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TDMMC Forums => Around the NFL => Topic started by: dolphins4life on February 25, 2019, 12:38:25 am

Title: Rules trivia
Post by: dolphins4life on February 25, 2019, 12:38:25 am
True or False:

It is not possible for an NFL team to finish a game with exactly one point.

The correct answer is false.  As several of you pointed out, a conversion safety results in one point.

Here are several ways this could happen:

1) As a joke, if a team scores a touchdown on the last play of the game

2) A team scores a touchdown on the last play of the game to go up 6-0.  Every player on the team is hit with a celebration penalty moving the ball to their one.  They kneel down in the end zone

3) The Champ Bailey/Ben Watson play happens.  This would be tricky.  Hoodie knows what I am talking about, if you don't google it.  However, the question would be, is that a one point safety or is that like a touchback?  Would the converting team have to recover the ball in the end zone, take it out, lose possession again, and then recover it in the end zone again?

4) Blocked PAT is batted like a pinball through the endzone.

Title: Re: Rules trivia
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on February 25, 2019, 07:26:38 am
Theoretically possible if a team some how managed a safety on a two point conversion, but it has never happened.

Title: Re: Rules trivia
Post by: BuccaneerBrad on February 25, 2019, 10:51:37 am
Not possible.   A safety on a two point conversion still gets two points. 

Title: Re: Rules trivia
Post by: Tenshot13 on February 25, 2019, 10:59:59 am
I've heard this question at bar trivia nights before.  It's the only score not possible.

Title: Re: Rules trivia
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on February 25, 2019, 11:44:02 am

Rule 11, Section 3, Article 2 (c), “If the try results in what would ordinarily be a safety against either team, one point is awarded to the opponent.”

Title: Re: Rules trivia
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on February 25, 2019, 11:46:03 am
I've heard this question at bar trivia nights before.  It's the only score not possible.

How long ago?  Before 2015 it was not possible.

Title: Re: Rules trivia
Post by: Dave Gray on February 25, 2019, 11:46:47 am
It is possible.

The score cannot be 0-1.  But it can be 6-1.

It requires an extra point attempt to end with a safety.

Title: Re: Rules trivia
Post by: Dolphster on February 25, 2019, 02:47:59 pm
It is really hard to find something football related to discuss around the end of February.   ::)

Title: Re: Rules trivia
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on February 26, 2019, 04:51:49 pm
It is really hard to find something football related to discuss around the end of February.   ::)

Yeah, but not this hard....AFL, Kraft, combine, compensatory picks, upcoming draft, new coach, who stays/who goes, free agents.... don’t need to resort to special teams safeties.