Title: Metlife Takeover 2018 Post by: Dave Gray on July 02, 2018, 01:41:18 pm metlifetakeover.com
They're getting things started this year. I don't think I'm going to personally attend this year. I've been something like 6 years in a row, but I need a break. I bought a house, wife is changing up a job situation, my mom's passing means extra work with my Dad...and we're maybe taking a big trip next year. But they do a wonderful job and if you have the means, I recommend checking it out. All that said, I still may go last minute. Title: Re: Metlife Takeover 2018 Post by: Dolphster on July 03, 2018, 07:55:15 am haha, at first glance, I thought the subject line read "MILFlife Takeover". I was getting ready to respond with "where do I sign up?" But then my eyes caught up to my dirty mind and I realized what it actually said. For a fleeting second though, I was more excited about this season than I have been in many years. >:D
Title: Re: Metlife Takeover 2018 Post by: Baba Booey on July 04, 2018, 10:55:58 am Was listening to this podcast where the guy who co-founded the Metlife Takeover talked about the history of it and how it started and some other things around it and how they interact with Jets fans and such
https://dolphinstalk.com/2018/07/02/metlife-takeover-2018/ Title: Re: Metlife Takeover 2018 Post by: Dave Gray on July 04, 2018, 10:39:08 pm I heard that podcast and it was surreal, because I was linked to two of those stories. I was one of those original 8 people that went to the game that started the MetLife thing. And I was at the table when those two dudes had the hockey conversation.