Title: Documentary - Died Suddenly Post by: CF DolFan on December 13, 2022, 10:02:26 am I'm not expecting to change anyone's opinion but I think it would be careless to not share this video. My wife and I watched it last night and although many of the things I already knew there were some new revelations. Some of the scenes were pretty disturbing which may be reason enough to get some of you to watch.
Obvioulsy big pharma is saying no link to the vaccines but one thing no one is denying and that's for the last 18 months embalmers across the country have been observing many large ‘fibrous’ and rubbery clots inside the corpses they treat “clots are lacking key elements present in healthy human blood [...] suggesting that they are formed from something other than blood” https://diedsuddenly.info/ Title: Re: Documentary - Died Suddenly Post by: MyGodWearsAHoodie on December 13, 2022, 12:41:50 pm Calling this a documentary is the equivalent as calling "The Victory of Faith" or "Birth of a Nation" a documentary.
Title: Re: Documentary - Died Suddenly Post by: Dave Gray on December 13, 2022, 12:58:52 pm "Peters produced two anti-vaccine films released in 2022: Watch the Water, which claims that COVID-19 vaccines are derived from snake venom in order to transform people into "a hybrid of Satan",[6][7] and Died Suddenly, which promotes misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines and Great Reset conspiracy theories."
No thanks. Title: Re: Documentary - Died Suddenly Post by: Spider-Dan on December 13, 2022, 01:49:37 pm CF, when you say stuff like "it would be careless to not share this video" you deal much more damage to your own position than we ever could.
I mean, I guess there might be some reasonable and measured anti-vaccine viewpoints out there... but this definitely ain't it. This guy is a moon landing was faked-level conspiracy nut. Title: Re: Documentary - Died Suddenly Post by: CF DolFan on December 13, 2022, 02:50:25 pm CF, when you say stuff like "it would be careless to not share this video" you deal much more damage to your own position than we ever could. There is a lot in this video including legit doctors (Lieutenant Colonels). One of the invetigative journalist guys has offered 2 million dollars if anyone at the CDC or government will debate him on real statistics. Not to win ... just debate him. If the release of the twitter files hasn't proven to you that things get covered up then you aren't paying attention. I mean, I guess there might be some reasonable and measured anti-vaccine viewpoints out there... but this definitely ain't it. This guy is a moon landing was faked-level conspiracy nut. Regardless of who did what in the last 18 months a healthy person suddenly dying has increased dramatically and these new fiberous clots are turning up in dead people all ver the world. Both of those are facts. The only thing disputable is if the vaccine is causing it. These are the clots and they aren't made of blood. BTW ... this is from an article stating no evidence linking it vaccine but they do not deny they have recently started showing up. (https://healthfeedback.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/PlasticBronchitis_Cast_1.jpg) On a seperate not there is a lot of video footage of people just suddenly dying. Looking around the room with raised arms and just falling down dead while they were doing nromal activities. A few of them fell into trains which begs to question if people are really pushing people into trains or are they just falling over dead? Title: Re: Documentary - Died Suddenly Post by: Spider-Dan on December 13, 2022, 04:26:03 pm CF, I strongly suggest you stay away from the videos discussing how the moon landing was faked, as they may present a compelling viewpoint to you.
It's funny how the anti-vax conspiracy nuts will push past the million-plus dead COVID victims to point at some supposed vaccine deaths. How many deaths are being claimed in this "documentary"... a hundred? A thousand? Ten thousand? A hundred thousand? All are far less than the number of confirmed COVID deaths in America: the nation with the worst COVID response on the planet. And for this distinction, we can primarily thank people like the crank who made this fake documentary, and the uncritical partisans who forward it to everyone on their friend list. Title: Re: Documentary - Died Suddenly Post by: Spider-Dan on December 13, 2022, 07:57:31 pm In other well-timed current events:
https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1602697517476548614 America's most pro-COVID Governor Ronnie D. has convened an anti-vax roundtable, in which his quack surgeon general amplifies the "COVID vaccines are dangerous" lies. Pretty strange how the countries where regional political leaders did NOT vilify vaccines all had better COVID outcomes than the US! An unsolvable mystery, I'm sure. Title: Re: Documentary - Died Suddenly Post by: Sunstroke on December 14, 2022, 08:54:47 am Two words: "Hot" and "Garbage." |