Title: Preston Williams Has Lost His Mind Post by: EDGECRUSHER on August 02, 2022, 08:48:02 am In a Monday Twitter post, Preston Williams expressed some frustration with his current role on the Dolphins.
"Just want opportunity. #smh," Williams tweeted. Opportunity from what, the trainer's room? He's had years to carve out a role since we didn't have a strong WR corps and he can't stay on the field or produce consistently. Statements like these will get you traded for a 2029 7th Rounder. Title: Re: Preston Williams Has Lost His Mind Post by: CF DolFan on August 02, 2022, 09:01:37 am In a Monday Twitter post, Preston Williams expressed some frustration with his current role on the Dolphins. He isn't going to be around much longer so if we can trade hi it would be helpful. It's pretty apparent he isn't in our plans based on what has been observed in practice. He'd have to beat out Cedrick Wilson, Trent Sherfield, Mohamed Sanu, and fourth-rounder Erik Ezukanma and it doesn't appear they are even giving him the chance. "Just want opportunity. #smh," Williams tweeted. Opportunity from what, the trainer's room? He's had years to carve out a role since we didn't have a strong WR corps and he can't stay on the field or produce consistently. Statements like these will get you traded for a 2029 7th Rounder. Title: Re: Preston Williams Has Lost His Mind Post by: EDGECRUSHER on August 02, 2022, 10:51:42 am He isn't going to be around much longer so if we can trade hi it would be helpful. It's pretty apparent he isn't in our plans based on what has been observed in practice. He'd have to beat out Cedrick Wilson, Trent Sherfield, Mohamed Sanu, and fourth-rounder Erik Ezukanma and it doesn't appear they are even giving him the chance. At best, he would be our 5th option in the passing game, so it would be better for everyone if we traded him now. Still, he has no right to complain. The past 3 years was his chance to shine and he couldn't do it consistently, not like he produced and was bounced for a veteran or something. Title: Re: Preston Williams Has Lost His Mind Post by: Tenshot13 on August 03, 2022, 09:14:52 am He isn't going to be around much longer so if we can trade hi it would be helpful. It's pretty apparent he isn't in our plans based on what has been observed in practice. He'd have to beat out Cedrick Wilson, Trent Sherfield, Mohamed Sanu, and fourth-rounder Erik Ezukanma and it doesn't appear they are even giving him the chance. Don't forget Sanders, he's been killing it in camp.Title: Re: Preston Williams Has Lost His Mind Post by: Downunder Dolphan on August 03, 2022, 09:30:40 am I was wondering the other day if he was still on our list, as I thought he would be a casualty given our acquisitions... I guess this answers that question, at least for now.
If he's cut in the next 48 hours though, that wouldn't surprise me in the least. I'm surprised he's lasted this long with last year's baggage. Title: Re: Preston Williams Has Lost His Mind Post by: hordman on August 03, 2022, 09:46:17 am In a Monday Twitter post, Preston Williams expressed some frustration with his current role on the Dolphins. "Just want opportunity. #smh," Williams tweeted. Opportunity from what, the trainer's room? He's had years to carve out a role since we didn't have a strong WR corps and he can't stay on the field or produce consistently. Statements like these will get you traded for a 2029 7th Rounder. Yeah, thought the same thing when my boy showed me the post. Dude, you've been hurt half of your career and you're complaining? You know what actually pushes away the talk of being traded or getting in a starting role? Performing on the field and staying healthy. Look, I hope the kid works out, from the limited amound we've seen him on the field, he's got the talent. Just keep grinding kid. Title: Re: Preston Williams Has Lost His Mind Post by: CF DolFan on August 09, 2022, 03:52:06 pm They have been shopping Preston Williams and/or Lynn Bowden Jr.
Title: Re: Preston Williams Has Lost His Mind Post by: EDGECRUSHER on August 10, 2022, 09:31:20 am They have been shopping Preston Williams and/or Lynn Bowden Jr. They're both worth taking fliers on sinc ethe talent is there, but no one will give us any real value for them. Something like Preston and a 7th for a 5th or 6th is the most likely. Title: Re: Preston Williams Has Lost His Mind Post by: CF DolFan on August 10, 2022, 09:32:33 am They're both worth taking fliers on sinc ethe talent is there, but no one will give us any real value for them. Something like Preston and a 7th for a 5th or 6th is the most likely. They will probably play a lot in preseason trying to bring their value up. |