zimmerman was acquitted, therefore Martin clearly committed assault."

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: CF DolFan on September 14, 2013, 04:13:38 pm
Spider. Your making assumptions off of one juror. Show me other quotes from the other jurors. That's what I'm asking.

Manslaughter = murder that can't be proved to you. I get that. Breaking news i guess but it doesn't mean that for everyone. So unless you have the other four jurors comments you only have one who says he was guilty of murder but shouldn't have even been brought to trial and the other who says she had no doubt he was in fear of his life and it was self defense.  Every other conclusion of what the others were thinking is a guess unless you know something I don't and haven't provided.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Spider-Dan on September 14, 2013, 06:38:17 pm
Again, you're the only one repeatedly referencing "murder."  Manslaughter is still criminal homicide.

And if one juror thought he was guilty of murder and two thought he was guilty of manslaughter, then that means that half the jury believed Zimmerman illegally killed Martin, but that the evidence provided did not support a conviction.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: pondwater on September 15, 2013, 05:58:00 pm
I find it amusing that everyone discounts the thoughts of ghetto train wreck witness for the prosecution. Rachel Jeantel says Martin threw the first punch. After all, she knew him better than anyone here or on the jury. After all she was on the phone with him at the time. I'll take her word for it, Trayvon hit first. And if that's the case, then he was committing assault and Zimmerman was defending himself. Case closed.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: bsmooth on September 16, 2013, 03:19:59 am
I find it amusing that everyone discounts the thoughts of ghetto train wreck witness for the prosecution. Rachel Jeantel says Martin threw the first punch. After all, she knew him better than anyone here or on the jury. After all she was on the phone with him at the time. I'll take her word for it, Trayvon hit first. And if that's the case, then he was committing assault and Zimmerman was defending himself. Case closed.

She never testified to this. Nowhere in the transcripts does it show she said he threw the first punch. If you have evidence from the trial where she said that as part of her testimony, I would love to see it.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Phishfan on September 16, 2013, 10:10:06 am
Rachel Jeantel says Martin threw the first punch.

There is absolutely no testimony to this. If she has said something outside the courtroom I have not heard it either.

Title: Re: Zimmerman at it again
Post by: Buddhagirl on September 16, 2013, 06:44:18 pm
There is absolutely no testimony to this. If she has said something outside the courtroom I have not heard it either.
She never testified to this. Nowhere in the transcripts does it show she said he threw the first punch. If you have evidence from the trial where she said that as part of her testimony, I would love to see it.

But pondwater does not use mainstream media. He has an inside source that we do not all have.