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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: Tenshot13 on July 20, 2018, 10:11:15 am

Title: Trolling for fun
Post by: Tenshot13 on July 20, 2018, 10:11:15 am
Do any of you troll for fun?  I don't on this site, I like it too much here, but I'll sometimes troll on Yahoo in the comments section.  So many idiots on there, mostly libs vs conservatives, and I get them both lol.  It'll be an article about the latest Deadpool movie, and the comments will have people saying "Trumptard" and "Republifags" or "Socialist libtard" seriously, I want to talk about Deadpool, wtf does that have to do with it makes for easy pickins to troll.  Sometimes I'll troll on Reddit, but not too heavy.  I find it amusing people get so passionate about the dumbest things, or at inappropriate times.

Am I alone here?

Title: Re: Trolling for fun
Post by: Dave Gray on July 20, 2018, 10:12:19 am
Nah...not really my thing.  I'm earnest mostly all the time.

Title: Re: Trolling for fun
Post by: CF DolFan on July 20, 2018, 10:45:05 am
There are a bunch of people who do. I can't say that I never have but it isn't something I normally do. I'm more likely to say something I know will get something started to someone I know. hahaha

Title: Re: Trolling for fun
Post by: DaLittle B on July 20, 2018, 11:45:57 am
 :-[ more like kicking a local Cardinal nest,and walking away. :-[

Quick Context - The past 20yrs,when the Cubs have made a run at the division/playoffs/etc.The local media covering the Cardinals have started using more perverse terms when describing the "Cubs/Cardinals games/rivalries". It starts somewhat snarky,and moves towards antagonizing homerism into some of the fans to believing it's unbelievable the Cardinals are below the Cubs...In any way shape or form.I find it to be a much more local problem,not people from St. Louis,and other parts of the country.

- 2016,after Cubs/Cardinals game (it was either the local paper,or T.V. station,and it was before you had to log on with facebook to comment,as they have now) there were like 100 comments under the story,the top bunch 25-40,were like 3/4 of the Cubs are overrated,nowhere near as good as our Cardinals.Matt Adams is far and away better than Anthony Rizzo  type of comments.

I think I commented 3 times,like what crack pipe metrics are using to compare them,pizza eating contests?

P.S. I don't even read comments on Dolphins articles posted on newspaper stories/blogs/videos/press conferences anymore.It's not even smart trolling,or funny...(I do like the snarky comments on my local reddit forum,less trolling,just funny comments/puns on the headlines,etc)

Title: Re: Trolling for fun
Post by: masterfins on July 20, 2018, 07:24:21 pm
I really don't, but I do get amused when someone makes a witty troll comment...then followed by a legion of comments from people that are too dumb to figure out that the person is trolling them.

Title: Re: Trolling for fun
Post by: BigDaddyFin on July 21, 2018, 01:20:34 pm
I used to do it, at one point in college when blogs and stuff like that really started taking off I even used to try to reason with people.  But usually I'd just get yelled at.  I also learned a valuable life lesson.  Don't comment when you're drunk.  Even if you're going to say something nice.

Title: Re: Trolling for fun
Post by: Sunstroke on July 23, 2018, 09:06:17 am

I generally avoid trolling...waste of time for no real payoff. Occasionally I'll drop a little comment if I see someone say something factually inaccurate, but I pretty much avoid the comments section these days.

Title: Re: Trolling for fun
Post by: Dolphster on July 24, 2018, 08:53:55 am
As a rule, I don't troll.  However, I do make an exception here by trolling Dolfan4Ever (or whatever that name is) because, well, because it is him and it almost seems wrong NOT to troll him.  Although I still sometimes think that he is on like a 5 year troll mission himself with some of the things that he posts. I'm sure he is a nice enough guy in the "real world", but in here he is either the most clueless person to ever grace our presence or he is a total master of the troll and deserves to be in the troll hall of fame.  Either way, it is kind of fun.