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TDMMC Forums => Dolphins Discussion => Topic started by: CF DolFan on March 28, 2022, 02:42:36 pm

Title: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: CF DolFan on March 28, 2022, 02:42:36 pm
I don't typically post articles from other fan sites but I found this one spot on.  Matt Serniak over at wrote this piece on bringing back the throwbacks in light of the major postive changes we have made. Rather than stealing his idea I am sharing it.

by Matt Serniak

The Miami Dolphins have us feeling things that we haven’t felt in possibly 20 years. They have us feeling that for the first time in forever, the team is actually ready to do some real winning. The team can seemingly do no wrong. I know I’m far from alone on this one but the Dolphins should keep the good times rolling and announce that the throwback uniforms are permanent.

The last four days have been nothing short of spectacular to be a fan of the Miami Dolphins. The offseason started as a tumultuous one. It had all the makings of a classic dumpster fire Dolphin’s offseason but then Mike McDaniel was hired and we all started convincing ourselves that perhaps not everything was lost.

Free agency was going well but the team didn’t do anything that got anybody too excited. That doesn’t mean that every move has to make me jump out of my chair but it wouldn’t hurt until l hurt myself doing it.

Then, Terron Armstead got signed late Wednesday night and we all went nuts. It was awesome. For the first time in a while, all of us were rejoicing together. It was like in the third Matrix(the worst of the series) when the machines stopped attacking Zion and the war was over. There was common ground among us.

Not even 15 hours later and the unthinkable happened. The Dolphins, from out of nowhere, traded for the fastest, most elusive, most oh my lord this guy actually keeps defensive coordinators up at night, player in the league in Tyreek Hill. It was at this moment that we all were the Vince McMahon falling out of his chair gif.

Finally, the team is showing that they’re actually doing what we have been calling for and what many of the best teams in sports do and that is say “screw it, we’re going all in.” The Miami Dolphins have gone all in for this season and probably the next few after it.

Where this leads them, financially and roster wise in three seasons, I don’t know and I honestly don’t care. My take on it is they’ll figure it out later. I’m going to tell that to myself now and just enjoy what is potentially in front of us and that is a team that should be contending for at least the division. I realize that a lot still has to happen and a lot has to break the Dolphin’s way in order for that dream to happen. I’m here for it.

The Dolphins can do no wrong at the moment. They’re throwing sevens with every move they make. It’s why I say now would be a great time to announce that after years of dancing around it to give in to the demands of the fans and anybody that has ever had the privilege of laying eyes on the greatest and most aesthetically pleasing uniform in sports and make the throwback uniforms permanent.

I realize that this has been written about before. I think I actually wrote about it years ago at a different Dolphin’s publication. As we know, the Dolphins didn’t take my earlier article seriously. I’m confident this will be the one that gets their attention like Deeds was trying to get Hallmark to notice him.

The Miami Dolphin throwback uniforms are an absolute good like giving to charities, dogs, and the chicken quesadilla from Taco Bell are. When you see or have them, you just feel better about yourself. I’m pretty sure endorphins and dopamine levels rise and you just want to do happy things and be overly nice to people. The throwbacks make you feel all tingly inside and I would like to experience that every Sunday by having the Dolphins where them every game.

The current logo and uniforms are fine. I think that’s what most people will tell you. I think if you gave everyone truth serum they would tell you that they personally don’t care for them but would use more colorful language. I think I would fall into that category.

There are a few articles I found, with about two minutes of research, that are pretty interesting. The first is a history of the Dolphin’s logo. The second is an article from a year ago that pretty much says that it is unlikely that Stephen Ross won’t be changing to the throwbacks for permanent use any time soon even though everyone in the world wants it to happen. It doesn’t really give an explanation as to why it won’t happen but I like many others have our own theory. It’s not as compelling as to who shot JFK, which I’m totally down to get into if anybody wants to, but it’s a solid theory nonetheless.

Are you ready for it? Money. That’s my theory. Stephen Ross put a lot of money into rebranding and changing the logo back in 2013 and slightly changing it again in 2018. I don’t think he wants to punt on that yet. Also, he has people buying merchandise for two separate logos. Quick math here but two is bigger than one.

My argument against that, without doing any research into it, is that I feel more money would be made if every piece of merchandise coming out of the Dolphins had the throwback logo on it. That solely creating merchandise with the throwback logo would make more money than producing merchandise with two different logos. Again, I’m not a businessman but I feel strong about my conviction.

I also have a theory that Stephen Ross sits in a chair like, strokes a cat as if he’s Dr. Claw, and knows he can make the throwbacks permanent anytime he wants. I think he has that opportunity hanging in a glass case labeled break in case of emergency if there is a total mutiny by the fans by something truly horrible. Not the worst plan because if the throwbacks were ever to be announced as the jersey the Dolphins were going to wear every week it would galvanize the entire fanbase. I shudder to think what a fully unified Dolphin fan base can accomplish if we’re all pulling in the same direction. World peace, eliminate hunger, the moon, who knows?

The Dolphin’s throwback jerseys are the kind of beautiful display of art that folks from other fan bases recognize as being elite. I can’t tell you how many times I wore my Tua or Waddle throwback jersey and had some person tell me”man alive, those jerseys are so sweet why don’t you guys wear those all the time.” Then I say “well friend, it’s not my decision but you’re right they should.”

Be the change you want to see in the world. Good words said by a great man. Here you can do just that.

It’s from a couple of years ago but it can’t hurt. Sign it and let’s see what happens. Probably nothing will happen but sometimes it’s the longshots that pay off the most. I mean Saint Peter’s just made history by being the first 15 seed to reach the Elite 8. Does that give this article any chance to reach the desk of Ross, make him change his mind, and do the right thing? I don’t know. But a man can dream and I dream of one day the Miami Dolphins dawning their incredibly magnificent and radiant throwback jerseys every week.

Have yourself a Saturday and weekend. Follow me @2ndSatSports

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: stinkfish on March 28, 2022, 04:57:37 pm
I refuse to spend any of my money on anything with the new logo design. So yes, bring back the older look.

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: Spider-Dan on March 29, 2022, 12:10:07 am
If everybody likes and prefers the throwbacks, why are there hundreds of non-throwback jerseys at every game?  Why do so many people buy stuff with the new logo when the throwback logo is readily available (to say nothing of the abundance of new old stock Dolphins merchandise that predates the 2013 logo)?

The anti-new logo people are annoyingly loud all of the time.  It's not enough for them to be able to buy throwback stuff... no, they NEED to make sure that the new logo stuff is also not available to buy.

The throwback jersey is nice.  The throwback logo is terrible and, IMHO, the worst Dolphins logo.  I prefer even the angry cartoon dolphin to the faded-out chicken scratch dolphin.

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: Dolfanalyst on March 29, 2022, 06:58:20 am
My biggest gripe is that the dolphin in the logo doesn't look pissed off enough.  Every dolphin I've encountered in the wild or in the media looks irate and bloodthirsty.  Why can't the Dolphins organization replicate that effectively?  It makes the team seem weak in comparison to, let's say, the Browns.

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: fyo on March 29, 2022, 07:29:12 am
I'm just going to say this out loud... I like the new logo more than any of the other logos. I like the change in sunburst color in 2018, I like the new sunburst over the "gear" burst of the newer helmeted dolphin or the ridiculous comb-like burst of the older logos. I like the new dolphin itself over any of the previous dolphins, although clearly the 1997 dolphin (the newer helmeted one) is vastly superior to any of the old "scratchy" dolphins (which, if I had to rank them would go from oldest (worst) to newest (best)).

So, in conclusion, every single logo change the Dolphins have ever made has, in my opinion, been for the better. And, yes, this means I'm absolutely not a fan of the "tiny dolphin" logo used in at least some of the throwbacks.

That doesn't mean I like all the *uniform* changes. Not a fan of broad stripes on the sleeves or shadows on the numbers. And, while not a big issue to me, I liked our old "chunky" numbers more than the new slim ones - although the newer numbers are easier to decipher on broadcasts.

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: Spider-Dan on March 29, 2022, 02:13:43 pm
So, in conclusion, every single logo change the Dolphins have ever made has, in my opinion, been for the better.
100% co-sign.

My favorite jerseys are probably from the Zach/JT-era, with the navy accents and the block drop-shadows.  But I love the new logo and always have.  I don't understand why people even like the washed-out scratchy logo that looks like the team ran out of ink (over the angry cartoon).  If it's because they associate that logo with success... well, now is the best time to create a new aura of success for the current logo.

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: Dave Gray on March 29, 2022, 03:27:43 pm
I didn't love the new logo at first....but it's kinda growing pains.  The old logos aren't really good either.  And the old, old logo is the worst.

I like the throwback jerseys, too.  But I like them as throwbacks.

I think they should play in the normal jerseys all year.  Then one 80s throwback jersey, one 90s throwback, and one orange jersey game.

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: CF DolFan on March 29, 2022, 05:05:28 pm
It's beating a dead horse but I've never liked the pastel blue. It's just not a color I'd think of in a physical sport. I also don't like the Sea World Dolphin. While I've gotten used to them I certianly haven't started to like them. My favorite color is red so I like stand out colors and our current scheme is not it.

I realize fans are warming up to them, mostly because you have to, but even most people who are not Dolphins fans like our throwbacks and think our current scheme is a bit feminine ... to put it nicely. I've heard many sports people on Joe Rose from other teams saying unsolicited good things about our throwbacks and it isn't beauce they were stuck on the old school designs.

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: Spider-Dan on March 29, 2022, 07:16:29 pm
The throwback color scheme and jerseys are fine; great, even.  It's the throwback logo that sucks.

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: ArtieChokePhin on March 29, 2022, 09:24:11 pm
The throwback color scheme and jerseys are fine; great, even.  It's the throwback logo that sucks.

I liked the jerseys, logo and color scheme from the JJ era.

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: masterfins on March 29, 2022, 10:12:03 pm
100% co-sign.

My favorite jerseys are probably from the Zach/JT-era, with the navy accents and the block drop-shadows.  But I love the new logo and always have.  I don't understand why people even like the washed-out scratchy logo that looks like the team ran out of ink (over the angry cartoon).  If it's because they associate that logo with success... well, now is the best time to create a new aura of success for the current logo.

Yes, I like the uni's with the navy accents the best also.  They were actually a good upgrade from the 70's versions.

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: Spider-Dan on March 29, 2022, 11:30:54 pm
It's beating a dead horse but I've never liked the pastel blue. It's just not a color I'd think of in a physical sport.
If you don't like the color, you don't like the color; personal taste is subjective.  But the idea that it's "feminine" or "not physical" in the NFL is just weird.


Those don't look any more like "masculine" colors of a "physical sport."

The powder blue Chargers jersey is arguably the most praised jersey in all of the NFL, and that color is hardly "masculine."

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: stinkfish on March 29, 2022, 11:31:15 pm
I appreciate  what they’ve done with the current color scheme. Blending the new “old look” colors with a  revamped “modern” logo. “A+” for effort there. But I can’t get behind this logo. I have so much nostalgia and good feelings associated with the logos that I grew up with in the mid 80’s to JJ’s redesign. That being said, this “dolphin” is not my dolphin and it never will be.

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: CF DolFan on March 30, 2022, 10:19:08 am
If you don't like the color, you don't like the color; personal taste is subjective.  But the idea that it's "feminine" or "not physical" in the NFL is just weird.


Those don't look any more like "masculine" colors of a "physical sport."

The powder blue Chargers jersey is arguably the most praised jersey in all of the NFL, and that color is hardly "masculine."
I'm not a fan of the Titans light blue or the San Diego powder blue either. My daughter's soccer team used to wear unis that were the same color as the Carolina Blue of UNC but I wouldn't have liked it for a boys team. The bright neon colors don't bother me as I'm a child of the 80s.

For the record I don't even have an issue with pink as long as it's a bolder pink. The Italian soccer club Palermo wears pink and it doesn't seem odd to me. Unfortunately "baby" blue of any shade does.

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: Dave Gray on March 30, 2022, 10:50:30 am
In terms of the logo, I think I just prefer hard "thick-line animation" style logos.  Something about there being no outline or definition makes it appear too much like toothpaste.  However, the color upgrade definitely does help a lot.  I also hate the eye.

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: Downunder Dolphan on April 04, 2022, 09:30:08 pm
I will always think the Miami Dolphins true colors are the throwback's aquamarine (hence the slight green tinge) and coral (the darker orange).

As for the logo, I absolutely HATE the current one, especially the belly down tail up aspect. It reminds me way too much of this:


The old logo reflects how most people see them in the wild, how they leap from the water. It's a powerful image, not a submissive one.



Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: Spider-Dan on April 04, 2022, 11:51:14 pm
I would say two things:

1) I think "most people" see dolphins at water parks, not in the wild
2) The second picture is missing a football helmet (that no one ever sees on a dolphin), which is the most significant improvement of the new logo

To me, the new logo is not a dolphin laying on a platform, but rather a dolphin in the water right before it breaches the surface.  And the old logo is a dolphin in a football helmet jumping alongside a hoop (instead of through it).

I don't necessarily mind the form of the original logo; I just think the helmet is silly, and the Shula-era faded/stressed inking is absolutely terrible.  As I recall, nearly all of us loved this entry from one of the many fan contests for a new logo:


Of course, it's worth mentioning that this abomination ( actually won the contest in question.

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: Downunder Dolphan on April 05, 2022, 12:05:02 am
I would say two things:

1) I think "most people" see dolphins at water parks, not in the wild
2) The second picture is missing a football helmet (that no one ever sees on a dolphin), which is the most significant improvement of the new logo

To me, the new logo is not a dolphin laying on a platform, but rather a dolphin in the water right before it breaches the surface.  And the old logo is a dolphin in a football helmet jumping alongside a hoop (instead of through it).

I don't necessarily mind the form of the original logo; I just think the helmet is silly, and the Shula-era faded/stressed inking is absolutely terrible.  As I recall, nearly all of us loved this entry from one of the many fan contests for a new logo:


I guess I am lucky enough to live in a country surrounded by water, and most of us here experience dolphins in the wild (usually leaping through the wake from the bow of a boat). In Adelaide we have a pod of dolphins in the Port River (which is sadly shrinking), and they do that leap all the time - they even do backwards tail stands for fun even though they are wild animals! But they never do the belly beaching on land - it's just unnatural.

Back to the old logo - there's always been a bit of a question as to whether the ring of orange represented a loop of fire, or the Florida sun? The fact that it's alongside as opposed to through suggests the latter. The helmet on the dolphin was always a bit corny: I can see why they did it back in the day, but it's not really necessary now...

And that proposed logo that all of us here loved. It's a million times better than what we have now.

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: Spider-Dan on April 05, 2022, 12:25:14 am
The only thing I don't like about the fan logo linked above is the angry dolphin; it screams '90s design.

We already have an angry cardinal, and an angry seahawk, and an angry raven, falcon, and bronco.  We don't need another angry dolphin.

But I'd certainly be happy with that logo (as-is), too.

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on April 05, 2022, 07:49:20 am
If you don't like the color, you don't like the color; personal taste is subjective.  But the idea that it's "feminine" or "not physical" in the NFL is just weird.


Those don't look any more like "masculine" colors of a "physical sport."

The powder blue Chargers jersey is arguably the most praised jersey in all of the NFL, and that color is hardly "masculine."

BTW you just made an excellent example of why gender is a social construct rather than tied to biological sex. Saying one color is masculine and another is feminine is pure social construct, there is absolutely nothing biological about blue for boys and pink for girls.

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: Tenshot13 on April 05, 2022, 02:58:22 pm
Easily enough, take the current logo and make the tail go down like previous logos.  I think most would be happy with that.

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: Spider-Dan on April 06, 2022, 12:22:03 am
I don't think that would placate the people who think the current logo looks like toothpaste.

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: stinkfish on April 06, 2022, 03:26:09 pm
I don't think that would placate the people who think the current logo looks like toothpaste.
Wow. I never saw that before. But now thanks to you, all I see is and advertisement for Aquafresh.

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: CF DolFan on November 22, 2022, 04:20:09 pm
That didn't take very long. Add Bradley Chubb to the list of people wanting the throwbakcks to go permanent. He posted to Instagram and tagged Jalean Phillips ... "Tryna make them throwbacks the primary"

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: DenverFinFan on November 22, 2022, 04:22:41 pm
I’m still in complete favor of this. The throwbacks are the greatest uniforms in the history of American sports.

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: Spider-Dan on November 22, 2022, 07:49:02 pm
The new logo haters had better hope Tua is not as good as he's been playing this year.
Imagine if the Dolphins win three or four Super Bowls in this uniform?  You'll be stuck with it for the next fifty years.

You'll be the equivalent of a Patriot fan who hates the Flying Elvis, a Bronco fan who hates the mecha-horse, or a Bucs fan who hates the red-and-pewter color scheme. The cause will be hopelessly lost.

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: DenverFinFan on November 22, 2022, 10:33:58 pm
The new logo haters had better hope Tua is not as good as he's been playing this year.
Imagine if the Dolphins win three or four Super Bowls in this uniform?  You'll be stuck with it for the next fifty years.

You'll be the equivalent of a Patriot fan who hates the Flying Elvis, a Bronco fan who hates the mecha-horse, or a Bucs fan who hates the red-and-pewter color scheme. The cause will be hopelessly lost.

Oh I’m fine with the current logo. I like it better than the 90s one. That one looks like Charlie Tuna or that shark that sounded like Curly.

It’s just the throwbacks are epic. I’d take a Super Bowl over a logo change btw. Lol

( also the Denver D logo is much superior )

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: Dave Gray on November 23, 2022, 09:21:41 am
I started out really, really hating the logo.  A lot.

I still don't really like it, but I'm not all that sure how to fix it.

I think the sun is needlessly complicated.  Nobody ever talks about it, but the fact that the little spikes are different sizes is off-putting to me.  I also feel the same way with the classic logo, where the sun has those little lines.  The 90's' logo had the best sun and it's not close.

I'm in a weird spot where I don't really love any of them.  There are elements here and there of each that I like.  I do think that the general uniform layout of the classics is superior.

How many uniforms are you allowed to have?
I think it would be cool to play in the throwbacks once a year and the 90s throwbacks once a year.  ...and then throw in some kind of alternate orange/navy/ice/whiteout/blackout/pink/camo version of the current logo once.  I think that keeping all those in the rotation is cool for the branding.

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: fyo on November 23, 2022, 10:33:55 am
How many uniforms are you allowed to have?


Home, Away, +2 alternates which can be worn up to 3 times (combined) per season (and not at all in the playoffs). That's in the "post-color-rush era". Unfortunately, I don't have an up-to-date edition of the NFL Constitution and Bylaws, so the following is (unless stated otherwise) according to the 2006 version.

One set of the home/away uniforms must be primarily non-white, the other primarily white - so you cannot have a blue home uniform and a red away uniform, for example. The home team decides whether to wear "color" or "white", the away team obviously the opposite. Officially the home team wears white, with the away team wearing colors, but since the home team gets to decide what it wants to wear, that distinction makes little difference and most media references seem to call the white jersey for the away jersey. According to the bylaws, clubs can get permission from broadcast networks prior to 1st September to wear club colors instead of white (later for playoffs).

Each club has a specific slate of colors that they are allowed to use in their uniforms, but since uniforms as a whole must be approved by the league, I'm not entirely sure what practical difference this makes. For reference, the Dolphins are listed with the following club colors: Aqua, coral, white, and navy. (Coral is the orange.)

The words "uniform" and "jersey" appear to be used fairly interchangeably in the regulations and I couldn't find any mention of pants (or similar words). Oddly, the word "uniform" is explicitly defined as "every piece of equipment worn by a player, including but not limited to helmet, pants, jerseys, wristbands, gloves, stockings, shoes, visible undergarments, and accessories such as headwear, coverings worn under helmets, and hand towels".

(So I'm not entirely sure if there are any regulations that cover which pants can be used when.)

Uniforms are "locked" for a period of 5 years, unless there are extenuating circumstances (Washington Commanders, relocation, ownership change). Alternates have a distinct "lock" from the home/away uniforms, but still 5 years. Not sure if the two alternates have distinct locks or not, since the 2006 regs only allowed 1 alternate. Notice of intent to change uniforms must be given prior to March 1 of the year prior to the changes going into effect.

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on November 23, 2022, 12:18:34 pm

You'll be the equivalent of a Patriot fan who hates the Flying Elvis,

I don't hate the flying Elvis, but I definitely prefer Patriot Pat and any gear I buy for myself has that logo.  In general I think older fans like the older logos and younger fans are more open to the new ideas because they are less use to the way it has been done.  It is often why older folks are more conservative and younger folks are more progressive. I remember when Fallon look over for Leno on the Tonight Show hearing two girls bemoan how Leno has been the host of the show forever, and was the identity of the show and it would never be the same.  I said something to effect of Leno was just filling in for Carson who was the real icon and they went "who?"

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: Spider-Dan on November 23, 2022, 12:20:10 pm
Officially the home team wears white, with the away team wearing colors, but since the home team gets to decide what it wants to wear, that distinction makes little difference and most media references seem to call the white jersey for the away jersey.
I believe for football and hockey, the home uniform is colors, while for baseball and basketball, the home team is white.
However, since the NFL and NBA allow the home team to pick color or white (while NHL and MLB do not), it's merely tradition in the former two leagues.

In the NFL, the only two teams that wear white at home more often than not are DAL and MIA.

Interestingly, since the Dolphins introduced the throwbacks in 2015, when it's up to them, they have worn the aqua throwbacks more often than the aqua regulars.  (I don't think home teams can wear throwbacks in International Series games...?)

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: CF DolFan on January 08, 2025, 05:41:56 pm
Now would be a great time for Ross to make the throwbacks permanent. He needs to do something to regain some goodwill with the fans.

Title: Re: Now is the time for the Dolphins to make the throwbacks permanent
Post by: Sibster on January 08, 2025, 06:19:57 pm
I believe for football and hockey, the home uniform is colors, while for baseball and basketball, the home team is white.
However, since the NFL and NBA allow the home team to pick color or white (while NHL and MLB do not), it's merely tradition in the former two leagues.

In the NFL, the only two teams that wear white at home more often than not are DAL and MIA.

Interestingly, since the Dolphins introduced the throwbacks in 2015, when it's up to them, they have worn the aqua throwbacks more often than the aqua regulars.  (I don't think home teams can wear throwbacks in International Series games...?)

It depends on the weather for some teams from what I've seen.   Miami, Tampa and Jacksonville usually wear white at home early in the year except if it's a prime time game.  Dallas, for whatever reason, likes to wear white all the time.   Cleveland used to do the same thing back in the Bernie Kosar/Ernest Byner days but they've switched to colors now.