Title: The end to deflategate - a timeline Post by: Pappy13 on July 15, 2016, 08:08:06 pm Jan. 18, 2015: Patriots beat Colts 45-7 in AFC Championship game .
Jan. 19, 1:55 a.m.: Hours after the game, Bob Kravitz of WTHR in Indianapolis writes on Twitter : ''Breaking: A league source tells me the NFL is investigating the possibility the Patriots deflated footballs Sunday night. More to come.'' The NFL later confirms it is looking into whether footballs supplied by New England were properly inflated . Jan. 22: Patriots coach Bill Belichick defers questions to Brady, who denies doctoring the footballs: ''I have no knowledge of anything, any wrongdoing.'' Hey Bill that leather thing that looks kinda like a stuffed hotdog is a football. Might want to check it out. Jan. 26: Patriots arrive in Glendale, Arizona, for the Super Bowl. Owner Robert Kraft said he expects an apology once the team is cleared of wrongdoing. ''I would expect and hope the league would apologize to our entire team, and in particular to coach Belichick and Tom Brady, for what they've had to endure this week,'' he said. LMAO That's a good one Bob. Now that it's over how about you apologize on behalf of your entire organization to the NFL and to all it's fans for putting us all through all this BS? Maybe if you guys stopped looking for ways to cheat the game and just play it fairly the rulebook wouldn't be 300 pages. May 6: Wells Report is published . Investigation finds 11 of 12 footballs provided by Patriots were under the league's required minimum air pressure - most slightly but one more than 2 pounds per square inch underinflated. It also cited a text message from low-level team staffer calling himself ''the Deflator'' and called Brady's explanations ''implausible.'' Wells concluded it was ''more probable than not'' that the Patriots intentionally deflated footballs, and that Brady was ''at least generally aware'' of the illegal scheme. Well no one ever said Brady was a good liar. May 11: Goodell suspends Brady four games, fines the Patriots $1 million and docks the team two draft choices . And it's all over. We can go back to playing football. May 14: Brady appeals suspension, asks for a neutral arbitrator to hear the case. Goodell says he will hear appeal personally. Patriots go live with rebuttal website, Wells Report in Context . Or maybe not... May 19: At NFL meetings, Kraft says he will accept team's penalty: ''At no time should the agenda of one team outweigh the collective good of the 32.'' LOL. Can we get this guy on the tonight show. He's hilarious. July 28: Goodell upholds the original suspension. In announcing his decision, he reveals that Brady destroyed a cellphone investigators had requested. Those pictures of his wife aren't hitting the internet anytime soon. Aug. 11-13: Brady and Goodell appear in federal district court as Judge Richard Berman tells them to negotiate a solution. Courtroom artist Jane Rosenberg faces cyberbullying after her gaunt depiction of Brady is compared to the figure in Edvard Munch's painting ''The Scream.'' Well now this thing will surely be over soon as soon as the judge declares that the CBA gave Goodell the power. Aug. 18: On the eve of their court hearing, Brady and Goodell meet for four hours but cannot agree on a settlement. C'mon Tom. You put up a good fight, but it's over. You lost. Sept. 3: Berman overturns suspension , criticizing Goodell for dispensing ''his own brand of industrial justice.'' Ummmm...isn't that what the CBA says? I'm confused, aren't these judges supposed to impartial....and kinda smart? Sept. 10: With Brady at quarterback, the Patriots open the 2015 season by beating Pittsburgh 28-21. Before the game, the Patriots unveiled their championship banner. Attorney Jeffrey Kessler attends the game and is given a hero's welcome by Patriots fans. Goodell is mocked in abstentia. Steelers coach Mike Tomlin wonders aloud whether the Patriots had anything to do with problems with the headsets the coaches use to communicate during games. Oh come on Mike. The Patriots had problems with their headsets too, just because it always happened while they were on defense is irrelevant. Sept. 17: The NFL submits 200-page filing, asking the 2nd U.S. District Court of Appeals to reverse Berman's decision. it's not over yet. Feb. 29: Brady restructures his contract, turning much of his salary into a bonus that is paid regardless of whether the suspension is upheld. The move would save him $1.5 million . Nice move Tom. You come up with that or your lawyers? March 21: In light of the doubts raised about the Deflategate evidence, Kraft asks the NFL to restore the team's draft picks . Goodell denies the request . Stop it. You're killing me. April 25: A three-judge panel of the 2nd Circuit rules 2-1 to reinstate Brady's suspension, saying Goodell was within the rights delegated to him by the NFL's collective bargaining agreement . What? There are 2 judges who are NOT Tom Brady fans? May 23: Brady's lawyers appeal the decision, asking for a rehearing before the three-judge panel or one in front of the entire 2nd Circuit bench. A day later, nearly two dozen engineering and physics professors file a friend of the court brief in support of Brady , arguing that the NFL's scientific conclusions were flawed And they want to the know just who those 2 judges do root for. July 13: 2nd Circuit rejects Brady's appeal . Holy shit! It's a conspiracy! Bet they like Soccer! July 15: Brady says he will not ask the U.S. Supreme Court to stay his suspension. Thank You! Now can we get back to playing football...well at least after week 4 of the NFL maybe. Title: Re: The end to deflategate - a timeline Post by: suck for luck on July 15, 2016, 10:32:44 pm Shocking the little bitch didn't keep going.
Title: Re: The end to deflategate - a timeline Post by: BuccaneerBrad on July 19, 2016, 06:47:30 am The question is, if Jimmy Garappollo plays well during that time, what do you do?
Title: Re: The end to deflategate - a timeline Post by: DaLittle B on July 19, 2016, 09:20:52 am Wasn't there a Blurb somewhere that mentioned,Tom has stopped seeking reinstatement,but he authorized the Players union to keep fighting his suspension?
Yep, So it might not be 100% over yet...but it's probably kicking the dead horse by now.IMO http://nesn.com/2016/07/report-tom-brady-grants-nflpa-permission-to-continue-deflategate-appeal/ (http://nesn.com/2016/07/report-tom-brady-grants-nflpa-permission-to-continue-deflategate-appeal/) Title: Re: The end to deflategate - a timeline Post by: Phishfan on July 19, 2016, 09:27:07 am ^^^ The union does have permission to continue, and I am sure they will, but Brady personally dropping his pursuit means that he has to serve the suspension now. The only thing the union will be doing is trying to fight for their positioning in future situations.
Title: Re: The end to deflategate - a timeline Post by: dolphins4life on July 19, 2016, 07:26:36 pm The question is, if Jimmy Garappollo plays well during that time, what do you do? Trade him, probably. But again, most quarterbacks would do okay in New England. Title: Re: The end to deflategate - a timeline Post by: Pappy13 on July 19, 2016, 08:20:13 pm Wasn't there a Blurb somewhere that mentioned,Tom has stopped seeking reinstatement,but he authorized the Players union to keep fighting his suspension? It was a long shot for the Supreme Court to listen to Tom's case, you really think they are going to listen to a case brought by the NFLPA in place of Tom? Um, no. If it's not important enough for Tom to try the case it's certainly not important enough for the Supreme Court to listen.Yep, So it might not be 100% over yet...but it's probably kicking the dead horse by now.IMO http://nesn.com/2016/07/report-tom-brady-grants-nflpa-permission-to-continue-deflategate-appeal/ (http://nesn.com/2016/07/report-tom-brady-grants-nflpa-permission-to-continue-deflategate-appeal/) Title: Re: The end to deflategate - a timeline Post by: DaLittle B on July 19, 2016, 08:34:00 pm but it's probably kicking the dead horse by now.IMO Umm I stated as much ??? Title: Re: The end to deflategate - a timeline Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on March 08, 2017, 12:38:33 pm Reports are Cleveland is willing to trade the 13th pick overall for Jimmy G. Had Brady not been suspended JG's trade value would be a bag of bats. So if this trade goes thru in essence NE trades the 29th pick in 2016 and the 132nd pick in 2017 for the 13th pick in 2017. :)
Title: Re: The end to deflategate - a timeline Post by: Dolphster on March 08, 2017, 01:12:13 pm Reports are Cleveland is willing to trade the 13th pick overall for Jimmy G. Had Brady not been suspended JG's trade value would be a bag of bats. So if this trade goes thru in essence NE trades the 29th pick in 2016 and the 132nd pick in 2017 for the 13th pick in 2017. :) That's pretty funny. I think the Patriots organization could fall head first into a cesspool and come out of it smelling like a bouquet of roses. I may not like them, but I sure do give them credit for always finding ways to keep the dynasty going. Title: Re: The end to deflategate - a timeline Post by: masterfins on March 08, 2017, 05:18:47 pm What we really need is a Wikileaks hack of all Brady/Patriots technology devices to find out what really happened.