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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on February 12, 2022, 03:14:45 pm

Title: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on February 12, 2022, 03:14:45 pm

Everything about this is fucked up.

1. At Parkland there was a useless SRO.  Did absolutely nothing to stop the rampage.  Passing a law requiring all schools to have an SRo when Parkland proved SROs are useless is beyond stupid.

2. If there was no SRO present, the school would have called the child’s parents, not a police to the school. Her offense was refusing to remove her sunglasses in class.  When I was in first grade that would have resulted in a note home, not an arrest.

3. The money spent on SROs would be better spent on school psychologists and social workers.

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: CF DolFan on February 12, 2022, 03:42:49 pm
First off you might want to see how many shooters and other threats have been stopped by SROs. Not all are worthless. In fact I swear to you that I know of a RSO that cried because of the Parkland SRO failure to respond. He literally thinks of the kids in his school as family. He also coaches football, weightlifting, and lacrosse with them. Second of all when I went to school you and I could fist fight on a weekly basis and only get paddled. Now we could possibly be arrested. Times they are a changing but some people still suck.

I’d wager to bet if she respected authority then none of this would have happened. But that would require personal responsibility.  

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on February 12, 2022, 04:46:52 pm
First off you might want to see how many shooters and other threats have been stopped by SROs.

did a search shooting stopped by sros.  There was one initially claimed by the police.  But further investigation revealed the shooter shot himself after he killed intended victim.  Zero lives saved.
I’d wager to bet if she respected authority then none of this would have happened. But that would require personal responsibility.  

Bullshit on respecting authority. Which really means fearing authority. Respect is entirely different.  I respect Jimmy Carter.   I fear the swat team, there is a difference.

She was 6 years old.  Her crime was violating the dress code. 

Problem is there is nothing for a cop to do in an elementary school, so let’s use them to enforce minor infractions. 

You are arguing for a fascist authoritarian society.

Second grader defies the teacher by chewing gum in class.  Handle her lack of respect for authority by having an armed police officer handcuff her. 

Kids throwing paper airplanes in the cafeteria doesn’t require an armed response.  But that is what you get when you eliminate social workers/counselors from the school and replace them with cops.

I don’t want kids to fear authority.  That is how you get totalitarianism.


Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: ArtieChokePhin on February 12, 2022, 04:54:11 pm
Her crime was violating the dress code.  

Her crime was simple battery, in case you bothered to listen to the video.  She hit the assistant principal.  Kids shouldn't be arrested for fighting at school.  If you fight with another student, you should be suspended.  If you fight with a school staff member, you should be expelled.   And little kids (kindergarteners and first graders) who can't control their impulses should be given more leeway than that and dealt with in another manner.  

That being said, this looks like a money grab by the girl's grandarents.  The stuff they said in their interview does not correspond with what happened in the video

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: pondwater on February 12, 2022, 10:41:17 pm
Follow the laws and rules in life. She asked for a second chance. So she understands that she had a first chance. Maybe this will make her rethink her first chance next time. But then again this is just a cash grab so who the fuck cares???

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: Phishfan on February 14, 2022, 01:46:42 pm
Suspension and expulsion only work as punishment in rare instances. With the majority of students causing enough trouble the time away from school is exactly what they want. It's no different than telling a child to go to their room when they have all their toys there. A more effective punishment is putting them in a small classroom away from everyone else. No windows to the outside or the hall. Lunch has to be taken in the room and everyone has classwork to do and no talking.

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on February 14, 2022, 01:54:12 pm
Suspension and expulsion only work as punishment in rare instances. With the majority of students causing enough trouble the time away from school is exactly what they want. It's no different than telling a child to go to their room when they have all their toys there. A more effective punishment is putting them in a small classroom away from everyone else. No windows to the outside or the hall. Lunch has to be taken in the room and everyone has classwork to do and no talking.

Suspension? Expulsion? For a six year old refusing to take off sunglasses? 

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: ArtieChokePhin on February 14, 2022, 09:36:46 pm
Suspension and expulsion only work as punishment in rare instances. With the majority of students causing enough trouble the time away from school is exactly what they want. It's no different than telling a child to go to their room when they have all their toys there. A more effective punishment is putting them in a small classroom away from everyone else. No windows to the outside or the hall. Lunch has to be taken in the room and everyone has classwork to do and no talking.

In-School Suspension.  Different counties have different names for it.  In Dade County Public Schools, it's known as Center for Special Instruction (CSI).  And yes, it is a great deterrent.   Not only was it exactly as you described, but we weren't allowed to even sleep or read anything other than our textbooks.

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: Phishfan on February 15, 2022, 12:05:51 am
Suspension? Expulsion? For a six year old refusing to take off sunglasses?  

I have not watched the video but others pointed out this child struck an administrator. If that's what happened you are drastically down playing the event.

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: Spider-Dan on February 15, 2022, 03:16:12 am
Others in this thread have described it as "battery," which is drastically exaggerating the seriousness of the event.

It is difficult to downplay a six-year-old striking an adult.  That would warrant a timeout, or maybe a lost recess... not a suspension.

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: ArtieChokePhin on February 15, 2022, 07:55:32 am
Others in this thread have described it as "battery," which is drastically exaggerating the seriousness of the event.

It is difficult to downplay a six-year-old striking an adult.  That would warrant a timeout, or maybe a lost recess... not a suspension.

And hopefully the kid's parents get called and the parents give the kid a spanking hard enough so that they don't sit down for a week.  Because when I was a kid, that's what happened if you ever raised your hands to an adult. 

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on February 15, 2022, 08:06:43 am
And hopefully the kid's parents get called and the parents give the kid a spanking hard enough so that they don't sit down for a week.  Because when I was a kid, that's what happened if you ever raised your hands to an adult. 

Cycle of child abuse.  Abused as a child, abuses as an adult.

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: ArtieChokePhin on February 15, 2022, 08:20:45 am
Cycle of child abuse.  Abused as a child, abuses as an adult.

I don't abuse my kids or anyone else's.   It's called discipline.   You get spanked by your parents and/or your parents friends, you learn to respect your elders.   A lot of kids these days don't have that mentality.   

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on February 15, 2022, 09:14:48 am
I don't abuse my kids or anyone else's.   It's called discipline.   You get spanked by your parents and/or your parents friends, you learn to respect your elders.   A lot of kids these days don't have that mentality.   

Hitting a child so hard they can’t sit for week is not discipline, it is abuse.  If you are unsure of this please call child protective services and explain to them how you “discipline” your children.  I am sure they will be very interested.

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: Tenshot13 on February 15, 2022, 09:31:00 am
Hitting a child so hard they can’t sit for week is not discipline, it is abuse.  If you are unsure of this please call child protective services and explain to them how you “discipline” your children.  I am sure they will be very interested.
Yes, because we all took that literally...that the kid will have his bottom spanked so hard he couldn't sit down for a week.  It must be hard not letting all that shit you're full of spill out all the time.  I'm pretty sure the only reason you're in here is to subvert the message board.

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on February 15, 2022, 10:24:50 am
Yes, because we all took that literally...that the kid will have his bottom spanked so hard he couldn't sit down for a week.  It must be hard not letting all that shit you're full of spill out all the time.  I'm pretty sure the only reason you're in here is to subvert the message board.

Even taken figuratively, it is child abuse. The figurative version of that expression call for the child to be in serious pain, even if they literally heal in under 7 days.

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: ArtieChokePhin on February 15, 2022, 10:30:07 am
Even taken figuratively, it is child abuse. The figurative version of that expression call for the child to be in serious pain, even if they literally heal in under 7 days.

If a spanking didn't hurt, it wouldn't teach its intended lesson.

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on February 15, 2022, 10:50:12 am
If a spanking didn't hurt, it wouldn't teach its intended lesson.

What is the intended lesson?

Might makes right?

I will physically harm you if they are unhappy with you?

I am physically larger than you so you must obey me?

I get pleasure from your pain?

Violence is the answer.  Whomever is stronger is in control?

I don’t love you?

While minor corporal punishment is legal, (and what you advocate is not minor nor legal) it is well proven to be a failed method of developing well behaved children.  Despite the “spare the rod, spoil the child myth” children who receive corporal punishment are much more like to misbehave, fail out of school, and wind up in the criminal justice system.   

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: ArtieChokePhin on February 15, 2022, 10:56:50 am
While minor corporal punishment is legal, (and what you advocate is not minor nor legal) it is well proven to be a failed method of developing well behaved children.  Despite the “spare the rod, spoil the child myth” children who receive corporal punishment are much more like to misbehave, fail out of school, and wind up in the criminal justice system.   

Really?   Then how come more children are acting out today and the dropout rates and crime rates among juveniles are higher than they've ever been?  Because now we are in the Take The Electronics Away generation as opposed to the Spanking generation.

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: Dave Gray on February 15, 2022, 11:03:13 am
Really?   Then how come more children are acting out today and the dropout rates and crime rates among juveniles are higher than they've ever been?

Because it's not and you're full of shit.

Crime in youth is way, way, way, way down.  High school graduation rate is way, way, way up.

What a moronic lie to tell.  You should be ashamed of yourself for making up such bullshit out of thin air.

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on February 15, 2022, 11:10:21 am
Really?   Then how come more children are acting out today and the dropout rates and crime rates among juveniles are higher than they've ever been?  Because now we are in the Take The Electronics Away generation as opposed to the Spanking generation.

Bullshit.  Study after study shows spanking is harmful.

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: pondwater on February 15, 2022, 12:25:34 pm
Pain is the universal language that everyone understands. Whether it's physical, emotional, or financial. Like the liberals always say, actions have consequences.

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: SCFinfan on February 15, 2022, 12:46:50 pm
I don't mind SROs, I wish they weren't needed though.

Like every other "protection" method it's nearly impossible to gauge what they actually do as, the threat of them wards off more shootings than anyone except the potential shooter would know.

It's the exact same dilemma as "defund the police". Will defunding and getting rid of the police stop police violence? Obviously, yes.

That said - what will it open the door to? Unknown.

I would assume it's for every community to decide whether an SRO is worth it.

At my son's HS, there is an SRO - someone I used to cross swords with when he worked at the local police department (he left to become a county/school district employee when he became SRO - I am not sure exactly why that happened). He's a good dude. He's helped my kid.

At my daughter's school, there is no SRO, but it's a private school, so I assume it's a cost cutting measure. So far, so good, but God i would hate it if something bad happened there.

I guess we'll see, but, in short - no, getting rid of SROs is probably stupid.

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: Phishfan on February 15, 2022, 02:57:26 pm
Others in this thread have described it as "battery," which is drastically exaggerating the seriousness of the event.

It is difficult to downplay a six-year-old striking an adult.  That would warrant a timeout, or maybe a lost recess... not a suspension.

And the punishment I described is the equivalent of a timeout wouldn't you Agree?

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: pondwater on February 15, 2022, 02:59:47 pm
Bullshit.  Study after study shows spanking is harmful.
It's a moot point. She got what she got. She fucked around and found out. Quit crying, you're a grown man act accordingly

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: Phishfan on February 15, 2022, 03:19:46 pm
It's a moot point. She got what she got. She fucked around and found out. Quit crying, you're a grown man act accordingly

Are you talking to me?

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: pondwater on February 15, 2022, 03:21:58 pm
Are you talking to me?
No sir, my mistake. Post updated.......

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on February 15, 2022, 03:27:51 pm
It's a moot point. She got what she got. She fucked around and found out. Quit crying, you're a grown man act accordingly

Grown men protect children, rather than harm them.  Adults protect 6 year-olds. Only psychopaths would want a 6 year-old handcuffed.  You are the one who needs to become an adult.   

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: pondwater on February 15, 2022, 03:34:32 pm
Grown men protect children, rather than harm them.  Adults protect 6 year-olds. Only psychopaths would want a 6 year-old handcuffed.  You are the one who needs to become an adult.   
You're protecting no one. You're crying about something that is not, nor will ever, be in your control. It's over and done with and hopefully she learned her lesson. Nothing to see here except your corny liberal virtue signaling.

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on February 15, 2022, 03:57:37 pm
I don't mind SROs, I wish they weren't needed though.

Like every other "protection" method it's nearly impossible to gauge what they actually do as, the threat of them wards off more shootings than anyone except the potential shooter would know.

It's the exact same dilemma as "defund the police". Will defunding and getting rid of the police stop police violence? Obviously, yes.

That said - what will it open the door to? Unknown.

I would assume it's for every community to decide whether an SRO is worth it.

At my son's HS, there is an SRO - someone I used to cross swords with when he worked at the local police department (he left to become a county/school district employee when he became SRO - I am not sure exactly why that happened). He's a good dude. He's helped my kid.

At my daughter's school, there is no SRO, but it's a private school, so I assume it's a cost cutting measure. So far, so good, but God i would hate it if something bad happened there.

I guess we'll see, but, in short - no, getting rid of SROs is probably stupid.

I assume, you would agree that police have a stressful job.  One in which they are increasingly expected to do things they aren't train to do and that are outside their area of expertise.  Dealing with the homeless, dealing with drug addicts, truancy, mentally ill, etc.  

There is a reason why the police are being asked to do things today, they never had to deal with 50 years ago.  And that is because we have defunded social programs, the problems haven't gone away but they have become police burdens.   A school that use to use a school guidance counselor  or social worker to deal with truant students now use a cop.  A mentally ill person on the street would be talked to by a city mental health professional is now arrested by the police.  Drug addicts are arrested rather than offered treatment.  Homeless are arrest under vagrancy laws rather than refereed to a shelter.  

How can we make the lives of police officer's easier and safer?  Simple, stop expecting them to do thing they aren't trained to do.  Have the resources to send social worker and mental health professionals to situations in which police aren't the best choice.  

That is defund the police in a nutshell.  It is not about getting rid of police.  It is about using them only to do police stuff.  

Can an SRO prevent a shooting?  Maybe.  Certainly didn't happen in Parkland.  But maybe if schools had more mental health professional available students and like Ethan Crumbley or Nikolas Cruz had someone they could talk to about their feelings of helplessness these incidents will be less frequent.  And fellow students would be more likely to refer a trouble classmate to a helpful counselor than a cop.  

I keep hearing the school shooting aren't a "gun problem"  they are a mental health problem.  Then why are we addressing this mental health problem by putting armed guards in school rather than increasing the number of mental health professional in our schools?        

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: Spider-Dan on February 16, 2022, 01:21:13 pm
Because it's not and you're full of shit.

Crime in youth is way, way, way, way down.  High school graduation rate is way, way, way up.

What a moronic lie to tell.  You should be ashamed of yourself for making up such bullshit out of thin air.
This lie is necessary in order to prop up the belief system of a large portion of our society.

See, if society IS better today - in real, measurable statistics - than it was 40 years ago, then much of the clamoring about the moral decay of the republic becomes hollow.  So it is essential to claim that events - crime, graduation rates, teen pregnancy, etc. - are worse today, even if they're better.

The United States of the '70s and '80s was a lawless, crime-ridden hellscape compared to the country today.

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: Dave Gray on February 16, 2022, 02:28:37 pm
I am all for debate and difference of opinion, but I can't believe someone would just make up lies.

And it's not just better today.  It's way, way better today.  Graduation rates are like....20% higher or something like that since just 15 years ago in Florida.  And crime has been down pretty steadily since the late 1980s, I think.

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on February 16, 2022, 02:43:48 pm
I am all for debate and difference of opinion, but I can't believe someone would just make up lies.

Have you been paying attention for the past few years?

Making up lies and disregarding basic facts is the standard of the right now.

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: Spider-Dan on February 16, 2022, 03:08:33 pm
I am all for debate and difference of opinion, but I can't believe someone would just make up lies.
It's not a lie if you believe it.

It is an article of faith among conservatives that crime is obviously worse today than in the '80s, that children are obviously less moral, that graduation is obviously down and teen pregnancy is obviously up.   I mean, Have You Seen What The Teen Girls Are Wearing These Days?  They're practically hookers!

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on August 11, 2022, 01:34:03 pm
Guess who has joined our cause to "Defund the police"........

DEFUND THE FBI! - Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

Welcome to cause.  

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: CF DolFan on August 11, 2022, 01:42:29 pm
Guess who has joined our cause to "Defund the police"........

DEFUND THE FBI! - Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

Welcome to cause.  

That's not really a late join. Many Republicans have said to break up the FBI (at least at the top) since their handling of Hillary, the pissing Russian dossier of Trump, the damning texts between agent lovers, and many other things. Like the IRS the FBI has appeared to be a weapon of the left and less and less like a separate policing entity. If they don't explain themsleves soon it may get worse as some Democrats are even questioning the timing of the Trump raid. 

Title: Re: We have too many fucking police, if police have time to do this.
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on August 11, 2022, 01:52:55 pm
That's not really a late join. Many Republicans have said to break up the FBI (at least at the top) since their handling of Hillary, the pissing Russian dossier of Trump, the damning texts between agent lovers, and many other things. Like the IRS the FBI has appeared to be a weapon of the left and less and less like a separate policing entity. If they don't explain themsleves soon it may get worse as some Democrats are even questioning the timing of the Trump raid.  

Are you aware that the head of the FBI at the time of every one of these investigations are Republicans?

The current director of the FBI who approved this search was appointed to the position by Trump himself.

Also how can you claim defunding the police will result in an increase in state crime and not be equally worried that defunding the FBI won't result in an increase in Federal crimes. I don't know about you, but if one or two folks gett away with spray painting graffiti that doesn't seem as bad as not investigating money laundering or terrorism