Title: Away Game Experiences Post by: Dave Gray on October 23, 2013, 05:37:22 pm What other stadiums have you visited besides your home team? What was the environment? Did you feel safe? Were fans friendly? And did you win/lose? How did you treat other fans?
Title: Re: Away Game Experiences Post by: Spider-Dan on October 23, 2013, 06:11:14 pm I went to MIA@OAK (win) in 2010 and MIA@SF (loss) in 2012.
The first game was with Phinvaders, so I was one of about 30 Dolphins fans in a section. There was really only one obnoxious guy in front of us, but that became a lot easier to deal with in a blowout win. Other than that, I enjoyed myself. A buddy of mine is a Raiders season ticket holder, and I did a bit of tailgating with him; everyone was friendly. (On a side note, OAK returned the opening kickoff for a TD... that was the loudest I've heard anything in my life.) I went to the second game with my dad and uncle. Another friend of mine happened to be going to that game with his family, so we tailgated with them for a bit and had a good time. I had no problems whatsoever from 49er fans, even though MIA lost that game. I went to both games in full Dolphins gear. While walking around the stadium, I don't remember anyone saying anything to me at SF, and at OAK it was all good-natured. I had heard all the horror stories about the fans in Oakland, and so my general response to anyone that started talking was something along the lines of "I just hope we get through the game without any major injuries." Everyone smiled and wished me a good game. Title: Re: Away Game Experiences Post by: TonyB0D on October 24, 2013, 08:45:30 am I've been I almost every jets/Miami game for the past 25 years.....Jets fans are BRUTAL. I grew up a mile from the stadium and fear for my life every time I go. There hasn't been a year when I haven't almost gotten into a fight.
Ive been to 2 fins/giants games in the same stadium and It's a world of difference. ...they pretty much ignored me. Went to an Eagles/fins game with Philly and they didn't even look at us. I was disappointed; I expected more. Title: Re: Away Game Experiences Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on October 24, 2013, 10:04:59 am I've been I almost every jets/Miami game for the past 25 years.....Jets fans are BRUTAL. I grew up a mile from the stadium and fear for my life every time I go. There hasn't been a year when I haven't almost gotten into a fight. Ive been to 2 fins/giants games in the same stadium and It's a world of difference. ...they pretty much ignored me. Went to an Eagles/fins game with Philly and they didn't even look at us. I was disappointed; I expected more. That difference may be do to the rivalries. E.g. If you showed up to a Giants and Jets games wearing Cowboys or Eagles jersey you might have had the opposite experience with the fan bases. Title: Re: Away Game Experiences Post by: Phishfan on October 24, 2013, 10:07:03 am I have been to Jacksonville (during the Run Ricky Run era) and it was rather tame. I did not have a word said to me by their fanbase, not even a good natured ribbing.
Title: Re: Away Game Experiences Post by: CF DolFan on October 24, 2013, 10:11:00 am As well ... I've only been to Tampa. That's almost a 50/50 game at anytime so it's always good natured ribbing at best.
Title: Re: Away Game Experiences Post by: masterfins on October 24, 2013, 12:42:34 pm Giants - Miami, last year was pretty mellow. Everyone was cool, however the Giants expected to walk all over Miami.
Patriots - Miami, several times back in the Marino years when the Pats weren't that good, never had a problem. Had plans to go this weekend for the first time in probably ten years, but plans got cancelled just yesterday. Eagles - Miami, a couple times back in the Marino years, including Shula's record breaking winning game. Always seem to be one or two real assholes in the stands that give you grief for half the game. Buffalo - Miami, too many times to count. It used to be pretty brutal back in the Marino/Kelly days, last couple years not bad at all. Although after last years Thursday night loss I caught a lot of grief in the parking lot after the game. Not unusual when some people have had all day to drink before the game, and Miami losing doesn't help. Surprisingly I've never made it to a Jets-Miami game even though I only live about 3 1/2 hours away, I guess it's because I don't know any Jets fans that want to go to games. Title: Re: Away Game Experiences Post by: Dave Gray on October 24, 2013, 02:11:58 pm I've been to:
Tampa, Jacksonville - Both fine. Lots of Dolphins fans, not rivalries, so it was without issue. Dallas (twice) - Once where we won big, the other where we were beat big. Dallas fans, to their credit, were great. They were passionate, gave you gentle friendly ribbing, but were congratulatory in defeat and humble in victory. Never did I feel threatened. Great experience both times. Jets (twice) - A little surreal, since I hate the Jets and they hate us. Once was in the old stadium, then in the new. In the old stadium, I felt a little out of my element. There were no incidents, but I was kinda obnoxious. We had about 20 of us together. The 2nd time, we had 200 sitting together, so it didn't matter. It might as well have been a home game. I'm going back again this year, and (so far) we have 560 (you read that right) sitting together. Houston - Neat stadium. Kinda indoor and outdoor at the same time. It was uneventful and we got beat. Not quite as friendly as Dallas. Title: Re: Away Game Experiences Post by: Brian Fein on October 24, 2013, 02:54:28 pm I have been to Jacksonville (during the Run Ricky Run era) and it was rather tame. I did not have a word said to me by their fanbase, not even a good natured ribbing. Was this in 2003? If so, Dave, Fau and I were there as well...Jacksonville - Oct 12, 2003 Canton, OH (vs Bears) - Aug 12, 2005 Tampa Bay - Oct 16, 2005 NY Jets - Oct 28, 2012 NY Jets - Dec 1, 2013 Title: Re: Away Game Experiences Post by: Phishfan on October 24, 2013, 03:01:54 pm Was this in 2003? If so, Dave, Fau and I were there as well... Jacksonville - Oct 12, 2003 Yes it was. That was a fun game because we had taken so many on the chin from Jacksonville previously. The people I went with were Jags season ticket holders. We had wonderful seats and a very cool area for parking as well (They had a group that parked at some businesses right by the stadium). Title: Re: Away Game Experiences Post by: Brian Fein on October 24, 2013, 03:36:13 pm I've been I almost every jets/Miami game for the past 25 years..... You going this year?Title: Re: Away Game Experiences Post by: AZ Fins Fan 55 on October 24, 2013, 04:28:53 pm I have only seen Miami play as the away team here in AZ. But as a long time Cardinals season ticket holder for those few games that I do show up in my Miami gear everyone knows me and it is all in good fun the amount of shit I receive.
I did travel with some friends a few years ago to watch the Cardinals play the Saints in what turned out to be Kurt Warner's last game. It was a playoff game and we were 1 out of only around 200 total Cardinals fans in a packed Superdome. The Saints won and the place was rocking. I had a fantastic time there and those people knew how to have a good time. We were treated extremely well by everyone. I think maybe 3 people if memory serves me correctly actually were douche bags. Most shook our hands ribbed us when the Saints scored and gave us high fives and told us good game afterwards. It was an all around great experience!!!!!! Title: Re: Away Game Experiences Post by: Thundergod on October 24, 2013, 04:47:10 pm Denver - Back in the late 80's my dad took me to a preseason game against Miami. It was a very cool experience seeing that it was my first live NFL game. Sucks that it was preseason, but I got to see a little bit of Elway playing, and seeing Shula on the sidelines was cool. Unfortunately Marino didn't make it to that game (I think he was hurt or something). For it being a preseason game the place was loud. I sported my Duper jersey, and the fans were great to us; a couple of good natured "boos".
Title: Re: Away Game Experiences Post by: TonyB0D on October 24, 2013, 05:36:47 pm Title: Re: Away Game Experiences Post by: Dolphster on October 25, 2013, 08:45:47 am Being a Fins fan stuck here in Dallas, I go to every game that the Dolphins play here. Cowboys fans are always very gracious. Some good natured ribbing and a lot of kindness. Several times, guys in Cowboys jerseys have asked if they could pose for pictures with me in my Dolphins colors (usually with us jokingly raising our fists at each other or something). Not knowing that we are "locals", folks often ask my wife and I like the stadium, offer up restaurant and bar recommendations, welcome us to Dallas, etc. Having moved here from South Florida 7 years ago, my wife and I are still caught off guard sometimes by now nice Texans are.
Title: Re: Away Game Experiences Post by: Brian Fein on October 25, 2013, 11:05:24 am you know it See you there! I'll be with the 500-man army. You gotta stop by...Title: Re: Away Game Experiences Post by: DZA on October 25, 2013, 12:50:48 pm I been to JAX, Buffalo, Tampa, Indy, Atlanta and Philly
Title: Re: Away Game Experiences Post by: Sunstroke on October 25, 2013, 01:59:25 pm I've worn my 49ers colors to games in Seattle, Miami and Arizona...never took any grief from any of the home fans. I have gotten into some heated situations where fists started flying as a Suns fan wearing my Purple and Orange in Seattle during a playoff series against the Sonics. I may have been celebrating the road win a little exuberantly though, so I don't hold it against those fans. Title: Re: Away Game Experiences Post by: MikeO on October 26, 2013, 08:07:32 am Going to a game and rooting for the "road team" can be very dangerous. I have seen some things happen to fans of visiting teams in Buffalo and Cleveland that are downright deplorable. HBO did a good piece on fan violence and drinking at games these days a while back...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96pb-yG1buU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GwrhEmhlxc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJScIxpTrm8 Title: Re: Away Game Experiences Post by: CF DolFan on October 26, 2013, 08:39:20 am ^^^ that sucks bad but there are thugs and arseholes everywhere. The football game is just an excuse.
I've actually seen Dolphin fans step in when a Dolphin fan gets too crazy. It also helps that you can text the section you are in and report unruly fans. Security will come and monitor or step in pretty quickly. Title: Re: Away Game Experiences Post by: MikeO on October 26, 2013, 09:38:56 am It also helps that you can text the section you are in and report unruly fans. Security will come and monitor or step in pretty quickly. Saw this in Buffalo once. Two Buffalo fans bought a giant soft pretzel. Broke a piece off, dipped it in mustard, and threw it 2 or 3 rows in front of them at a fan wearing a Fins jersey. This went on for like 5-10 min. The Miami fan bless his heart just sat there and took it and tried to ignore getting pelted with a soft pretzel in his back. Security was called to the situation. When security came.... they escorted the Miami fan away, who was doing nothing, because they said he was being a distraction and causing an issue being in Fins gear. He was with his friend who was a Bills fan who went crazy (as he should have)....and the 2 fans who were throwing the pretzel at the guy....nothing happened!! They laughed and nothing was said to them. Security looked the other way |