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TDMMC Forums => Other Sports Talk => Topic started by: EDGECRUSHER on January 14, 2014, 07:50:24 pm

Title: A-Rod Suspended 162 Games
Post by: EDGECRUSHER on January 14, 2014, 07:50:24 pm
He is suing MLB and the MLBPA. MLB for being dishonest and corrupt(true), and the MLBPA for not doing their job and representing his best interests(also true).

In the arbitration hearings, Selig was not forced to testify and their big evidence against Alex is a guy on their payroll. The whole thing was a farce, as is the sentence, but Alex can't win. The Justice system rarely overturns "independent arbitrators" verdicts unless obvious corruption or wrongdoing is found. There won't be unless some e-mails come to light.

I believe Alex 100% did steroids and probably most of what they accused him of, but this whole process was a sham and MLB should be ashamed of themselves. 162 games for a first time offense.

For all the Yankee haters, this won't do anything but line the Steinbrenner's pockets, because despite punting away the 2013 season, they are still only $3 Million away from that $189 Million payroll they needed to get under. They can't even sign relievers or bench guys. What a disaster.

Title: Re: A-Rod Suspended 162 Games
Post by: Run Ricky Run on January 14, 2014, 08:09:53 pm
I hope Selig gets what he deserves.

Title: Re: A-Rod Suspended 162 Games
Post by: CF DolFan on January 15, 2014, 08:09:05 am
The A-Rod's lawyers are loving this! Well .... I guess along that mindset so are baseball's attorneys.

Title: Re: A-Rod Suspended 162 Games
Post by: masterfins on January 15, 2014, 12:02:02 pm

I believe Alex 100% did steroids and probably most of what they accused him of, but this whole process was a sham and MLB should be ashamed of themselves. 162 games for a first time offense.

I agree with this.  Not enough evidence to convict him of a criminal offense, but there would be enough for a civil type judgement.  He is being overly punished because of his arrogance and unwillingness to cow tow to the MLB dictatorship.  I think if he admits to it (for a second time) he believes that he will not make it into the HoF.  He needs to realize that based on this years' voting that he is not going to ever get in.

Title: Re: A-Rod Suspended 162 Games
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on January 15, 2014, 12:11:57 pm
I agree with this.  Not enough evidence to convict him of a criminal offense, but there would be enough for a civil type judgement. 

And more than enough evidence for an employer to fire an employee. 

Title: Re: A-Rod Suspended 162 Games
Post by: masterfins on January 15, 2014, 12:18:55 pm
And more than enough evidence for an employer to fire an employee. 

That's interesting.  Let's say the Yankees fire him and void his contract.  The ripples, or waves, throughout professional sports would be huge.  Players might actually stop using PED's.

Title: Re: A-Rod Suspended 162 Games
Post by: EDGECRUSHER on January 15, 2014, 07:24:52 pm
The MLBPA will let Alex suffer for this one suspension because there isn't much precedent for it. However, if his contract was voided due to steroids, they would instruct every single player to strike. Because if that happened, then every team has a legal argument to do so in the future. I am sure the Angels would knock out Pujols and inject him with Deca the first chance they got.

Title: Re: A-Rod Suspended 162 Games
Post by: MaineDolFan on January 21, 2014, 04:20:10 pm
162 games for a first time offense.

This is where this goes off course a little.  It's not a first time offense, actually.  He is on record admitting he took PEDs previously (the infamous "we knew we weren't taking Tic-Tacs" comment).  Additionally, the piles of documentation stretch beyond anything ever found for one athlete (MLB).  They never uncovered this for Barry Bonds while active.  Had they, it would have been a mess.

One single positive test = 50 games.

This is documentation which spans / proves seasons.

I'm still not sure where I fall in this whole mess (personally), because I feel like MLB is on a witch hunt and A-Rod is a gentle place to fall.  He's guilty as sin.  If you're going to bring the hammer down, they better start being consistent when they start digging up items.  This being said, this is where the logic comes in.  The mountain of evidence far surpasses a single positive test.

As a Sox fan, I want that money on the books!  Bring back A Rod!  Free A Rod!

Title: Re: A-Rod Suspended 162 Games
Post by: EDGECRUSHER on January 21, 2014, 08:54:41 pm
I may be wrong, but I think the mountains of evidence takes a hit when it comes from a guy on MLB's payroll. They are employing A-Rod's drug dealer, seems like a conflict of interest.

Of course, if you have texts and e-mails, then you really don't have to worry about someone's credibility.

Turns out that the MLBPA wanted to kick A-Rod out of the Union but were told they weren't able to legally. What a huge mess. Everyone is a villain.

Title: Re: A-Rod Suspended 162 Games
Post by: MaineDolFan on January 22, 2014, 09:59:35 am
^Players wanted to vote him out as well, not just the union.

Title: Re: A-Rod Suspended 162 Games
Post by: masterfins on January 22, 2014, 11:33:29 am
I may be wrong, but I think the mountains of evidence takes a hit when it comes from a guy on MLB's payroll.

Hey I believe A-Rod is guilty of using PED's, to what extent I don't know.  But in addition to the guy being on MLB's payroll, MLB is also using its influence to get the guy out of some serious criminal charges.

Title: Re: A-Rod Suspended 162 Games
Post by: MaineDolFan on January 22, 2014, 11:44:27 am
MLB is also using its influence to get the guy out of some serious criminal charges.

Nope.  MLB won't be able to do a darn thing about it if the feds come walking in, nor would they want to.  They will step aside, gladly, if charges come.  If charges do come don't think for a second they will stop at the stop of this clinic.  The charges will come for clients as well.

The legal assistance being provided right now only covers in civil matters brought on by A-Rod's camp and has nothing to do with the legal system (punitive / charges). 

Title: Re: A-Rod Suspended 162 Games
Post by: Dave Gray on January 22, 2014, 12:04:15 pm
I'm not a fan of A-Rod, but I just don't understand baseball's case.

Did the guy ever fail a drug test?

This really does seem like a witch hunt, even if everyone knows he's guilty.  It just seems like flimsy evidence to make such a concrete ruling when it appears to be a clear conflict of interest, as the only testimony is coming from someone on baseball's payroll.

I also don't understand why baseball just doesn't let all of this stuff die a natural death, ignore it, and make for careful testing in the future.  It seems like they are hell-bent on tarnishing their own image.

Title: Re: A-Rod Suspended 162 Games
Post by: CF DolFan on January 22, 2014, 12:38:37 pm
^^^^ Dave .... the baseball union and players have both turned on him. I don't think baseball's image is the one at risk.

Title: Re: A-Rod Suspended 162 Games
Post by: Phishfan on January 22, 2014, 12:39:04 pm
Are we mischaracterizing Bosch's role with MLB? He agreed to cooperate in the investigation in order to be dropped from a lawsuit MLB had against him. In return he is provided legal council to protect from lawsuits by A Rod. This is my understanding. If this is accurate, saying he is on MLB's payrioll is quite a stretch.

Title: Re: A-Rod Suspended 162 Games
Post by: MaineDolFan on January 22, 2014, 01:54:14 pm
I'm not a fan of A-Rod, but I just don't understand baseball's case.

Did the guy ever fail a drug test?

This really does seem like a witch hunt, even if everyone knows he's guilty.  It just seems like flimsy evidence to make such a concrete ruling when it appears to be a clear conflict of interest, as the only testimony is coming from someone on baseball's payroll.

I also don't understand why baseball just doesn't let all of this stuff die a natural death, ignore it, and make for careful testing in the future.  It seems like they are hell-bent on tarnishing their own image.

I'm usually not a huge fan of making pro athlete to real world analogies, but this is kind of where MLB is coming from:

Your employer: 

"Dave, we know you're helping yourself to office supplies and bringing them home.  We need you to stop.  We're won't fire you.  We'll put a note in your file and suspend you for one week without pay.  You'll agree you took the items, we will all move on and you won't do it again."

You, knowing your company doesn't have video of it, nor a good accounting system of office goods (even though you knew you were guilty as sin):

"Screw you.  I'm not signing anything, I'm not taking any un-paid time off.  Prove it.  Fire me and I'll sue."

Then, you not only snubbed your nose at your went on to helping yourself to boxes of...whatever.  Pens and Kcups. 

Your employer is going to be raging mad and will attempt to do whatever it takes, at this point, to not only prove it, but make a mockery out of you.

MLB tried going to Alex several times in the early stages of this and basically giving him the Ryan Braun treatment.  "You know you're dirty, we know you're dirty...and let's make this go away.  50 games, you'll be back in no time."  A-Rod tossed up both middle fingers and basically threatened to give anyone and everyone who came within the same zip code of his name and steroids the Lance Armstrong treatment (threatening legal action to "ruin" them).  MLB didn't want it to go where it went.  They would have preferred A Rod cop to it a year ago, take his 50 and call it a day. 

This goes a lot deeper than the 60 minutes report on TV a couple weeks ago, and a lot longer.

So yes, MLB now has him dead to rights.  I can't say I blame them.  Stop stealing office supplies, Alex.