Title: Pro Bowl in Orlando? Post by: Phishfan on May 20, 2016, 09:36:21 am So there is no secret that Orlando wanted to bring in the Pro Bowl. It is now being reported Orlando has won the bid to bring the game here for 1-3 years depending on what you read. I personally haven't watched the game since I was a kid but I have to say it peaks my curiosity a bit if it does come here. I know we have quite a few people who live in the area or visit here what seems quite often. I'm curious if anyone in traveling distance would plan on visiting for this event? I attended the NBA All-Star game when we had it and the city put on a pretty good event but I have to admit I'm not willing to pay for the access I lucked into when that rolled around.
Title: Re: Pro Bowl in Orlando? Post by: CF DolFan on May 20, 2016, 10:04:25 am I went to the game when it was in Miami and we had a great time. I can't say watching it on tv is very entertaining but to have all those guys in one place was pretty cool. I will definitely go back now that they are having it Orlando.
Title: Re: Pro Bowl in Orlando? Post by: VidKid on May 20, 2016, 12:42:37 pm ^this
If its going to be that close, i'll definitely check it out at least once. Title: Re: Pro Bowl in Orlando? Post by: BuccaneerBrad on May 21, 2016, 07:15:49 am This is way better than Hawaii. Think about it. You have the game in a high tourist area and you'll sell tickets. Plus it will cost them way less to fly the players to Orlando as opposed to Hawaii. The players families can spend the weekend at the theme parks and so can fans who will make a weekend of it. Lots of hotels in the area to accommodate people as well. Makes prefect sense to me.
Title: Re: Pro Bowl in Orlando? Post by: Dolphster on May 23, 2016, 08:40:46 am I think Orlando would be an excellent place for it for the reasons that you guys already outlined. Although I don't think it even really qualifies as a "game" the way it is played, I would still go at least once just to see so many top tier players at once. I think I would find it entertaining, just not in the same way that I would typically find a football game entertaining. Kind of like arena football. Fun to watch, but not "real football" in my opinion.
Before NFL players all started making a crap ton of money, a trip to Hawaii to play in the game was actually a pretty big deal for the guys. But now, a family vacation to Hawaii is a drop in the bucket even to the lowest paid guys on the team, much less the "stars". So you might as well move it to the mainland where it is easier for people to go watch it if they want to. Title: Re: Pro Bowl in Orlando? Post by: Dave Gray on May 23, 2016, 01:40:10 pm I just don't care about the Pro Bowl at all. They had it in Miami and I didn't go.
They did have the NFL experience, which was a little NFL festival type of thing with drills and stuff that I did attend and was fun, but the game itself...ugh. Awful. |