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TDMMC Forums => Off-Topic Board => Topic started by: dolphins4life on November 15, 2022, 07:07:43 pm

Title: Why I am happy about the midterm results
Post by: dolphins4life on November 15, 2022, 07:07:43 pm
Some dolt posted something about "pandemic amnesty".

Amnesty for what?

Trying to keep people safe?

Trying to keep the medical system from being overwhelmed?

Trying to protect people's lives?

I worked on the front lines of this pandemic, though not at the epicenter, and I put in extra hours many times because we were the only healthy site, so most of company's patients come come to our site for routine bloodwork.  Some days, there was NEVER a break in patients coming.  I was drawing patients for eight hours straight.  I was lucky that my place had protective gear in abundant supply.  Many workers were not so lucky during the height of the pandemic.

Many healthcare workers made the ultimate sacrifice during the pandemic.  

To all the GOP who disrespected healthcare workers who tried to cope by dancing during the pandemic.  To all the GOP who want to go after people for trying to control the spread of a deadly disease.  To all the GOP who downplayed this virus.  To all the GOP who disrespected families who lost loved ones to this virus.


Title: Re: Why I am happy about the midterm results
Post by: Spider-Dan on November 15, 2022, 07:41:36 pm
You voted for Republicans, right?

Title: Re: Why I am happy about the midterm results
Post by: dolphins4life on November 15, 2022, 07:52:09 pm
You voted for Republicans, right?

True, but I can still be happy.

Remember the Tom Brady win-win situation?  This is the same thing.

One party wants my money.

The other party disrespects me and my profession.


My state is getting overrun with respiratory infections.  When the doctor from Mass General went on the air to talk about it, he should have had the cameras follow him to EACH AND EVERY PATIENT'S ROOM.  That would convince these people that he is not lying.

Title: Re: Why I am happy about the midterm results
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on November 15, 2022, 08:05:34 pm

One party wants my money.

The other party disrespects me and my

Both the same party.  The Republican party wants to shift a greater portion of the tax burden to you and away from the wealthy.  Although you probably voted no on 1.

Title: Re: Why I am happy about the midterm results
Post by: Spider-Dan on November 15, 2022, 08:08:30 pm
My state is getting overrun with respiratory infections.  When the doctor from Mass General went on the air to talk about it, he should have had the cameras follow him to EACH AND EVERY PATIENT'S ROOM.  That would convince these people that he is not lying.
No, it would not.  It wouldn't even convince you!

Last week, you were Just Asking Questions about whether the COVID pandemic was actually caused by a completely different disease, and the authorities were just lying to us.  So showing sick people would make no difference.  People like, ahem, you would just "wonder" if the hospitals are faking it for the insurance money, or intentionally infecting healthy people.

Title: Re: Why I am happy about the midterm results
Post by: dolphins4life on November 15, 2022, 08:24:14 pm
The Election results showed that the pandemic was no hoax, which made me happy.

Things are going so badly in this country right now that the only way the Democrats could have avoided a red wave was if the GOP was ravaged by COVID


Title: Re: Why I am happy about the midterm results
Post by: Dave Gray on November 16, 2022, 11:17:03 am
The Election results showed that the pandemic was no hoax, which made me happy.

I hate to correct you on this, but that's not how facts work.  Election can judge people's opinions, but they can't determine facts.  So, while it's true that COVID is not a hoax, the best an election can do is that people didn't buy into the hoax.

The one factor that might be a little different with COVID specifically is that is disproportionally killed Republicans leading into the midterms by a 2:1 margin.  So, maybe some of those super tight races would've flipped had those conservative communities not bought into the hoax narrative.

This isn't a complicated thing to parse:
GOP had the wind at their back, because the ruling party takes blame for general state of the global economy.
So, a large switch in party was predicted, because that's what happens historically in cases like this.  Instead, they ran terrible radical or unqualified candidates, chose to not have a policy message which was a miscalculation, and they overturned Roe leading into the election which brought out a bunch of new voters to the opposition.

COVID wasn't on the menu this election.

Title: Re: Why I am happy about the midterm results
Post by: dolphins4life on November 16, 2022, 03:00:39 pm
Honestly, on what I've read the last few days, if I read that before the election, I may well have voted Democrat.

However, in 2024, I'm back to the GOP.  I want a booming economy, less inflation, and secure borders.

Title: Re: Why I am happy about the midterm results
Post by: Fau Teixeira on November 16, 2022, 04:17:37 pm
why would you think the GOP would be able to give you any of those things?

GOP governments crash the economy and do very poorly with workers.


Title: Re: Why I am happy about the midterm results
Post by: dolphins4life on November 16, 2022, 04:55:49 pm
Before the pandemic, the economy was booming and inflation was almost non-existent

Title: Re: Why I am happy about the midterm results
Post by: Fau Teixeira on November 17, 2022, 09:02:06 am
to be fair, before trump's term in office the economy was booming and inflation was almost non-existent

Title: Re: Why I am happy about the midterm results
Post by: Spider-Dan on November 17, 2022, 12:03:56 pm
The US had the most deaths during COVID of any industrialized nation by far, and had among the worst economic impacts.
This was a direct result of the Trump Administration's botched COVID response, which is reasonably described as the worst on the planet.

I don't want to hear about how Trump continued Obama's boom economy "before the pandemic." Every country was negatively impacted by COVID, but we were negatively impacted the most, and it was DIRECTLY due to the Trump Administration's (in)actions.

Title: Re: Why I am happy about the midterm results
Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on November 17, 2022, 12:33:17 pm
which is reasonably described as the worst on the planet.

I disagree.  The USA had the second worse response to the pandemic.  Russia’s handling of it was worse.

Title: Re: Why I am happy about the midterm results
Post by: DenverFinFan on November 17, 2022, 01:23:50 pm
Trump’s COVID response should be taught in schools as the perfect example of a self fulfilling prophecy. He was so afraid that COVID would tank bis “big beautiful economy” that his response did just that and cost him an election.

It’s actually terrifying for think that without the pandemic we’re probably in Trump’s second term right now.

Title: Re: Why I am happy about the midterm results
Post by: Dave Gray on November 17, 2022, 01:39:49 pm
COVID was going to tank the economy regardless.  The response may have affected the depths of despair, consumer confidence and length of recovery.  ...but there was an economic reality that things were going to, and had to, crash when a disease was keeping people from leaving their homes.

Conversely, we had to supplement the economy with spending to keep things afloat.

And now, we'll have inflation because of it.

All of this was inevitable, to some degree.

Title: Re: Why I am happy about the midterm results
Post by: DenverFinFan on November 17, 2022, 01:42:46 pm
COVID was going to tank the economy regardless.  The response may have affected the depths of despair, consumer confidence and length of recovery.  ...but there was an economic reality that things were going to, and had to, crash when a disease was keeping people from leaving their homes.

Conversely, we had to supplement the economy with spending to keep things afloat.

And now, we'll have inflation because of it.

All of this was inevitable, to some degree.

Definitely. Had he sad this and been honest he probably wins. Hell may even get a bump if he honestly talks about the hardships and realities to come while doing everything possible to mitigate damages.

Title: Re: Why I am happy about the midterm results
Post by: dolphins4life on November 17, 2022, 01:52:58 pm
Trump couldn't have done anything more to prevent Covid.

It would be the same under Biden

Title: Re: Why I am happy about the midterm results
Post by: Dave Gray on November 17, 2022, 03:04:04 pm
Trump couldn't have done anything more to prevent Covid.

It would be the same under Biden

Legislatively, I don't think Trump was a failure with COVID.  He did pretty much what you could ask.  Is was his messaging to his own people.  A lot of death could be prevented if he had signaled clear and consistent support for getting the vaccine, masking in public, and social distancing/picking your spots.  It probably made the danger last longer and get worse than it needed be.  And it disproportionally killed more people that didn't take it seriously.

Desantis was similar here in Florida.  He didn't do anything particularly terrible with the rules -- he just was dismissive of the things that mitigate it, and his supporters followed suit.

Trump particularly viewed recognition of the pandemic as bad for him personally.  Some people would think that, but they'd have been wrong.  Like I said, a dip in the economy was inevitable.  Because he pointed to the economy as his own creation, its slipping, he felt, would reflect poorly on him.  So, he pretended the pandemic wasn't a big deal.  In the long run, it probably hurt the economy worse than it otherwise would have.

Title: Re: Why I am happy about the midterm results
Post by: dolphins4life on November 17, 2022, 03:38:12 pm

This article, while trying to criticize Trump, actually seems to prove his greatness as president

1) It confirms the economy did boom, and the inflation under Biden has soared (even though Trump did exaggerate).  Just because the boom was higher under other presidents doesn't mean it didn't boom under him.

2) It confirms that Trump did secure our borders while Biden opened them.  440,000 to 2.3 million illegal crossings.  (again, Trump does exaggerate, the numbers).  However, the article clearly shows that he did secure the borders, as he promised to do.

3) It shows that we clearly achieved much greater energy independence.  The author simply criticizes him for exaggerating that we became FULLY energy independent.  We didn't, but we achieved a much greater level of energy independence.

4) It proves he did get money from China, though not to the level he claims.

So in summary, the author of this article claims that Trump did some amazing things as President, but because he exaggerated them, they don't count.    

Economy and Energy

The author of this piece confirms that

- Inflation and gas prices have surged under the Biden administration
- The Strategic Petroleum Reserve has been drained under Biden.  It was much more full under Trump

Immigration and Border Security

The author of this piece confirms that

- Trump instituted hard-line immigration policies that sharply reduced illegal immigration
- Under Biden, illegal immigration has increased by about 4 or 5 times

Foreign Policy

The author of this piece confirms that

- ISIS suffered territorial losses under Trump

The media bias against him is amazing for the all the great work he did as President

Title: Re: Why I am happy about the midterm results
Post by: Spider-Dan on November 17, 2022, 08:37:11 pm
Legislatively, I don't think Trump was a failure with COVID.  He did pretty much what you could ask.  Is was his messaging to his own people.  A lot of death could be prevented if he had signaled clear and consistent support for getting the vaccine, masking in public, and social distancing/picking your spots.  It probably made the danger last longer and get worse than it needed be.  And it disproportionally killed more people that didn't take it seriously.
Hard disagree.

1) He downplayed and politicized the virus, telling the whole country (not just "his people") that it wasn't serious and was a political stunt.  This caused Americans to be resistant to steps like masking, not least because he himself refused to wear one (and said it made the wearer look "weak").
2) His corrupt and incompetent administration actively interfered with attempts to mitigate the virus.  Not only did they NOT help, they seized ( critical medical supplies ( so they could resell them to the highest bidder (
3) Trump himself repeatedly interfered ( with the CDC's efforts to inform the public and set public policy.

Again, there is a reason why the United States of America had the worst COVID response on the planet despite being the wealthiest nation on earth.  It wasn't bad luck or an unhealthy population.  It was rank incompetence and corruption, from the very top.

Title: Re: Why I am happy about the midterm results
Post by: dolphins4life on November 17, 2022, 09:13:19 pm
Hard disagree.

1) He downplayed and politicized the virus, telling the whole country (not just "his people") that it wasn't serious and was a political stunt.  This caused Americans to be resistant to steps like masking, not least because he himself refused to wear one (and said it made the wearer look "weak").
2) His corrupt and incompetent administration actively interfered with attempts to mitigate the virus.  Not only did they NOT help, they seized ( critical medical supplies ( so they could resell them to the highest bidder (
3) Trump himself repeatedly interfered ( with the CDC's efforts to inform the public and set public policy.

Again, there is a reason why the United States of America had the worst COVID response on the planet despite being the wealthiest nation on earth.  It wasn't bad luck or an unhealthy population.  It was rank incompetence and corruption, from the very top.

Not sure how much of that is on him.  Republicans would have not taken the virus seriously anyway, so he had to do what he needed to do to appeal to his base.

Anyway, Spider, I was REALLY looking forward to your commentary on the article I posted, which tries to criticize his policies, but actually shows how effective they were.

Care to answer?

Title: Re: Why I am happy about the midterm results
Post by: Spider-Dan on November 17, 2022, 09:47:17 pm
All of it is on him.  And Republicans would have taken the virus seriously if he had told them to, but even if they wouldn't, he should have done it anyway because it was the correct and moral thing to do.

Your analysis of the article is literally the opposite of what it directly says, so there isn't much to discuss.

Title: Re: Why I am happy about the midterm results
Post by: dolphins4life on November 17, 2022, 10:05:58 pm
All of it is on him.  And Republicans would have taken the virus seriously if he had told them to, but even if they wouldn't, he should have done it anyway because it was the correct and moral thing to do.

Your analysis of the article is literally the opposite of what it directly says, so there isn't much to discuss.

The article shows that he

- Created a booming economy with no inflation
- Secured our borders
- Helped us become energy independence

The article simply says he exaggerates the extent of these accomplishments.

Are you saying he DIDN'T secure our borders?

I will return to the GOP in 2024 if they have stopped disrespecting healthcare workers by then.

Illegal Immigration under Trump:  440,000

Under Biden:  2.3 MILLION

Title: Re: Why I am happy about the midterm results
Post by: dolphins4life on November 17, 2022, 10:12:47 pm
All of it is on him.  And Republicans would have taken the virus seriously if he had told them to, but even if they wouldn't, he should have done it anyway because it was the correct and moral thing to do.

Your analysis of the article is literally the opposite of what it directly says, so there isn't much to discuss.

The article directly says he that he created a booming economy, helped us become more energy independent, and helped secure our borders.  It merely says that Trump exaggerated the scope of these accomplishments.

My case is that they are still great accomplishments that shows how great of a president he was.