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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on August 09, 2022, 12:24:43 pm

Title: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on August 09, 2022, 12:24:43 pm
I think she has already decided to run.

She is buying ad time on the national network.  While it is smart of her to buy ad space that will be seen by likely Republican primary voters, but she could probably buy spots from the local cable providers to run during the same time frame for about a hundredth the cost as showing it to a national basis.  If the goal is to retain her house seat this is not an effective use of campaign funds.  OTOH, if her goal is to increase her national standing with Republicans that are dissatisfied with the Trumpifcation of the GOP and independents this a brilliant ad. 

Obviously Trump is running as DeSantos and other Trump wantabes.  But in addition to the MAGA wing there will also be a MRSA* wing. Liz could appeal to conservatives that became Republican's they support smaller government, lower taxes, strong national defense and family values, but also know that election denial was a scam, Trump botched the COVID response, cheating on your wife with a hooker is family values, that Christian faith means more than holding a bible upside down in front of a church, who don't want a useless wall and whose respect for the miliary includes honoring both Capt. Humayun Khan and Capt. John McCain both of whom served their country honorably and were mocked by the MAGA wing.  Also if Biden runs for reelection and is unopposed in the primary (very likely) she could get considerable crossover support in the primary in states with open primaries.   
*Make Republicans Sane Again.

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: Spider-Dan on August 09, 2022, 01:37:09 pm
She can't run as a Republican - she won't even win her own House primary, much less a presidential one - but I fully support and endorse a third-party run for Liz Cheney.

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: CF DolFan on August 09, 2022, 03:41:26 pm
She can't run as a Republican - she won't even win her own House primary, much less a presidential one - but I fully support and endorse a third-party run for Liz Cheney.
You are correct about her. She and her Daddy has few Republican friends left.  Lol ...  A third party run only for her because she would take the fringe and rhino republicans away. I'm guessing you wouldn't support Berne running third party.

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on August 09, 2022, 04:25:29 pm
I was merely predicting she would run for president.  Not that she would become president or even win the nomination.  Nor was it a prediction about her house seat.

But as for her house seat, I will be surprised if she win the primary.  However, I would be LESS surprised then I was that Kansas voted to keep abortion legal.  Polls say she is going to lose, but the polls are only polling "likely Republican voters"  Likely Republican voters are Republicans who regularly participate in primary races.   If she wins it will be from people outside that group.

Earliest indication we will have if she has a chance of winning will be the participation numbers in the democratic primary.  If they are normal she loses.  However, if participation in the democratic primary is historically low, coupled with very high turnout in areas Biden won and report of much higher than usual number of people doing same day switching of parties. Liz Cheney can win but only if democrats decided to become republican for a day and independents are motivated to vote in the primary. 

As for winning the Republican nomination for prez.  That is a much harder road.  Multiple things would have to happen:  (1) No clear heir for the Maga-wing.  E.g. Desantos, Abbot, Hawley, Stefanik, Pence. Candace Owens and Ivanka Trump all fighting for the same group MAGA voters; (2) Liz having the no competitors for the non-maga wing.  E.g. Adam Kinzinger, Charlie Baker, Lincoln Chaffee, Mitt Romeney, John Kasich, Jeb Bush and Bill Weld etc.  All decline to run and endorse Liz Cheney.  (3) Biden runs for reelection and nobody mounts a serious challenge.  This would result in folks like me (registered as an independent but mostly votes in the democratic primaries) to vote in the Republican primary. 

I would be shocked if she ran third party as her first option. Only possibly mounting a third party run after running in the Republican primary and losing.  I don't thinks she wants to play spoiler to the republican party, she wants to return the republican party to be the party of her father.  One that honors veterans, one that treasures the rule of law and normal democratic conventions, one that respects elections and doesn't try to undermine democracy, one that doesn't play into blatant xenophophia (I was pretty surprised by how much the Bush administration did to not scapegoat Muslim-Americans after 9/11).  She want to fight for the soul of the Republican party not quit it.   

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: Spider-Dan on August 09, 2022, 08:06:21 pm
A third party run only for her because she would take the fringe and rhino republicans away. I'm guessing you wouldn't support Berne running third party.
And I'm guessing you would heartily applaud a third-party Bernie run.

The difference between us is that I don't need to say stuff like "We didn't elect an angel-in-chief" to excuse my preferred candidate in the general election, nor do I feel the need to blame my support for him on how mean the other side has been to me.  I'm perfectly willing to own my decisions.

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on August 09, 2022, 08:17:51 pm
It truly unbelievable that Dick and Liz Cheney, Bush, McCain, Romney etc aren't consider real republicans in the new facisist version of the GOP.

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: Spider-Dan on August 09, 2022, 08:18:24 pm
Liz Cheney has a substantially smaller chance of winning the 2024 Republican presidential primary than AOC does of defeating Joe Biden in the 2024 Democratic presidential primary.

Liz Cheney is despised by Trumpists, and the Republican Party is entirely Trumpists.

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on August 09, 2022, 09:11:21 pm
Liz Cheney has a substantially smaller chance of winning the 2024 Republican presidential primary than AOC does of defeating Joe Biden in the 2024 Democratic presidential primary.

Liz Cheney is despised by Trumpists, and the Republican Party is entirely Trumpists.

The republicans party is not entirely Trumpists.  The entire leadership of the republican party is Trumpists.  The most vocal voices are Trumpists, but many the run of the mill conservatives don’t like Trump or what he has done to the party of Reagan and Bush. 

The AOC analogy breaks down for a few reasons.

 First AOC can’t beat Biden head to head, but in a 6 way race of AOC, Hillary, Biden, Harris, Manchkin and Libermann, she has a fighting chance at getting the most votes as she would get all the progressive votes while the others split the DINO vote.

Second, Liz’s victory is heavily dependent on independents and democrats voting in the Republican party to block the Trumpists.  I see no scenario where Republicans change party affiliation just to vote for AOC over Biden.

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: Spider-Dan on August 09, 2022, 09:52:49 pm
The republicans party is not entirely Trumpists.
The voters are, which is all that matters.

First AOC can’t beat Biden head to head, but in a 6 way race of AOC, Hillary, Biden, Harris, Manchkin and Libermann, she has a fighting chance at getting the most votes as she would get all the progressive votes while the others split the DINO vote.
This Bernie-logic was thoroughly disproven in the 2020 primary.  The idea that all the moderates would stay in the race when it's clear they 1) aren't going to win and 2) are helping defeat their own cause is total nonsense.

But that's immaterial, because your argument seems to back up my point: AOC has a substantially better chance of beating Biden in the 2024 Dem primary than Liz Cheney does of winning the 2024 GOP primary.  And AOC has NO chance of beating Biden in 2024.

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on August 10, 2022, 05:03:40 am
Top 3 vote getters in 2020 were Biden, Sanders and Warren.  Biden got the moderates, Sanders and Warren fought over the progressives.

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: CF DolFan on August 10, 2022, 08:29:07 am
And I'm guessing you would heartily applaud a third-party Bernie run.

The difference between us is that I don't need to say stuff like "We didn't elect an angel-in-chief" to excuse my preferred candidate in the general election, nor do I feel the need to blame my support for him on how mean the other side has been to me.  I'm perfectly willing to own my decisions.
LMAO ... You actually elected a guy because he wasn't the other guy and now we are all worse off for it. Your credibility about how to elect people has been completley trashed so I'd be smart enough to quit pointing fingers if I was you. hahaha 

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: CF DolFan on August 10, 2022, 08:32:43 am
Top 3 vote getters in 2020 were Biden, Sanders and Warren.  Biden got the moderates, Sanders and Warren fought over the progressives.
Sanders would have won but the DNC stepped in for Biden. The person who was last in voting was selected as VP because of skin color and gender and how is that working out for you? Hard to imagine why voting for the most qualified is considered wrong.

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: Dave Gray on August 10, 2022, 08:40:26 am
I don't really get the hate boner that the right has for Harris.  It's kinda weird.  VPs don't really have the power to do anything, she's kinda a nothingburger in the grand scheme of things.  It's just a weird place to put the hate.

I guess I felt that way about Cheney a bit, because he was more calling the shots, it seemed at the time, but like...Pence....who gave a shit.  He was just back in the background doing photo ops, for the most part, like most VPs.

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: CF DolFan on August 10, 2022, 09:38:04 am
I don't really get the hate boner that the right has for Harris.  It's kinda weird.  VPs don't really have the power to do anything, she's kinda a nothingburger in the grand scheme of things.  It's just a weird place to put the hate.

I guess I felt that way about Cheney a bit, because he was more calling the shots, it seemed at the time, but like...Pence....who gave a shit.  He was just back in the background doing photo ops, for the most part, like most VPs.
She is constantly getting lost, erupts into nervous laughter at inopportune times, or comes across as condescending or even dumb in her speeches and interviews. She isn't a great representative for our country that's for sure. Dan Quayle was a Republican VP who came across as dumb too.

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on August 10, 2022, 09:45:13 am
I don't really get the hate boner that the right has for Harris. 

CF already answered that for you

because of skin color and gender

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: Dave Gray on August 10, 2022, 09:52:22 am
Dan Quayle was a Republican VP who came across as dumb too.

Nobody hated Dan Quayle.  He was just the butt of jokes.

There is a vitriol towards Harris.

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: Fau Teixeira on August 10, 2022, 09:57:09 am
i was told with a straight face by a trumper that the reason the dems nominated harris was that they were going to remove biden from office after 6 months and we'd be stuck with another "brown" in office.

that's the social media / newsmax / oan echo chamber that enlightens that question dave.

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: CF DolFan on August 10, 2022, 10:05:54 am
Nobody hated Dan Quayle.  He was just the butt of jokes.

There is a vitriol towards Harris.
I don't think that's true on any large scale but it's not as if shes a likeable person. Democrats in general don't really care for her and it showed when she ran for office.

i was told with a straight face by a trumper that the reason the dems nominated harris was that they were going to remove biden from office after 6 months and we'd be stuck with another "brown" in office.

that's the social media / newsmax / oan echo chamber that enlightens that question dave.
While there are racists on the extreme of both sides I don't know that comment was racist. It was pretty open that she was selected because she was a woman of color just as the Supreme Court Justice. To make the leap they were "trying" to get her to become the first president as well isn't out of the question. It's certainly fair for conversation at a minimum.

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on August 10, 2022, 10:15:27 am
Harris isn't an unlikeable person.  She is disliked by progressives because she is extremely conservative.  Republicans attack her because she treats people with disabilities with respect rather than mocking them as Trump would have them do.

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on August 10, 2022, 11:33:33 am

While there are racists on the extreme of both sides I don't know that comment was racist.

I guess this ends any need for nuance regarding what is and what is not racism.  If you don't know if "we'd be stuck with another "brown" in office" is racist.  Then your racism isn't even the least bit subtle, it is as blatant as Hitler's. 

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: Spider-Dan on August 10, 2022, 11:41:19 am
Top 3 vote getters in 2020 were Biden, Sanders and Warren.  Biden got the moderates, Sanders and Warren fought over the progressives.
Warren dropped out after Super Tuesday and Bernie got smashed by Biden head-to-head in the rest of the states.

And again, you are proving my point: AOC would have NO chance to beat Biden.  Yet AOC - who is not incredibly popular among Democrats as a whole - looks like Nelson Mandela next to Liz Cheney, who is actively despised by "her" party.

Sanders would have won but the DNC stepped in for Biden.
Bernie's plan from the beginning was to win the primary with 30% of the vote while the moderate vote was split among 3-4 different centrist candidates.  He thought all the moderates would stay in long after it was clear they had no chance to win, because that's what he did in the same position.

The moment Trump won the 2016 election, Bernie 2020 was absolutely dead in the water.  There is zero chance that Democrats would nominate someone like Bernie Sanders when the alternative is another Trump term.

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: EDGECRUSHER on August 10, 2022, 11:45:51 am
She can't run as a Republican - she won't even win her own House primary, much less a presidential one - but I fully support and endorse a third-party run for Liz Cheney.

So do Trump or DeSantis since she would only siphon off Democrat votes.

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: CF DolFan on August 10, 2022, 11:47:09 am
I guess this ends any need for nuance regarding what is and what is not racism.  If you don't know if "we'd be stuck with another "brown" in office" is racist.  Then your racism isn't even the least bit subtle, it is as blatant as Hitler's.  
Hahaha ... and you need to grow a pair if this offends you. Or if you were in my freinds group I'd tell you to pull your skirt up to show us if you've got a pair.  The victim mentality, the white savior syndrome, and "women's extreme lib" are what is making this world weak and fortunately people are waking up to that. Few things make my heart warmer than when blacks, latinos, and other "brown people" call you guys out. The Terminal List on Amazon would have been cancelled 2 years ago but is now leading views.

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: Spider-Dan on August 10, 2022, 11:48:13 am
LMAO ... You actually elected a guy because he wasn't the other guy and now we are all worse off for it.

I don't think you realize how much conservatives felt attacked during the previous 8 years but to have an "in your face" rebuttal to it is appealing for many.
For conservatives, every accusation is a confession.

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: CF DolFan on August 10, 2022, 11:52:11 am
For conservatives, every accusation is a confession.
LMAO ... You actually elected a guy because he wasn't the other guy and now we are all worse off for it.

I don't think you realize how much conservatives felt attacked during the previous 8 years but to have an "in your face" rebuttal to it is appealing for many.
If this tells you I voted for him only becuse he wasn't the other guy then you have reading comprehension issues. Nice stretch. It's a direct reference to enjoying a candidate that isnt afraid to throw your issues in your face. In other words ... the candidate triggers you so it makes it enjoyable for me. the fact we align on political issues is irrevalent in that conversation. 

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: Spider-Dan on August 10, 2022, 11:59:29 am
I don't really get the hate boner that the right has for Harris.  It's kinda weird.

Harris isn't an unlikeable person.  She is disliked by progressives because she is extremely conservative.

Both of these dynamics are caused by the same thing: the VP is the frontrunner for the next (open) Democratic presidential nomination, so they hate their competition.

The right is desperately searching for the next BENGHAZI! as we speak (and by that, I specifically mean: something they can blame on the Vice President instead of the President).  After previous-primary-loser Joe Biden beat the former guy on the strength of being Barack Obama's VP, Republicans definitely don't want Harris continuing that trend.

As for progressives: Harris is definitely to the left of Joe Biden, yet progressives attack Harris FAR more viciously (even though VP has no real power).  It's not her politics, it's the fact that she's in Bernie's way.  As a point of comparison, Elizabeth Warren is - at worst - the second-most progressive member of the Senate, yet Berniecrats hate her like poison and use her name as an epithet.  It has nothing to do with her politics; she is perceived to be in Bernie's path to the White House, therefore she is evil.  Policy positions have nothing to do with it.

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: Spider-Dan on August 10, 2022, 12:06:34 pm
If this tells you I voted for him only becuse he wasn't the other guy then you have reading comprehension issues. Nice stretch. It's a direct reference to enjoying a candidate that isnt afraid to throw your issues in your face. In other words ... the candidate triggers you so it makes it enjoyable for me. the fact we align on political issues is irrevalent in that conversation. 
If I understand this objection correctly, you believe that I have unfairly slandered you by saying that you voted for anyone who wasn't Hillary, when the truth is that you voted for whoever made Hillary voters mad.  But either way, the politics were "irrelevant" to the conversation.

If you say so, man.

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on August 10, 2022, 12:20:42 pm
Warren dropped out after Super Tuesday and Bernie got smashed by Biden head-to-head in the rest of the states.

And again, you are proving my point: AOC would have NO chance to beat Biden.  Yet AOC - who is not incredibly popular among Democrats as a whole - looks like Nelson Mandela next to Liz Cheney, who is actively despised by "her" party.
Bernie's plan from the beginning was to win the primary with 30% of the vote while the moderate vote was split among 3-4 different centrist candidates.  He thought all the moderates would stay in long after it was clear they had no chance to win, because that's what he did in the same position.

The moment Trump won the 2016 election, Bernie 2020 was absolutely dead in the water.  There is zero chance that Democrats would nominate someone like Bernie Sanders when the alternative is another Trump term.

I agree AOC couldn't beat Biden 1 on 1.  I agree Liz Cheney can't beat Trump 1 on 1.  

But you have some seriously missing parts.  

But claiming a single anti-Trump can't beat a crowded field Trumpists is not supported by the 2020 theory.

Who are these other moderates Bernie was expecting to split the moderate vote?  Warren?  No, she is a progressive with the same supporters as Bernie.   Buttigieg?  Nope progressive.  The race was 2 moderates and 3 progressives.  And the other moderate wasn't even a democrat.  This is not a counter example.    The only way for LC to win the republican nomination is for she to be the ONLY anti-Trumper and a prolonged fight to figure out who was the dominant Trumper.  

Plus Bernie wasn't ever going to attract independents and republicans to be "a democrat for a day"  Liz needs republican's for a day.  

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: Spider-Dan on August 10, 2022, 01:07:47 pm
Who are these other moderates Bernie was expecting to split the moderate vote?
Literally everyone but Elizabeth Warren.

So the Bernie camp expected Biden, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, and Bloomberg to all stay in well past Super Tuesday.

Buttigieg?  Nope progressive.

Are you... kidding with this?  Buttigieg had zero progressive support and immediately endorsed Biden upon dropping out right before Super Tuesday.

The only way for LC to win the republican nomination is for she to be the ONLY anti-Trumper and a prolonged fight to figure out who was the dominant Trumper.
The "fight to figure out the dominant Trumper" during a primary in which Donald Trump is running would be, shall we say, short.

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: Dave Gray on August 10, 2022, 01:32:31 pm
Just right now as I was picking up lunch, I saw a big truck with a huge flag on the back that said "Dump Joe and the Ho" and "the Election was Rigged".

We're just in different times. 

As a progressive, I think I would rather face Trump again, just so he could get beaten again.  But I have to be careful that he doesn't win, as it would be the worst of all worlds.

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: ArtieChokePhin on August 10, 2022, 01:57:55 pm
Just right now as I was picking up lunch, I saw a big truck with a huge flag on the back that said "Dump Joe and the Ho" and "the Election was Rigged".

We're just in different times.  

As a progressive, I think I would rather face Trump again, just so he could get beaten again.  But I have to be careful that he doesn't win, as it would be the worst of all worlds.

Joe and the Ho.... there's your hate for Harris.   It's not that she's black or that she's a woman.  It's that it is publicly known that she slept her way to the top.   I cannot and will not respect anyone who does that

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: Spider-Dan on August 10, 2022, 02:02:44 pm
"We don't hate her because she's a woman, we hate her because it is publicly known that she is a whore."

This is cut of the same cloth as "We don't hate Obama because he's black, we hate him because he's not a real American and is a secret Muslim."

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: ArtieChokePhin on August 10, 2022, 02:57:48 pm
"We don't hate her because she's a woman, we hate her because it is publicly known that she is a whore."

This is cut of the same cloth as "We don't hate Obama because he's black, we hate him because he's not a real American and is a secret Muslim."

The difference is, it's not publicly known that he ever had ties to Muslims.   That rumor was spewed out from the extreme rightists who hated him.   Obama actually did the best he could with the economy that Bush wrecked.   The problem is, fixing that economy was like trying to repair a problem with an airplane engine while the flight is in midair.

Now if it was revealed that he had ties to extreme Muslim groups and was doing things while in office to make this country vulnerable to Muslim terrorists, then I would definitely hate him.  Matter of fact, I'd be calling for him to be executed for treason.

Title: Re: Liz Cheney for Prez 2024?
Post by: Spider-Dan on August 10, 2022, 03:57:53 pm
And was it publicly known that Barack Obama is not legally an American citizen, and therefore ineligible to hold the office of President?

edit: I don't know why I even gave you the benefit of the doubt:

The difference is, it's not publicly known that he ever had ties to Muslims.

Interesting read that is sure to be blown off by supporters. [...]

This filing comes less than two weeks after an AP photo was revealed of the school register of a child then known as Barry Soetoro, now known as Barack Hussein Obama, whose citizenship was listed as "Indonesian" and whose religion was listed as "Islam." the photo strongly contradicts the Obama camp's claim that he was not a Muslim, and is said to confirm he is a national of at least one other country. The AP has confirmed the authenticity of the photograph.

Now you want to try to act like y'all never insisted Obama is a Muslim, when the entire right wing was obsessed with it for eight years.