Title: I went to a mystery movie. It was a strange experience. Post by: Dave Gray on November 08, 2022, 12:41:36 pm Regal has this thing where you pay a small amount (or it's free if you are a member of their rewards club) and you have a ticket to a yet unreleased movie. You know nothing about it. Don't know the genre or anything.
They only give you a runtime (and even then, it was not correct, so it was only helpful in throwing you off). It ended up being a neat experience, but almost kind of stressful. I wouldn't have thought so, but going into a film in a theater with other people 100% cold is a strange situation. When the movie starts, you don't know ANYTHING. So, you normally at least know the mindset that you should be in -- is this a comedy? What's the setting? Had you heard good things? Normally, you're watching a movie in the first few scenes and you probably don't know what's going on, but you're learning the characters, you're trying to pick up on hints in dialogue, you're trying to determine the basic plots. In this case, you're just trying to figure out which was is up? It took about 15 minutes in to even settle in to tell what the hell I was even watching and then after that, I chilled out a bit and it was more enjoyable. I didn't realize how much knowing even the most basic things about a movie can affect how you go into it. Title: Re: I went to a mystery movie. It was a strange experience. Post by: CF DolFan on November 08, 2022, 01:50:55 pm Tht actually sounds kind of fun assuming you did enjoy the movie. Was it good or at least entertaining.
Title: Re: I went to a mystery movie. It was a strange experience. Post by: Dave Gray on November 08, 2022, 01:58:24 pm Yes, the movie was fine. It was a Christmas-themed musical comedy with Ryan Reynolds and Will Ferrel that is an off-shoot of A Christmas Carol.
But I'd never even heard of it and. Oh, this is a comedy? 5 minutes later. .... oh this is a Christmas movie? Then... Oh this is a MUSICAL???!?!? It was just a lot to soak in. |