Title: Shame of the Game - at Patriots Post by: dolphins4life on October 27, 2013, 03:18:39 pm The refs.
It's not fair to Miami to have to play against the refs. If I was philbin I would have pulled my team off the field in protest. This was a travesty to everything good in the NFL. Title: Re: Shame of the Game - at Patriots Post by: MikeO on October 27, 2013, 03:56:34 pm Sherman AGAIN!!
windy day, running the ball with success, and he gets away from the run. I don't get it Honorable Mention to the O-line. After every pass attempt Tannehill is getting up off the ground. That ain't good! Title: Re: Shame of the Game - at Patriots Post by: dolphins4life on October 27, 2013, 03:58:22 pm ^^^^^^^^^^^^
How can you give it to anybody except the refs Title: Re: Shame of the Game - at Patriots Post by: MikeO on October 27, 2013, 04:00:38 pm ^^^^^^^^^^^^ How can you give it to anybody except the refs I mean look the calls were horrible, but if Sherman calls a decent game Miami has a shot. His playcalling was beyond horrible for the 2nd week in a row Title: Re: Shame of the Game - at Patriots Post by: Cathal on October 27, 2013, 04:05:20 pm Sherman needs to go. How do you not run the ball more? How do you not do more designed roll-outs for Tannehill? How do you not call more screens to Wallace? He is wasting the talent and not going with the strengths and weaknesses of the team.
Title: Re: Shame of the Game - at Patriots Post by: raptorsfan29 on October 27, 2013, 04:20:28 pm the refs
A bunch of untrained gorillas could officiate a game better Title: Re: Shame of the Game - at Patriots Post by: Landshark on October 27, 2013, 04:45:46 pm I'm putting this one on Joe Philbin. You can't justify taking a 17-3 lead into the locker room and losing 27-17. This guy is looking more and more like he's not cut out to be a head coach and should be a delegate for the Corn Farmers Union of America. If he can't do anything with all the money that was spent to upgrade the team, he has to go.
Honorable Mention to Mike Sherman for the reasons Mike O stated above. His play calling is beyond abyssmal and it's time for him to pack his bags Title: Re: Shame of the Game - at Patriots Post by: dolphins4life on October 27, 2013, 04:47:56 pm I'm putting this one on Joe Philbin. You can't justify taking a 17-3 lead into the locker room and losing 27-17. This guy is looking more and more like he's not cut out to be a head coach and should be a delegate for the Corn Farmers Union of America. If he can't do anything with all the money that was spent to upgrade the team, he has to go. Honorable Mention to Mike Sherman for the reasons Mike O stated above. His play calling is beyond abyssmal and it's time for him to pack his bags I've got things growing on my toes that could have called a better game Title: Re: Shame of the Game - at Patriots Post by: Tenshot13 on October 27, 2013, 04:55:38 pm The refs.
HM: the refs ...also, the refs. Title: Re: Shame of the Game - at Patriots Post by: Sunstroke on October 27, 2013, 05:25:15 pm My shame of the game goes to dolphins4life, for telling us about things that are growing on his toes... Title: Re: Shame of the Game - at Patriots Post by: dolphins4life on October 27, 2013, 05:31:24 pm ^^^^
Watch it, or I'll tell you where I've got other things growing Also, I didn't actually tell you about those things. I just said they were there. But I guess I might as well tell you now. I've got some green fuzz that has not been documented in the medical field. Some bacteria that must be identified Some microorganisms that itch And few other linty things Title: Re: Shame of the Game - at Patriots Post by: fyo on October 27, 2013, 05:45:04 pm The refs. Half the Patriots' points were GIFTED to them by the refs. Fucking disgrace.
Title: Re: Shame of the Game - at Patriots Post by: mecadonzilla on October 27, 2013, 05:47:41 pm I'd blame the refs, but the team didn't play well enough to win. Did the refs make Sherman afraid to run? Did the refs keep sacking Tannehill? Until the previous 2 questions get answered, the Dolphins will be lucky to win 5 games this season.
Title: Re: Shame of the Game - at Patriots Post by: dolphins4life on October 27, 2013, 05:50:00 pm The refs gave that Patriots three scores and cost the Dolphins at least one
Title: Re: Shame of the Game - at Patriots Post by: Heatles on October 27, 2013, 06:34:16 pm Refs
Honorable Mention to the entire coaching staff. Title: Re: Shame of the Game - at Patriots Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on October 27, 2013, 08:53:37 pm I think I said this about a game last year or the year before.
1st half - NEP 2nd half - Mia. Each team only showed up for a half a game. NE managed to do more in their half. Title: Re: Shame of the Game - at Patriots Post by: CF DolFan on October 28, 2013, 06:40:18 am A dropped pass by Wallace, 10 yard loss on a sack, and then a missed 46 yard FG. Then everything that could go wrong did. This was a mental breakdown on the Dolphins. For the second week in a row they found a way to lose the game. Our O-line is probably the worst in the league but it isn't like everyone else played lights out in the second half. This team can win. Not all of them but many of them.
This team needs to nut up and recover from losing momentum instead of expecting to lose once something doesn't go in their favor. They play like our fans think. Fire the coach after less than a season and half? Are you kidding me? :o Title: Re: Shame of the Game - at Patriots Post by: Dave Gray on October 28, 2013, 01:26:56 pm I don't believe in giving the shame to the refs, although if there was every a case, this is it.
Instead, I pick Mike Wallace. He had a chance to put the nail in the coffin and didn't. He was pretty ineffective overall. Normally, that wouldn't matter, but everyone was contributing and we were drubbing the Pats. He just doesn't seem to come back to the ball and MAKE the catch. He lets the catch happen. For our #1 receiver that we're paying big, I expect more. |