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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: CF DolFan on August 10, 2022, 09:46:24 am

Title: If closing borders are wrong, why is transporting illegals to blue states bad
Post by: CF DolFan on August 10, 2022, 09:46:24 am
I know few, if any agree with me but I really don't understand the hypocrisy. Why is ok, and expected, for Texas and Arizona to accept and deal with illegals but if those same illegals are shipped to blue states Democrats seem to get upset?  I'm not asking for you guys to agree with me but just to help me see what I'm missing.

Title: Re: If closing borders are wrong, why is transporting illegals to blue states bad
Post by: Fau Teixeira on August 10, 2022, 09:55:05 am
I don't have a problem with it .. bring them all to blue states .. they're a net positive on the economy .. they pay taxes and contribute to the economy without getting any benefits from the states. If texas was smart they'd low key support this.

Title: Re: If closing borders are wrong, why is transporting illegals to blue states bad
Post by: Dave Gray on August 10, 2022, 09:56:06 am
I don't have a direct answer to your question but my gut kinda tells me that we shouldn't be pitting states against each other.  It's kinda like throwing your trash over the fence into your neighbors yard.

I don't think there's anything wrong with a controlled process of helping distribute refugees to other areas to spread out the responsibility of the load.  But you can't just load a bunch of people on a bus a drop them off in areas unequipped to handle them either.

Similar stuff with homeless.  I totally get shifting large homeless populations to other areas, but it wouldn't be fair for California to just load up busloads of homeless people in LA and drop them off in Kansas without some kind of cooperation.

We're all in this together.

Title: Re: If closing borders are wrong, why is transporting illegals to blue states bad
Post by: ArtieChokePhin on August 10, 2022, 10:57:26 am
I don't have a problem with it .. bring them all to blue states .. they're a net positive on the economy .. they pay taxes and contribute to the economy without getting any benefits from the states. If texas was smart they'd low key support this.

No they don't.   They have no documented income, so they don't pay taxes... and they get benefits for low income families that get funded by the taxes I pay.   And I have to pay a lot in taxes because I own my own business. 

The joy of owning your own business is as overrrated as the joy of natural childbirth.

Title: Re: If closing borders are wrong, why is transporting illegals to blue states bad
Post by: Fau Teixeira on August 10, 2022, 11:00:53 am
No they don't.   They have no documented income, so they don't pay taxes... and they get benefits for low income families that get funded by the taxes I pay.   And I have to pay a lot in taxes because I own my own business. 

The joy of owning your own business is as overrrated as the joy of natural childbirth.

sales tax, use tax, federal withholding, social security taxes, gas taxes those are all paid by illegals in this country.
they are ineligible for food stamps, social security, section 8 housing

Title: Re: If closing borders are wrong, why is transporting illegals to blue states bad
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on August 10, 2022, 11:29:14 am
I know few, if any agree with me but I really don't understand the hypocrisy. Why is ok, and expected, for Texas and Arizona to accept and deal with illegals but if those same illegals are shipped to blue states Democrats seem to get upset?  I'm not asking for you guys to agree with me but just to help me see what I'm missing.

What the fuck are you talking about?  Seriously where does this come from?  A quick search yield zero results of a program where undocumented immigrants are being shipped or an opposition to such program. 

However, a quick answer to your hypothetical.  Any STATE program designed to circumvent federal immigration policy runs afoul of the Constitution.  You may recall this fact from the sanctuary city fight. 

Title: Re: If closing borders are wrong, why is transporting illegals to blue states bad
Post by: ArtieChokePhin on August 10, 2022, 11:41:10 am
they are ineligible for food stamps, social security, section 8 housing

The hell they are.   I've got family in El Paso and they see cars with Mexican license plates at the public assistance offices in El Paso all the time.

Title: Re: If closing borders are wrong, why is transporting illegals to blue states bad
Post by: Spider-Dan on August 10, 2022, 12:18:01 pm
Cars can get food stamps now?

I was under the impression that you had to be 16 to get a driver license, but I saw a bunch of cars at my local elementary school so the only conclusion I can see is that third-graders are now allowed to drive.

Title: Re: If closing borders are wrong, why is transporting illegals to blue states bad
Post by: ArtieChokePhin on August 10, 2022, 03:12:38 pm
Cars can get food stamps now?

I was under the impression that you had to be 16 to get a driver license, but I saw a bunch of cars at my local elementary school so the only conclusion I can see is that third-graders are now allowed to drive.

Give me a fucking break, would ya?

Title: Re: If closing borders are wrong, why is transporting illegals to blue states bad
Post by: Spider-Dan on August 10, 2022, 03:52:20 pm
Quit being purposefully obtuse.   You know that illegals are getting welfare benefits and not only that, they are allowing their relatives to cross the border and get them and take them back home.
And we know that illegals are obtaining benefits that they legally do not qualify for because... you know some people in El Paso who saw cars with Mexican license plates at the "public assistance offices."  Open and shut case!

If you're going to invent these stories, you should have used a city in blue New Mexico or California, instead of a city in bright-red Texas.  You expect us to believe that Texas Republicans are illegally handing out benefits to undocumented immigrants?  They fight tooth-and-nail to prevent handing them out to native-born American citizens who are legally entitled to them!

Title: Re: If closing borders are wrong, why is transporting illegals to blue states bad
Post by: Fau Teixeira on August 10, 2022, 04:33:06 pm
And we know that illegals are obtaining benefits that they legally do not qualify for because... you know some people in El Paso who saw cars with Mexican license plates at the "public assistance offices."  Open and shut case!

If you're going to invent these stories, you should have used a city in blue New Mexico or California, instead of a city in bright-red Texas.  You expect us to believe that Texas Republicans are illegally handing out benefits to undocumented immigrants?  They fight tooth-and-nail to prevent handing them out to native-born American citizens who are legally entitled to them!

for real .. i call BS .. if it was san francisco .. maybe .. but el paso ? .. not even austin .. but el paso .. not a chance.