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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: BigDaddyFin on October 02, 2018, 04:36:04 pm

Title: Things I really want at the office that I can't have
Post by: BigDaddyFin on October 02, 2018, 04:36:04 pm
1.  An ice machine.  We have refrigerators and a somewhat ok cafeteria you can get filtered water all that fun stuff but no ice machine.  It would allow me just to bring in my good thermos and fill up with whatever I wanted whenever I wanted.

2.  Two ply toilet paper.  It's next to impossible to get clean on 1 ply with the distance we have to walk and not be late on a 15 minute break. 

3.  Magazine racks and some old magazines for the bathroom.  I would gladly kick in $5 out of my check every two weeks for this and #2.

4.  A scratching room.  We have cameras everywhere and sometimes I just really need to scratch goddamit.  Just put up a divider I'll go down to Unclaimed Freight and pick up a cheap recliner I'll bring in my own CD Player and CD's but I should be able to go somewhere in private and scratch my nuts without people in the mens room judging me or worrying about being caught on camera.

Title: Re: Things I really want at the office that I can't have
Post by: Phishfan on October 02, 2018, 07:20:03 pm
I would say I am pretty spoiled at my current job but I am trying to make a switch so this is a to be continued story for me. We have ice machines on every floor, refrigerators, coffee machines, a full cafeteria in one building and a self serve market in the other that includes ice cream and frozen meals along with pre-made sandwiches (yuck). The real kicker is we have a game room equipped with ping pong, air hockey, pop a shot, and two pool tables.

Title: Re: Things I really want at the office that I can't have
Post by: CF DolFan on October 03, 2018, 11:29:35 am
Some time around 2002 Time Warner Telecom moved into the same building as EA Sports so I got to see their offices. The walls were glass so you could see pretty much through the whole place. The had a ton of video games and tvs and what looked to be areas to chill. It looked like a really fun place to work.

Title: Re: Things I really want at the office that I can't have
Post by: BigDaddyFin on October 03, 2018, 11:44:10 am
We have a gameroom and stuff like that it's not that bad, it's just that I'd like to get some extras to personalize the place a little bit.

Title: Re: Things I really want at the office that I can't have
Post by: DZA on October 03, 2018, 02:13:16 pm
I work in a cubicle setting..

I want to hook up my PS4 to this 15" HD  Screen I got an Game. But I work for the Military so that aint gon happen.

I have a Kurig. Toaster..  But I really want is an Lil Ice Machine for my Drinks.

Title: Re: Things I really want at the office that I can't have
Post by: DaLittle B on October 03, 2018, 02:56:04 pm
1.) Better use of our office space! Post remodel after the downsize/split,they eliminated some offices+storage closet,and made the break room slightly bigger,and added 2 bathrooms.Then split one of the 2 conference rooms in two to make 2 other offices.Those offices are for the underlings,with 4 desks each+ file cabinets (I improvised 2 small work areas).Then they doubled the bosses offices,which aren't good for "working meetings" especially with more than 3 people.  :-X  So...The conference room,is always in use...

We do have a T.V. with local cable,and a kitchenette...2 hot plates,2 microwaves,2 coffee pots+ kurig ,Toaster oven,large refrigerator/freezer,and cabinets (that the bosses keep with snacks).

Title: Re: Things I really want at the office that I can't have
Post by: Dave Gray on October 03, 2018, 03:38:38 pm
I wish I had a window in the office, but I'd really like a balcony to use, where I could physically go outside from time to time...even have a meeting out there. 

Title: Re: Things I really want at the office that I can't have
Post by: BigDaddyFin on October 05, 2018, 08:28:03 am
I wish I had a window in the office, but I'd really like a balcony to use, where I could physically go outside from time to time...even have a meeting out there. 

The side of the building I'm in doesn't have any windows it's quite depressing.  Occasionally though we do have meetings outside when the Upstate NY weather isn't acting like Cybil on crack.

Title: Re: Things I really want at the office that I can't have
Post by: Phishfan on October 05, 2018, 02:48:27 pm
I wish I had a window in the office, but I'd really like a balcony to use, where I could physically go outside from time to time...even have a meeting out there. 

Interesting idea about the balcony. We have one on our building but it is locked. You have to consider the liability aspect. Just imagine a depressed coworker taking a swan dive during work hours. I'm actually surprised businesses let architects design buildings where employees can look down multiple floors over the lobby.

Title: Re: Things I really want at the office that I can't have
Post by: Sunstroke on October 05, 2018, 03:42:28 pm

I want a freezer...anything that can give me ice cubes in my beverages and keep frozen nukables frozen until ready to be nuked. I am a simple man with simple needs, and cold drinks and hot lunches are two of them. ;D

Title: Re: Things I really want at the office that I can't have
Post by: stinkfish on October 05, 2018, 10:50:14 pm
Joan Halloway