Title: Could anything make you adopt a different NFL team over your current? Post by: Dave Gray on August 10, 2018, 02:38:02 pm ..from a convo I was having on Facebook.
I don't think there's anything the Dolphins could do (within reason, I suppose...certainly not within the realm of football) that would make me pick another NFL team. Back when Vick was reinstated into the league, I understood that he did his time and deserved to be able to play, but I just couldn't root for the guy on a personal level. Had he made the roster and been the starter, I think I just wouldn't have watched football for a couple of years until he wasn't starting anymore. How about you? Could you switch teams? Title: Re: Could anything make you adopt a different NFL team over your current? Post by: Tenshot13 on August 10, 2018, 02:53:59 pm I could never switch teams, but I agree with you about Vick. I might have had to take a break from football if he played here.
Title: Re: Could anything make you adopt a different NFL team over your current? Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on August 10, 2018, 03:35:58 pm If a family member or close personal friend played for a team. And while Pats are still #1, Seahawks are a solid number two because of a particular one handed linebacker.
But those unlike your Vick comment are positive reasons to support another team as opposed to a negitive reason to leave. If Kraft was to punish a player for kneeling, I would find another team or maybe just give up on football altogether. http://www.thedolphinsmakemecry.com/forums/index.php?topic=25225.0 Title: Re: Could anything make you adopt a different NFL team over your current? Post by: DaLittle B on August 10, 2018, 03:41:02 pm Not that I can think of...Being a Non local fan,never lived in Miami,or Florida for that matter,location isn't an issue.
I feel the biggest thing would push me away would be radical Uniform/logo change. IE Hot pink uniforms,trimmed in Lime green and orange.I'd still route for the Dolphins,or whatever the the logo/uniforms possibly change on the team,probably not follow them near as much. The hard thing would be Like the Browns into the Ravens,then Browns getting a new team...I'm not sure how I'd handle that type of move if that happened to the Dolphins... Title: Re: Could anything make you adopt a different NFL team over your current? Post by: Sunstroke on August 10, 2018, 04:01:16 pm If a family member or close friend was signed by an NFL team, then I would cheer for that team...but I'll never stop cheering for the 49ers. Title: Re: Could anything make you adopt a different NFL team over your current? Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on August 10, 2018, 04:17:44 pm If a family member or close friend was signed by an NFL team, then I would cheer for that team...but I'll never stop cheering for the 49ers. Let’s assume that said team was in the NFCW. You rooting for your family or niners those two games? You can’t have two number one teams. IIRC once every four years you root against the Dolphins. Title: Re: Could anything make you adopt a different NFL team over your current? Post by: Phishfan on August 10, 2018, 04:19:50 pm Relocation especially if they rebranded would cause me to switch.
Title: Re: Could anything make you adopt a different NFL team over your current? Post by: Spider-Dan on August 10, 2018, 07:01:16 pm Relocation is the main thing for me.
I doubt I would still root for the San Diego Dolphins, and I damned sure wouldn't root for the San Diego Sharks. Title: Re: Could anything make you adopt a different NFL team over your current? Post by: masterfins on August 10, 2018, 07:28:47 pm Relocation especially if they rebranded would cause me to switch. +1 Title: Re: Could anything make you adopt a different NFL team over your current? Post by: Fau Teixeira on August 11, 2018, 08:24:14 am my relocation wouldn't affect my affinity for the dolphins.. but if i moved to seattle i could see myself adopting them as a B team. if i moved to new york however, there's no chance of a b team
Title: Re: Could anything make you adopt a different NFL team over your current? Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on August 11, 2018, 10:21:10 am my relocation wouldn't affect my affinity for the dolphins.. but if i moved to seattle i could see myself adopting them as a B team. if i moved to new york however, there's no chance of a b team +1. If Fau Teixeria relocated it would have no affect on my fandom. 😀 Title: Re: Could anything make you adopt a different NFL team over your current? Post by: BuccaneerBrad on August 11, 2018, 03:18:12 pm There were times where I thought of giving up watching football entirely after suffering through the Dominic/Hickey era. But I just can't see myself wearing another team's colors
Title: Re: Could anything make you adopt a different NFL team over your current? Post by: BigDaddyFin on August 11, 2018, 03:49:22 pm If there were no Pro football in Miami tomorrow I might.... MIGHT.... become a Giants fan. But it's a stretch
Title: Re: Could anything make you adopt a different NFL team over your current? Post by: Tenshot13 on August 12, 2018, 10:59:37 am We should ask D4L what it was like switching to the Patriots
Title: Re: Could anything make you adopt a different NFL team over your current? Post by: CF DolFan on August 13, 2018, 10:24:17 am I've tried a few times with no such luck. I'm a fan of Tampa and Jacksonville and although they are more convenient for me to root for ... I just can't seem to switch allegiances. It's kind of like my marriage. I've got too much invested over the years to quit on them.
Title: Re: Could anything make you adopt a different NFL team over your current? Post by: Tenshot13 on August 13, 2018, 10:38:29 am I've tried a few times with no such luck. I'm a fan of Tampa and Jacksonville and although they are more convenient for me to root for ... I just can't seem to switch allegiances. It's kind of like my marriage. I've got too much invested over the years to quit on them. I tried to root for Tampa, because I live here, as a 2nd team, then they drafted Jameis. I already didn't like him because of his FSU roots, which is silly, I could get over that. I was skeptical of him because of the rape allegation, and the fact that it looked like a cover up. Crab legs, BB guns, screaming profanities in a crowded cafeteria, sexism in his speech to Melrose Elementary in St. Petersburg...not the worst stuff, but speaks to his character. Then the stuff with the Uber driver and hanging out with rapists, I mean come on, where there's smoke there's fire. The guy is a scum bag or extremely stupid. I can't support a team like that, not when he's the face of the franchise and knew he had issues when they drafted him. Eat that "W" Jameis. |