Title: Dolphins Sign RB Jeremy Langford Post by: DaLittle B on August 06, 2018, 07:13:11 pm https://www.profootballrumors.com/2018/08/dolphins-sign-rb-jeremy-langford (https://www.profootballrumors.com/2018/08/dolphins-sign-rb-jeremy-langford)
Crowded backfield at the moment.... Title: Re: Dolphins Sign RB Jeremy Langford Post by: masterfins on August 08, 2018, 01:38:39 pm This seems like Gase doing a favor for Langford who played with the Bears when Gase was also there. I don't see him making the final roster; maybe a practice squad guy, but that's a long shot.
Title: Re: Dolphins Sign RB Jeremy Langford Post by: Dolphster on August 08, 2018, 01:56:58 pm All I know about him is that he treated me pretty well in Fan Duel a couple times during his rookie season. I get it that coaches like to bring in talent from where they were at previously in their coaching careers. But it seems the Fins have brought in quite a few Bears guys which kind of confuses me since the Bears aren't exactly known as an upper echelon NFL team, filled with talent.
Title: Re: Dolphins Sign RB Jeremy Langford Post by: DaLittle B on August 08, 2018, 02:49:26 pm I'm pretty darn sure he wouldn't be practice squad eligible,He played in 2015 & 2016,and sat out 2017...I thought it was kind of an out of the blue type move...I don't expect much...
Title: Re: Dolphins Sign RB Jeremy Langford Post by: CF DolFan on August 09, 2018, 11:22:49 am This seems like Gase doing a favor for Langford who played with the Bears when Gase was also there. I don't see him making the final roster; maybe a practice squad guy, but that's a long shot. Me too. He's hoping to do enough in the preseason to get picked up by someone else. Title: Re: Dolphins Sign RB Jeremy Langford Post by: Dolphster on August 09, 2018, 11:53:41 am Since everyone is always one play away from being lost for the season due to injury, I can understand them bringing him in as an insurance policy in case Drake or Gore gets hurt during pre season. If they both stay healthy til the season starts, I can't see a place on the roster for Langford.