Title: Here's the problem Post by: Pappy13 on October 10, 2018, 06:16:28 pm From Reddit. Watch the clips. Read the commentary. If you watched the game this should be obvious to you.
https://www.reddit.com/r/miamidolphins/comments/9mzl8r/you_need_to_see_this_to_understand_the_cause_of/ If you don't like that thread try this one. The problems start with the offensive line. If they hold their blocks these are big plays. https://www.reddit.com/r/miamidolphins/comments/9n3tee/watch_these_two_huge_passes_to_drake_that_never/ Title: Re: Here's the problem Post by: Spider-Dan on October 11, 2018, 01:43:10 am The second thread was a straight up drop by Drake and then a tipped ball from Tannehill. I guess you can argue for the OL on the second play, but the drop was entirely on Drake.
Title: Re: Here's the problem Post by: hordman on October 11, 2018, 07:43:40 am The second thread was a straight up drop by Drake and then a tipped ball from Tannehill. I guess you can argue for the OL on the second play, but the drop was entirely on Drake. I remember seeing this play, but what the video didn't show clearly was that the ball was tipped ever so slightly, that either Drake took his eye off the ball or changed the path. I do agree that Drake should make these catches,, but the bigger blame should be on Ja'Waun James who stood around and missed his assignment Amendola tried to help out, but James completely misses his assign and allows the the Defender to get up and disrupt the play People keep on saying James is a Top-10 tackle in this league, but two weeks in a row he's missed some assignments. I think Samy young, yes THAT Sam Young plays a better RT and did so when James went down half way last season. I thought Jesse Davis and Young played pretty good ball 2nd half of the season IIRC Title: Re: Here's the problem Post by: DaLittle B on October 11, 2018, 10:40:44 am I subscribed to the guy in the breakdown videos on youtube...he has 4 Tannehill hater plays,and some what do you expect,but the 14 minutes,the O-line is amess video...is scary sad...
O line video... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYSoyAvXmXg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYSoyAvXmXg) We had some of these issues last week,My gripe has been we knew Larson pretty much sucked last year,we went out and spent big money to replace him in Sitton....Agghh,..I'm trying not to go down that road...me whining about our front office. :-X Title: Re: Here's the problem Post by: Pappy13 on October 12, 2018, 01:59:21 pm I subscribed to the guy in the breakdown videos on youtube...he has 4 Tannehill hater plays Even the 2nd play of his 4 Tannehill hater plays can be attributed directly to an offensive lineman. Granted that Tannehill makes the play go from bad to worse by trying to dump it off to a TE when he should have just taken the sack or thrown it away, but there's few guys in this league that handle this much better than Tannehill did. You do this to your QB and bad things are going to happen 100% of the time. They aren't all pick 6's, but that was pretty much just bad luck. 95% of the time this ball just falls harmlessly incomplete and no one gives it a 2nd thought and that's another "bad offensive line" clip.Title: Re: Here's the problem Post by: masterfins on October 12, 2018, 02:36:49 pm Watching the Giants - Eagles game last night I had two thoughts:
1) At least the Dolphins O-line isn't as bad as the Giants' and 2) Why can't the Dolphins have a good O-line like the Eagles (or maybe it's because the Giants' defense sucks). Title: Re: Here's the problem Post by: DaLittle B on October 13, 2018, 07:11:32 am I didn't watch the Tannehill videos,Tannehill has become like a current political issue. :-[