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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: Dave Gray on May 30, 2020, 12:34:44 am

Title: I hate HOAs
Post by: Dave Gray on May 30, 2020, 12:34:44 am
I hate my homeowner's association.  I hated the one I had before, too, at a previous house, so this is nothing new. 

It's such bullshit, they are such scams, and I have an incident that is pissing me off beyond belief.

I have to pay an assessment.  Fine.  There are costs...whatever.  But the website that they provide is broken and doesn't accept payments.  I am actively talking about this with an employee who blames the bank software.  So, I'm supposed to call the bank.  I do.  They don't know what's going on.

Today, I got a certified letter from a law firm tacking on $407.00 of attorney fees, admin fees, and interest to a $107.00 bill because it's not paid.  The website still isn't working to take payments.  I'm flipping my shit.

Title: Re: I hate HOAs
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on May 30, 2020, 12:44:01 am
I decided a long time ago I would never buy a condo or house with in a HOAs.  Renting has advantages and disadvantages.  Homeownership has advantages and disadvantages.  A HOA combines all the disadvantages of renting with all the disadvantages of homeownership.

Title: Re: I hate HOAs
Post by: Dave Gray on June 01, 2020, 12:31:34 pm
I decided a long time ago I would never buy a condo or house with in a HOAs.  Renting has advantages and disadvantages.  Homeownership has advantages and disadvantages.  A HOA combines all the disadvantages of renting with all the disadvantages of homeownership.

They really do suck.  But it's kind of a necessary evil down here in S. Florida.  Pretty much every neighbor has some form of it.  Mine is pretty minimal: no gate...mostly just rules.  But god damn...are they annoying.

Title: Re: I hate HOAs
Post by: Sunstroke on June 01, 2020, 01:10:07 pm

The HOA where I live is crazy...they look for any possible excuse to fine the homeowner. Tiny oil spot in your driveway? Fine! Garbage can missing a handle...Fine! Bumper of your car crosses an inch over the sidewalk demarcation? Fine, baby, Fine!!

Title: Re: I hate HOAs
Post by: CF DolFan on June 01, 2020, 02:22:43 pm
Ours has been up and down depending on who the president is. I had them send me three different letters telling me to trim my palm trees because they were in violation of the covenants and the Land Development Code. A board member neighbor didn't like to see any branches hanging on my 35' palm trees. I was pissed and started to call them as I enforced the Land Development Code and new there wasn't any truth to it. Any way I ended up settling down and sent them an email. It simply said I would love to comply with them but couldn't find the specs that my trees were to meet. Could they please send me the codes so I could make sure I was in compliance. I never heard back from them.