Title: I'm back! Did you miss me? Post by: Pappy13 on November 15, 2021, 02:52:04 pm So apparently you can collapse the forums from the main page, who knew? I somehow did that apparently and so I couldn't view any of the forums for a couple of weeks and therefore didn't post at all. At first I thought it was a problem with the forums themselves and figured Dave would have it fixed soon enough but after a week or so decided to take action and sent Dave a personal message to see if he could solve it, but after coming up empty I started to search myself for a solution today and finally realized that you can collapse and uncollapse the forums yourself just by clicking on the TDMMC Forums button. Nice feature...unless you don't know it's there and are really really forum challenged.
I realize that this isn't actually a Dolphin's discussion...so isn't it just like the Dolphins to win a meaningless game against a good team? Wouldn't be surprised to see them lose to the Jets this weekend. |