Title: 2017 NFL Price Gouges Post by: masterfins on September 26, 2017, 12:48:38 pm First up was the Charges charging $100.00 for parking. That's more than the actual ticket for some seats.
This week it is the Patriots, who charged fans $4.50 for a cup of tap water when they ran out of bottle water. Nice Title: Re: 2017 NFL Price Gouges Post by: Tenshot13 on September 26, 2017, 01:06:38 pm First up was the Charges charging $100.00 for parking. That's more than the actual ticket for some seats. Well, charging $4.50 for a cup of water, what does that say about their ownership? The team obviously doesn't care about their fans at all. Cheaters AND cheap!This week it is the Patriots, who charged fans $4.50 for a cup of tap water when they ran out of bottle water. Nice Title: Re: 2017 NFL Price Gouges Post by: Phishfan on September 26, 2017, 02:10:14 pm The water was free, it was $4.50 for the cup. ::)